Hey everybody! (I'm like Dr.NIck from The simpsons because I start all my posts with "hey evrybody!") Ok, back to the topic. Why hasnt scratch ever advertised? 9/10 of every person I know has no idea what the heck scratch is. If scratch advertised on sites like facebook, tons of people would come running to the site. But then again, If we advertised on sites like facebook, thered be more bullying. But why not in magazines like Nintendo Power? That would get tons and tons of people! Or, maybe google? I could go on, and on about places to advertise, so never mind that. But seriusly. Like everybodys been saying, scratch is dying. So what scratch needs is a big surge of new members. But to keep the members, we'd all have to stop making games where you don't do anything. I told one of my friends about scratch, and the next time I talked to him he said "Scratch is lame! All the games are horrible!" The reason he said that, was because he saw one game without even one script. Now, if he had seen a really good project, he might have said: "Scratch is awesome! I'm working on a really cool scroller right now, I should have it out soon!" But thats not how he answered. So think about that!
Last edited by coolperson (2009-07-27 17:03:16)
boogawk wrote:
Say... Good Idea!
Thank you!
This is a good idea. There is one conflict. Money. You have to pay for advertising. Scratch is already paying to bring scratch to you for free. Be happy that you get what someone is paying for free. Advertising is good, but it can be costly.
Acually i know a good site that might charge them little since the site is so small and they just added "Advertising" In the site Its called www.Playcrafter.com and there is a place where you can sign up for it
Coka is right: It takes money to advertise. Websites take money to run, so the owners usually charge money for people to advertise (sites like Wikipedia take donations).
As for the fact about Scratch dying, that's not true. If you look at the statistics on the front page, you can see them rising.
No way is Scratch going to be advertising. It just wouldn't be the same... Scratch can support itself. It doesn't need a lot of members either... Scratch doesn't have to keep on getting new members for it to survive too.
this is a good idea but most likely not going to happen for a while
I think Scratch has enough dedicated Scratchers that even if no new members ever join, Scratch will keep on scratching? until everyone's dead. And that's not going to happen anytime soon, maybe a hundred years? and new members are always joining.
JSO wrote:
wow! thats awesome!