Im hoping someone out there could help me out with my game project im making a sorta space invader game where im trying to find a script that'll make my sprite move along the screen in a straight line and when it gets to edge of screen move down a few steps then back along the screen, but I also want teh sprite to randomly drop down the screen! Is this possible? Any help would be much appreciated.
here's one way to do it:
when i receive [spawn guy v] go to x: [-200] y: [150] repeat until <(y position) < [-149] > repeat until <touching [edge v]?> change x by [25] repeat [10] check if hit end if <(pick random [1] to [20]) = [1]> change y by [-50] end end change x by [-25] change y by [-50] repeat until <touching [edge v]?> change x by [-25] repeat [10] check if hit end if <(pick random [1] to [20]) = [1]> change y by [-50] end end change x by [25] change y by [-50] end