I am working on a quiz game for a school project. I want there to be 2 different modes. One mode subtracts points when you get one wrong, and adds them when you get them right, but u can't correct your answer. The other one lets you correct your mistakes but doesn't let you go on without the right answer. it also doesn't have a score.
dracae wrote:
I'll help you with this problem, but I have a small question.
Couldn't someone just randomly guess on the second mode?
Well the they are math questions so no. They would get them wrong
this is what i have
when gf clicked ask [what is your name?] and wait say (join (answer) [. That is a nice name]) for (3) secs ask [what is 200-175] and wait
Ok, I get it.
(Meh, I tried writing an explaination, but it got confusing even for me to read! D: )
Can you post what you have so far?
Sorry for my lack of comprehensive writing...
Ayways, I have to go to this thing, I get back to you later!
Braeden5454 wrote:
The other one lets you correct your mistakes but doesn't let you go on without the right answer. it also doesn't have a score.
I can answer that
when gf clicked repeat until <(answer) = [107]> ask [What's 214-107?] and wait if <(answer) = [107]> else say [Try again!] for (2) secs end end say [Correct!] for (2) secsand so on.