Hi. Yes, I'm ten. I've been programming in another language for several months but decided to take a break and do scratch . Check out my projects for my profile and mail me any questions or anything. Ciao.
i was just joking im 16 xD
and im bad at programming
Blade-Edge wrote:
so wut im only 6 years old
Blade-Edge wrote:
i was just joking im 16 xD
and im bad at programming
lol i was like, what?
Hi! ^^
Welcome to Scratch Xerelius! It is so awesome that you decided to check out Scratch, cuz Scratch is gooooodd!! xD
Hope you like it here and have a lot of fun.
fantasytales_test wrote:
Blade-Edge wrote:
so wut im only 6 years old
Blade-Edge wrote:
i was just joking im 16 xD
and im bad at programminglol i was like, what?
LOL. Would explain your great drawing skills! I was "O_o"ing at the art for a bit, there!
you will love scratch. and welcome
scratch on
Xerelius wrote:
Hi. Yes, I'm ten. I've been programming in another language for several months but decided to take a break and do scratch . Check out my projects for my profile and mail me any questions or anything. Ciao.
Hi, I'm the same age as you, but are you skipping a grade?
I think you'll find scratch to be a nice break; yet at the same time a challenge: to try and duplicate the functions in your other programming language, which scratch doesn't have.
P.s. Which language is it? Just curious.
P.p.s My Brother is also 10, and he didn't have the patience to even make any scripts... Only costumes!
I started when I was 10... I think... Maybe...
My first project was an okay game... Not the best, but okay for a beginner...
My younger brother started when he was 7? I think. But he made a couple projects (Mostly me programming and him telling me what to do.
lol! I'm not even born yet!
im 11 !
Welcome to scratch.
I'm here more for the animation mostly because I fail at programing.
Also, I'm a year older than God. :3
Last edited by Half-Wolf-Leader (2009-07-25 23:21:31)