I was in the forums, and somthing didn't look right. sombody called jefftd77 had 9 posts and had a signature with an ad for somthing called "White rock real estate" I think this might be somthing wrong with the server, or jefftd77 is a spammer. I'm not trying to blame jefftd77 for doing anything wrong, it might have just been scratch's mistake. But sombody should look at this! Heres the URL: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=179943#p179943
EDIT: I was looking at more of his posts, and thats the only one with a signature! None of the other ones!
Last edited by coolperson (2009-08-05 17:43:55)
It's a fake signature.
SmartIrishKid wrote:
It's a fake signature.
Then how did he make the line?
Yeah and he can always put that at the bottom... So it's A FAKE!!!!
Thanks, everybody!
When I was new to the forums (I didn't use the forums till quite a while after I joined Scratch), I didn't know much about signatures. So what did I do? I faked it. Stupid me...
fg123 wrote:
you can tell because you can highlight the line. if its a real sig, you cant. try it!
Didn't notice that!
Jonathanpb wrote:
When I was new to the forums (I didn't use the forums till quite a while after I joined Scratch), I didn't know much about signatures. So what did I do? I faked it. Stupid me...
I only faked mine... About 50 times...
The-Whiz wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
When I was new to the forums (I didn't use the forums till quite a while after I joined Scratch), I didn't know much about signatures. So what did I do? I faked it. Stupid me...
I only faked mine... About 50 times...
I was at the forums. Started with 7 posts and never came back. After a while I got bored and just posted. I realized that there are some good topics and I posted and posted. Then, I saw a topic saying about signatures. It said if I had 50 posts, I could get one. I checked how much posts I had. 50. I was like wowowowowowow!!!! Now, I have 340 as of this post by either being helpful, or making a topic in Inspiration and More: SPAM! and spam there for more posts. Also, STUPID IPOD!
PS. Who hates the "Wait one minute before making another post" rule? I sure do.
PS. (2) Is this my longest post? No wait, it isnt.
I'm going to double-fake...
This is my first fake sig.
This is my second fake sig.
It looks really fake when they post it before they get 50 posts.
See my awesome game! Play here!
Yeah, because the line isn't as long!
fake !
it works
Yes, alot of people have told me that.
EDIT: This is my 500th post! YAY!
Last edited by coolperson (2009-08-11 11:00:43)