mabey we could have a top-scratchers list. were it lists all the members best to worst or maybe the top 100? that way people could track how good they are. I would like to know how good I'M DOING. i SORTA STINK sorry, capslock was on.
Well, we have the top loved list. I think that is a good way to see how "good" a person is.
The thing is if you had that members that wouldn't be on the list they might get discouraged.
And many of the best scratchers are not noticed, so don't make the "top-loved" list or any other list. Scratch isn't about competition with others, it is about making the best games and videos that you can, and getting better through practice and learning how others do things.
There is such a wide range of things people can create with Scratch that it's impossible and maybe not so useful to try to come up with a ranking. Plus imagine how hurtful it would be to have people classified as the worst?
It's like asking who the best musician. There are so many types of music that it would be hard to pick one. I can tell you who my favorite musicians are but that doesn't mean they are the best, they are just the best for me and even between them it all depends on the mood I am what I choose to listen.
So hopefully you will find YOUR own favorite Scratchers, enjoy their project and maybe learn a thing or two from them!