okay, post your ideas and help for new users! and most of all, welcome them! my help idea here is scripts and sprites! sprites are these pictures that are on the stage and you can animat them by adding scripts to them. now about scripts, scripts are like these aniamtion things that warn sprites what to do next. its just nearly like your in a play and you read your script and it says what you have to say. Now, users, post your tips for new users here.
Here are some tips for the complete beginner. Anyone with a bit of experience will know these already.
o Remember to double click blocks/scripts to run- so you can experiment without needing an event to start them!
o Try doing the above on different motion blocks. It is very easy to see what they do there!
o Remember what different block shapes are:
<if on edge, bounce>: Does something (command)
<x position>: Holds the value of a number or text. (value)
<mouse down?>: Holds the value of either true or false. (boolean)
<end>: does something with a set of command blocks (the ones that 'do something'). These blocks are called 'bars.'
<when green flag clicked>: these start scripts. (hats)
o Remember how blocks fit together:
-Command blocks snap onto each other in a 'stack' of them.
-Bars snap on in the same way.
-You can put other blocks inside bars.
-A white, round input area in a block allows you to type in a number.
-You can also drag value blocks into these spaces.
-A hexagonal darker shape is for inserting boolean blocks. You can't type into these.
-hats go at the top
o Try to get into a habit of using comments. That way, you remember what each part of each script does.
o add a comment by right-clicking the scripts pane.
You can also try my Streak Online Visual Interface help.
It is still very beta; and a lot only works in Chrome (and maybe firefox & safari?)
Also, it is for Streak, not scratch.
But the two are similar enough that this should help scratch newbies.