When I start the game and click on level 1 the things that are supposed to broadcast & hide dont appear/disappear. And I cant move anything. On scratch it works can someone help me please? I tried changing up the scripts to try to make things work but I've had no improvement
I have flash though!
So would any mathematical error not effect the online performance. I always have to add a (x)+(.0000001) to an equation either involving number/variable if the variable can be zero or (sqrt of)[abs v] of(variable) if the variable can be <1. You stated the division by zero is not affected, but what about square root?
Last edited by chanmanpartyman (2012-03-30 22:05:48)
i have a project that doesn't work online. check it out. i dunno what the problem is.
when gf clicked repeat until <(love-its) > [9000]> go to [my projects] wait until <(love-it button) = [clicked]> change [love-its] by (1) end say [Yey!] for (2) secs
Try the new Flash player! It comes with Turbo Mode too!
On version 39 of the Java Player, the
change [color v] effect by ()affects the hue of the color white, changing its shade. If the color effect of the Scratch Cat is set to 100, for example, the color white is slightly tinted cyan-blue.
Paddle2See wrote:
walrusninja wrote:
I'm working on a gun simulation. It works fine in Scratch, but I don't understand why it doesn't work online. I'll show you an example with 2 sprites and their code.
Sprites: ammo1, tnt (size: 60x60, location: x -1, y -111)
ammo1 code:
when [space] key pressed
if <touching [sprite2]?>
change size by {-30}
play sound [M1 Garand Single]
wait {0.25} secs
go to [gatlinggun]
change y by {9}
change x by {30}
glide {0.08} secs to x: {0} y:{-110}
if <touching [tnt]?>
stop script
glide {0.06} secs to x: {80} y: {-110}
tnt code:
when [space] key pressed
wait until <touching [ammo1]?>
switch to costume [costume2]
wait {0.1} secs
switch to costume [costume3]
wait {0.1} secs
switch to costume [costume4]
wait {0.2} secs
stop script
According to the interaction between the code, when ammo1 touches tnt, tnt goes into a costume animation, which is an explosion. That works in the program, not not online. Can someone help?You might be hiding Ammo before the tnt has had a chance to sense it. Timing works differently online than in the native Scratch environment. It would be much safer to just have one sprite detect the collision and have it send a Broadcast message to alert the other sprite, rather than having each sprite try to sense separately.
No such block exists yet.
Paddle2See wrote:
cruelty247 wrote:
ummm sorry if this is spamming but why in my project advancedcombat v1 you fall through the ground online (the sensing works offline)
I would try increasing the thickness of the purple line that you are using for a bottom touching sensor. You currently have it a single pixel wide and then the costume is reduced to 55%...it could be that the online player is rounding that off to zero pixels for the display. Try doubling the thickness and see if that helps.
Java can't round numbers properly.
Thanks for the guide Paddle!
DsGameMaker wrote:
If only we were in a world in which scratch projects react the same way online and offline!
Scratch 2.0 will be like that.
3sal2 wrote:
DsGameMaker wrote:
If only we were in a world in which scratch projects react the same way online and offline!
Scratch 2.0 will be like that.
i sure hope so
I actually found a great performance increase in using the in browser ver. compared to the download ver. . You have to remember that if your project is running slow in the download of scratch it WILL run faster online. On the other hand though if it runs fast offline it will run unbelievably fast in browser. The computer in use also can change how a project runs in browser so if you are running a slow PC, it will be faster on a greater PC.
Hope this helped,
reemalbassam wrote:
When I start the game and click on level 1 the things that are supposed to broadcast & hide dont appear/disappear. And I cant move anything. On scratch it works can someone help me please? I tried changing up the scripts to try to make things work but I've had no improvement
You can only move things around in Scratch without script.
How do you program a password?
when gf clicked repeat until <(entered) = (password)> ask [password?] and wait if <(entered) = (password)> say [Correct!] for (2) secs end else say [Incorrect!] for (2) secs end end broadcast [Access Granted v]:-)
when I receive [Access Granted v]For what the sprites or stage do after the correct password is inserted.
bosox397 wrote:
No not those hide show blocks. The hide variable/show variable blocks. also loudness doesn't work onliine
true when I played a project with volume on it the volume didn't change