so spoonflower is a website where you can upload images and then they will let you buy it, and after you buy a sample you can sell it.
I love it. so much.
does anyone else use this? later I'm planning to maybe make some serious patterns but I dunno, I'm not that good at tiling things (or, you know, drawing things people will spend money on). also, I have no money.
yeah - you upload a picture (preferably tiling) and you can either just buy it yourself as either a fabric, gift wrap, wallpaper, or decal, or you can buy some and then sell it to the general public - you need to buy at least a sample swatch first, to make sure the colors turned out ok.
Sellout wrote:
I'm definitely going to use this, I'm just not sure for what yet
same, the first two patterns are just to see if it actually works the way I thought it did (it does), but I was thinking maybe over the summer I could work on some kind of print? I don't have any money to buy samples, though, and I kind of doubt anyone would actually buy them.
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i love friday ,i can relax in the day