In the all about scratch forum there are about 12 stickied threads that are all tutorials or guides. Why not make one scratch help megathread that has links to all the helpful guides and tutorials?
That is a great idea!
I like fact I think I started one many months ago. But it wasn't stickied and it got buried. Maybe I can find it and dust it off...
nice idea~
Paddle2See wrote:
I like fact I think I started one many months ago. But it wasn't stickied and it got buried. Maybe I can find it and dust it off...
Hmm, the "All About Scratch" forums is overcrowded with sticky threads (I just realized it's now 16 stickies; I made it worse by adding two stickies :sweatdrop:), it would be nice to get them unstickied.
I'm hoping Paddle2See can find his thread so the forum can be clear of cluttered sticky thread (especially in the "All About Scratch" forum). If he doesn't find it, maybe I could create one.
I hope that this gets approved... it's a great idea! Topics in the All About Scratch category don't get seen as much, because of the stickies. There are not many topics you can see in the first page; there are tons of stickies hogging it.
cheddargirl wrote:
Hmm, the "All About Scratch" forums is overcrowded with sticky threads (I just realized it's now 16 stickies; I made it worse by adding two stickies :sweatdrop:), it would be nice to get them unstickied.
I'm hoping Paddle2See can find his thread so the forum can be clear of cluttered sticky thread (especially in the "All About Scratch" forum). If he doesn't find it, maybe I could create one.
I wouldn't unstikie them, It might make the people who started the topincs might feel bad if that happened. I'd just go through with his idea.
cheddargirl wrote:
I just realized it's now 16 stickies; I made it worse by adding two stickies :sweatdrop:), it would be nice to get them unstickied.
Don't feel bad cheddar, those two topics definitely deserved to be stickied in my opinion. There's lots of good information in those posts. There are some other older sticky posts that are unneeded i think. If you think they are. maybe some of them could be moved to a more appropriate forum. (velocity and scrolling tutorials in "advanced topics" forum) Just a suggestion..
-db- wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
I just realized it's now 16 stickies; I made it worse by adding two stickies :sweatdrop:), it would be nice to get them unstickied.
Don't feel bad cheddar, those two topics definitely deserved to be stickied in my opinion. There's lots of good information in those posts. There are some other older sticky posts that are unneeded i think. If you think they are. maybe some of them could be moved to a more appropriate forum. (velocity and scrolling tutorials in "advanced topics" forum) Just a suggestion..
I'm not quite sure if they fall under the categories of advanced topics. I'd probably just create a tutorial-themed megathread and add links to them there.
At this point, however, I'll wait and see about Paddle2See's search on his long lost thread before doing anything just yet.