I've noticed that several scratch mambers have icons that move, change color, or somthing else. I would like to make one, but I don't know how. Can anybody help me?
you mean avatars? just sure animated gif 150x150 (or whatever the parameters are)
then choose one you like
mines really good, and no one else knows where to find it
geoff10730 wrote:
I've noticed that several scratch mambers have icons that move, change color, or somthing else. I would like to make one, but I don't know how. Can anybody help me?
Well, if you're interested in a self-customized animated avatar, you may want to consider downloading a good image editor (such as GIMP, which is free to download) and finding a tutorial designing an animated .gif image in that specific editor.
Does anybody Know a way other than using GIMP?
just get a bunch of images that you want one after another then use Picasion
I would recommended GIFNinja but Picasion lets you put more then 5 images