The Guild of Scratch Kinghts is a union of 5 virtual countries, Scoandiva, Juunceque, Gordanca, Wenpebo, and Titi. See the map of these counrties I am king of Wenpebo and founder of the GSK. To become a member of GSK download this project: and fill it out for yourself.Then share it. Add your project to the GSK gallery or add a link o it here and I'll review it. Can't share? Just type the info in this forum!
Jobs: You can choose to be a duke, a merchant, a smith, a knight , a miner ect.) freely. I'm allowing a limted few to become Kings, Queens, Princes, or Princesses of a country. You must have my permission to become one.
Weapons/tools: Depending on your job you have either a sword or an axe.
Crest: Desighn a crest to represent yourself.
Country: Choose any country to become a citizen of.
Add aditional info on your application.
Hail and Farewell,
Last edited by Jacobo (2007-11-06 05:59:33)
Marie 101, you have been accepted on the Guild of Scratch Kinghts as Princess of Titi. Being Princess of Titi, it has been placed in you r hands to decorate the casle of Titi. Do so using the following project (no link yet). you will need to type your username to decorate the castle. Once you have decorated it, post it and that will be the castle of Titi. A map of Titi will also be provided: . Wa also present you with a trusty steed.
Last edited by Jacobo (2007-11-04 18:51:14)
Lanie624, you have been accepted on the Guild of Scratch Kinghts as Queen of Gordonca. Being Queen of Gordonca, it has been placed in your hands to creat a SMALL constitution for your country. (See for example) Also, using the map of Gordonca ( ) make 3min-5max cities and one capital in Gordonca. (See for example)
Hail and Fairwel,
Last edited by Jacobo (2007-11-05 06:46:59)
Wow, sounds fun!! What do we do, anyways?
Megaboy wrote:
Can I be a the Prankster of Gordanca, Please!!!
Sure. Download an application: I'd prefer it if you were the jester of Gordanca but you can be whatever you want.
Last edited by Jacobo (2007-12-05 15:14:23)
Thank you, I will be a king of Scoandiva. Listen fellow people (well none at the moment). I will be your ruler, aiming for wealthy lives, to be honoured and to honour. You will live in piece with King Scoandiva. Lody Scoandiver is my proper name. Thank you fellow Scoandivians, and good day to you all.
i want to be prince of Wenpebo (or any other country). i couldnt figure out how to get everything onto one project, so...
here is my avatar:
here is my sword:
here's my trusty steed:
is there anything else i need?
Jacobo wrote:
Your links aren't working and I can't find your projects in "Your Stuff".
oh ya, i took them off because someone said that there wasnt really a guild of scratch knghts anymore.