You can post patches that you make here so that other people can use them.
This one gives you obsolete blocks:
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 26 February 2013 at 7:13:54 pm'! !ScriptableScratchMorph class methodsFor: 'block specs'! blockSpecs | t1 | t1 _ #('control' ('when %m clicked' #S #-) ('obsolite!!' #- #yourself) ('obsolite!!' #r #yourself) ('obsolite!!' #b #yourself) ('when %k key pressed' #K #-) ('when %m clicked' #M #-) #- ('wait %n secs' #t #wait:elapsed:from: 1) #- ('forever' #c #doForever) ('repeat %n' #c #doRepeat 10) #- ('broadcast %e' #- #broadcast:) ('broadcast %e and wait' #s #doBroadcastAndWait) ('when I receive %e' #E #-) #- ('forever if %b' #c #doForeverIf) ('if %b' #c #doIf) ('if %b' #c #doIfElse) ('wait until %b' #s #doWaitUntil) ('repeat until %b' #c #doUntil) #- ('stop script' #s #doReturn) ('stop all' #- #stopAll) 'operators' ('%n + %n' #r #+ #- #-) ('%n - %n' #r #- #- #-) ('%n * %n' #r #* #- #-) ('%n / %n' #r #/ #- #-) #- ('pick random %n to %n' #r #randomFrom:to: 1 10) #- ('%s < %s' #b #< '' '') ('%s = %s' #b #= '' '') ('%s > %s' #b #> '' '') #- ('%b and %b' #b #&) ('%b or %b' #b #|) ('not %b' #b #not) #- ('join %s %s' #r #concatenate:with: 'hello ' 'world') ('letter %n of %s' #r #letter:of: 1 'world') ('length of %s' #r #stringLength: 'world') #- ('%n mod %n' #r #\\ #- #-) ('round %n' #r #rounded #-) #- ('%f of %n' #r #computeFunction:of: 'sqrt' 10) 'sound' ('play sound %S' #- #playSound:) ('play sound %S until done' #s #doPlaySoundAndWait) ('stop all sounds' #- #stopAllSounds) #- ('play drum %D for %n beats' #t #drum:duration:elapsed:from: 48 0.2) ('rest for %n beats' #t #rest:elapsed:from: 0.2) #- ('play note %N for %n beats' #t #noteOn:duration:elapsed:from: 60 0.5) ('set instrument to %I' #- #midiInstrument: 1) #- ('change volume by %n' #- #changeVolumeBy: -10) ('set volume to %n%' #- #setVolumeTo: 100) ('volume' #r #volume) #- ('change tempo by %n' #- #changeTempoBy: 20) ('set tempo to %n bpm' #- #setTempoTo: 60) ('tempo' #r #tempo) 'motor' ('motor on for %n secs' #t #motorOnFor:elapsed:from: 1) ('motor on' #- #allMotorsOn) ('motor off' #- #allMotorsOff) ('motor power %n' #- #startMotorPower: 100) ('motor direction %W' #- #setMotorDirection: 'this way') 'variables' ('show variable %v' #- #showVariable:) ('hide variable %v' #- #hideVariable:) 'list' ('add %s to %L' #- #append:toList: 'thing') #- ('delete %y of %L' #- #deleteLine:ofList: 1) ('insert %s at %i of %L' #- #insert:at:ofList: 'thing' 1) ('replace item %i of %L with %s' #- #setLine:ofList:to: 1 'list' 'thing') #- ('item %i of %L' #r #getLine:ofList: 1) ('length of %L' #r #lineCountOfList:) ('%L contains %s' #b #list:contains: 'list' 'thing') ). ^ t1 , self obsoleteBlockSpecs! !
Feel free to request something.
Last edited by machinespray (2013-03-14 18:29:41)
Mesh without Shift:
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 1 March 2013 at 6:59:14 am'! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! addServerCommandsTo: t1 | t2 t3 | t2 _ false. t2 ifTrue: [^ self]. t1 addLine. (workPane scratchServer notNil and: [workPane scratchServer sessionInProgress]) ifTrue: [t1 add: 'Show IP Address' action: #showNetworkAddress. t3 _ workPane scratchServer isHosting ifTrue: ['Stop Hosting Mesh'] ifFalse: ['Leave Mesh']. t1 add: t3 action: #exitScratchSession] ifFalse: [t1 add: 'Host Mesh' action: #startHostingScratchSession. t1 add: 'Join Mesh' action: #joinScratchSession]! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! shareMenu: t1 | t2 | t2 _ CustomMenu new. t2 add: 'Share This Project Online' action: #share. t2 add: 'Go To Scratch Website' action: #launchScratchWebsite. Sensor shiftPressed ifFalse: [self addServerCommandsTo: t2]. t2 localize. #(1 2 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3) copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1) , ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix]. t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! !
feel free to use these in mods just remeber credit
Do I just copy and paste these into a workspace then 'file it in'?
shadowmouse wrote:
Do I just copy and paste these into a workspace then 'file it in'?
machinespray wrote:
Mesh without Shift:
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 1 March 2013 at 6:59:14 am'! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! addServerCommandsTo: t1 | t2 t3 | t2 _ false. t2 ifTrue: [^ self]. t1 addLine. (workPane scratchServer notNil and: [workPane scratchServer sessionInProgress]) ifTrue: [t1 add: 'Show IP Address' action: #showNetworkAddress. t3 _ workPane scratchServer isHosting ifTrue: ['Stop Hosting Mesh'] ifFalse: ['Leave Mesh']. t1 add: t3 action: #exitScratchSession] ifFalse: [t1 add: 'Host Mesh' action: #startHostingScratchSession. t1 add: 'Join Mesh' action: #joinScratchSession]! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! shareMenu: t1 | t2 | t2 _ CustomMenu new. t2 add: 'Share This Project Online' action: #share. t2 add: 'Go To Scratch Website' action: #launchScratchWebsite. self addServerCommandsTo: t2. t2 localize. #(1 2 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3) copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1) , ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix]. t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! !
Updated version
machinespray wrote:
machinespray wrote:
Mesh without Shift:
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 1 March 2013 at 6:59:14 am'! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! addServerCommandsTo: t1 | t2 t3 | t2 _ false. t2 ifTrue: [^ self]. t1 addLine. (workPane scratchServer notNil and: [workPane scratchServer sessionInProgress]) ifTrue: [t1 add: 'Show IP Address' action: #showNetworkAddress. t3 _ workPane scratchServer isHosting ifTrue: ['Stop Hosting Mesh'] ifFalse: ['Leave Mesh']. t1 add: t3 action: #exitScratchSession] ifFalse: [t1 add: 'Host Mesh' action: #startHostingScratchSession. t1 add: 'Join Mesh' action: #joinScratchSession]! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! shareMenu: t1 | t2 | t2 _ CustomMenu new. t2 add: 'Share This Project Online' action: #share. t2 add: 'Go To Scratch Website' action: #launchScratchWebsite. self addServerCommandsTo: t2. t2 localize. #(1 2 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3) copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1) , ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix]. t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! !Updated version
Request: Could you make one that puts a share menu with these option inot the source code bcause I noticed that it adds these to the share menu, which doesn't exist in the source code. Thanks for all your help.
shadowmouse wrote:
machinespray wrote:
machinespray wrote:
Mesh without Shift:
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 1 March 2013 at 6:59:14 am'! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! addServerCommandsTo: t1 | t2 t3 | t2 _ false. t2 ifTrue: [^ self]. t1 addLine. (workPane scratchServer notNil and: [workPane scratchServer sessionInProgress]) ifTrue: [t1 add: 'Show IP Address' action: #showNetworkAddress. t3 _ workPane scratchServer isHosting ifTrue: ['Stop Hosting Mesh'] ifFalse: ['Leave Mesh']. t1 add: t3 action: #exitScratchSession] ifFalse: [t1 add: 'Host Mesh' action: #startHostingScratchSession. t1 add: 'Join Mesh' action: #joinScratchSession]! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! shareMenu: t1 | t2 | t2 _ CustomMenu new. t2 add: 'Share This Project Online' action: #share. t2 add: 'Go To Scratch Website' action: #launchScratchWebsite. self addServerCommandsTo: t2. t2 localize. #(1 2 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3) copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1) , ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix]. t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! !Updated version
Request: Could you make one that puts a share menu with these option inot the source code bcause I noticed that it adds these to the share menu, which doesn't exist in the source code. Thanks for all your help.
I do not know how to add a extra menu but this one adds it to the edit menu.
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 13 March 2013 at 6:36:31 pm'! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions' stamp: 'BC 3/13/2013 18:22'! addServerCommandsTo: menu "Add Scratch server commands to the given menu." | disable endCmd | disable _ false. "make this true to disable this feature" disable ifTrue: [^ self]. menu addLine. (workPane scratchServer notNil and: [workPane scratchServer sessionInProgress]) ifTrue: [ menu add: 'Show IP Address' action: #showNetworkAddress. endCmd _ workPane scratchServer isHosting ifTrue: ['Stop Hosting Mesh'] ifFalse: ['Leave Mesh']. menu add: endCmd action: #exitScratchSession] ifFalse: [ menu add: 'Host Mesh' action: #startHostingScratchSession. menu add: 'Join Mesh' action: #joinScratchSession]. ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! editMenu: t1 | t2 | t2 _ CustomMenu new. t2 add: 'Undelete' action: #undoTool. self addServerCommandsTo: t2. t2 addLine. ScratchProcess blockHighlightMSecs <= 1 ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Start Single Stepping' action: #toggleSingleStepping] ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Stop Single Stepping' action: #toggleSingleStepping]. t2 add: 'Set Single Stepping' action: #setSingleStepping. t2 addLine. t2 add: 'Compress Sounds' action: #compressSounds. t2 add: 'Compress Images' action: #compressImages. t2 addLine. workPane showMotorBlocks ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Hide Motor Blocks' action: #hideMotorBlocks] ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Show Motor Blocks' action: #showMotorBlocks]. t2 localize. #(3 4 5 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3) copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1) , ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix]. t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! !
P.S. Thanks for the request.
P.P.S I almost figured out how to have a new menu. I might have it done in 2 days.
Last edited by machinespray (2013-03-13 19:45:58)
machinespray wrote:
shadowmouse wrote:
machinespray wrote:
Updated version
Request: Could you make one that puts a share menu with these option inot the source code bcause I noticed that it adds these to the share menu, which doesn't exist in the source code. Thanks for all your help.
I do not know how to add a extra menu but this one adds it to the edit menu.
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 13 March 2013 at 6:36:31 pm'! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions' stamp: 'BC 3/13/2013 18:22'! addServerCommandsTo: menu "Add Scratch server commands to the given menu." | disable endCmd | disable _ false. "make this true to disable this feature" disable ifTrue: [^ self]. menu addLine. (workPane scratchServer notNil and: [workPane scratchServer sessionInProgress]) ifTrue: [ menu add: 'Show IP Address' action: #showNetworkAddress. endCmd _ workPane scratchServer isHosting ifTrue: ['Stop Hosting Mesh'] ifFalse: ['Leave Mesh']. menu add: endCmd action: #exitScratchSession] ifFalse: [ menu add: 'Host Mesh' action: #startHostingScratchSession. menu add: 'Join Mesh' action: #joinScratchSession]. ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! editMenu: t1 | t2 | t2 _ CustomMenu new. t2 add: 'Undelete' action: #undoTool. self addServerCommandsTo: t2. t2 addLine. ScratchProcess blockHighlightMSecs <= 1 ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Start Single Stepping' action: #toggleSingleStepping] ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Stop Single Stepping' action: #toggleSingleStepping]. t2 add: 'Set Single Stepping' action: #setSingleStepping. t2 addLine. t2 add: 'Compress Sounds' action: #compressSounds. t2 add: 'Compress Images' action: #compressImages. t2 addLine. workPane showMotorBlocks ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Hide Motor Blocks' action: #hideMotorBlocks] ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Show Motor Blocks' action: #showMotorBlocks]. t2 localize. #(3 4 5 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3) copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1) , ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix]. t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! !P.S. Thanks for the request.
P.P.S I almost figured out how to have a new menu. I might have it done in 2 days.
never mind here it is
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 13 March 2013 at 7:54:22 pm'! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! addServerCommandsTo: t1 | t2 t3 | t2 _ true. t1 addLine. (workPane scratchServer notNil and: [workPane scratchServer sessionInProgress]) ifTrue: [t1 add: 'Show IP Address' action: #showNetworkAddress. t3 _ workPane scratchServer isHosting ifTrue: ['Stop Hosting Mesh'] ifFalse: ['Leave Mesh']. t1 add: t3 action: #exitScratchSession] ifFalse: [t1 add: 'Host Mesh' action: #startHostingScratchSession. t1 add: 'Join Mesh' action: #joinScratchSession]! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! createMenuPanel | t1 t2 | menuPanel _ AlignmentMorph new color: Color transparent; centering: #center; inset: 0; height: 0. self addShortcutButtonsTo: menuPanel. t1 _ #((#File #fileMenu:) (#Edit #editMenu:) (#Mesh #shareMenu:) (#Help #helpMenu:) ). t1 do: [:t3 | t2 _ ScratchMenuTitleMorph new contents: (t3 at: 1) localized; target: self selector: (t3 at: 2). menuPanel addMorphBack: t2. #helpMenu: = (t3 at: 2) ifFalse: [menuPanel addMorphBack: (Morph new color: Color transparent; extent: 12 @ 5)]]. topPane addMorph: menuPanel! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! shareMenu: t1 | t2 | t2 _ CustomMenu new. self addServerCommandsTo: t2. t2 localize. #(1 2 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3) copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1) , ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix]. t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! !
After that alt + click the ScratchFrame and close the ScratchFrame,Open up the world menu
Last edited by machinespray (2013-03-14 06:22:14)
machinespray wrote:
After that alt + click the ScratchFrame and close the ScratchFrame,Open up the world menu
or just save image in user mode. Then reopen scratch and exit user mode (if you want to kep on modding.Broadcasting in mesh is working but I'm having a bit of a problem with transmitting variables. I might have made a mistake though, I did rush. Thanks for the code!
shadowmouse wrote:
machinespray wrote:
After that alt + click the ScratchFrame and close the ScratchFrame,Open up the world menu
Open>Scratchor just save image in user mode. Then reopen scratch and exit user mode (if you want to kep on modding.Broadcasting in mesh is working but I'm having a bit of a problem with transmitting variables. I might have made a mistake though, I did rush. Thanks for the code!
If you need any more help let me know.
Something to make the
when Sprite 1 clicked into when [sprite 1 v] clickedplease.
shadowmouse wrote:
Something to make the
when Sprite 1 clicked into when [sprite 1 v] clickedplease.
And you are welcome to use any features from my mod (gloop) in yours once I've uploaded it to the internet (I've got a few new featues (that you didn't make for me )).
sorry I cannot do not know how to make hat blocks.
machinespray wrote:
shadowmouse wrote:
Something to make the
when Sprite 1 clicked into when [sprite 1 v] clickedplease.
And you are welcome to use any features from my mod (gloop) in yours once I've uploaded it to the internet (I've got a few new featues (that you didn't make for me )).sorry I cannot do not know how to make hat blocks.
In that case, can you do one that makes it save as '.gloop', and/or do you know how to do a conditional drop-down lsit (if that's what it's called). As in a dropdown list that chanegs depending on something else (such as another dropdown list). e.g. and conversion block where first you select what you are measuring and then you select the unit it's in and the unit to convert to.
shadowmouse wrote:
machinespray wrote:
shadowmouse wrote:
Something to make the
when Sprite 1 clicked into when [sprite 1 v] clickedplease.
And you are welcome to use any features from my mod (gloop) in yours once I've uploaded it to the internet (I've got a few new featues (that you didn't make for me )).sorry I cannot do not know how to make hat blocks.
In that case, can you do one that makes it save as '.gloop', and/or do you know how to do a conditional drop-down lsit (if that's what it's called). As in a dropdown list that chanegs depending on something else (such as another dropdown list). e.g. and conversion block where first you select what you are measuring and then you select the unit it's in and the unit to convert to.
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 16 March 2013 at 3:48:22 pm'! !ScratchFileChooserDialog methodsFor: 'initialization'! createScratchFileChooserFor: t1 saving: t2 | t3 t4 t5 t6 | scratchFrame _ t1. readingScratchFile _ t2 not. list _ ScratchFilePicker new extensions: #(#scratch #gloop ). self removeAllMorphs. bottomSpacer delete. bottomSpacer _ nil. mainColumn addMorphBack: list. t2 ifFalse: [self title: 'Open Project'. list scratchInfoClient: self]. t3 _ ScratchFrameMorph getFont: #FileChooserLabel. t4 _ ScratchFrameMorph getFont: #FileChooserContents. t5 _ ScratchFrameMorph getFont: #FileChooserComment. t2 ifTrue: [self title: 'Save Project'. newFileTitle _ StringMorph contents: 'New Filename:' localized , ' ' font: t3. newFileTitle color: (Color gray: 0.3). newFileName _ StringFieldMorph new contents: scratchFrame projectName; client: self; font: t4; color: (Color r: 211 / 255 g: 214 / 255 b: 216 / 255); width: 180. tabFields add: newFileName. newTitleBin addMorphBack: newFileTitle; addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 5 @ 5; color: Color transparent); addMorphBack: newFileName; addMorphBack: (AlignmentMorph newSpacer: Color transparent). ScratchTranslator isRTL ifTrue: [newTitleBin submorphs reversed do: [:t7 | t7 delete. newTitleBin addMorphBack: t7]]]. mainColumn addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 5 @ 9; color: Color transparent); addMorphBack: newTitleBin. t6 _ AlignmentMorph newColumn centering: #center; color: Color transparent. thumbnailFrameMorph _ ImageFrameMorph new initFromForm: (ScratchFrameMorph skinAt: #dialogThumbnailFrame). thumbnailFrameMorph extent: 170 @ 130. t6 addMorph: thumbnailFrameMorph. fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: t6; addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 5 @ 6; color: Color transparent). thumbnailMorph _ ImageMorph new form: (Form extent: 160 @ 120 depth: 1). thumbnailFrameMorph addMorphFront: (thumbnailMorph position: thumbnailFrameMorph position + (5 @ 5)). authorLabelMorph _ StringMorph contents: 'Project author:' localized font: t3. authorLabelMorph color: (Color gray: 0.3). fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: authorLabelMorph. t2 ifTrue: [authorMorph _ StringFieldMorph new useStringFieldFrame; contents: ''; font: t4. tabFields add: authorMorph] ifFalse: [fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 5 @ 6; color: Color transparent). authorMorph _ StringFieldMorph new color: Color transparent; borderWidth: 0; contents: ''; isEditable: false; font: t4]. fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: authorMorph; addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 5 @ 6; color: Color transparent). commentLabelMorph _ StringMorph contents: 'About this project:' localized font: t3. commentLabelMorph color: authorLabelMorph color. fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: commentLabelMorph. commentMorph _ ScrollingStringMorph new borderWidth: 0; contents: ''; font: t5; extent: 210 @ 110. t2 ifTrue: [commentMorph backForm: (ScratchFrameMorph skinAt: #stringFieldFrame). tabFields add: commentMorph] ifFalse: [commentMorph isEditable: false]. fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: commentMorph. fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: buttonRow. self addMorphBack: shortcutColumn; addMorphBack: mainColumn; addMorphBack: fileInfoColumn. t2 ifTrue: [self scratchInfo: scratchFrame projectInfo. thumbnailMorph form: scratchFrame workPane thumbnailForm. t1 loginName size > 0 ifTrue: [authorMorph contents: t1 loginName] ifFalse: [authorMorph contents: t1 author]]! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write'! openScratchProjectNamed: t1 | t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 | self closeMediaEditorsAndDialogs ifFalse: [^ self]. t6 _ t1. t2 _ FileStream readOnlyFileNamedOrNil: t6. t2 ifNil: [t6 _ t1 isoLatinToMac asUTF8. t2 _ FileStream readOnlyFileNamedOrNil: t6. t2 ifNil: [^ self inform: 'Could not read' withDetails: t1]]. [t3 _ t2 binary contentsOfEntireFile. t4 _ self extractProjectFrom: t3. projectInfo _ self extractInfoFrom: t3] ifError: [:t7 :t8 | ^ self inform: 'Could not read Gloop file. Sorry for the inconvinence' withDetails: '(' , t7 , ')']. t5 _ FileDirectory dirPathFor: t6. projectDirectory _ FileDirectory on: t5. ScratchFileChooserDialog setLastFolderTo: projectDirectory forType: #gloop. projectName _ FileDirectory localNameFor: t6. self installNewProject: t4. self initializeWatcherPositions. viewerPane updateContents! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write'! saveScratchProject | t1 t2 | self closeMediaEditorsAndDialogs ifFalse: [^ self]. self stopAll. t1 _ ScratchFileChooserDialog saveScratchFileFor: self. (t1 size = 0 or: [t1 = #cancelled]) ifTrue: [^ self]. [(t2 _ ScratchFileChooserDialog confirmFileOverwriteIfExisting: t1) = false] whileTrue: [t1 _ ScratchFileChooserDialog saveScratchFileFor: self. (t1 size = 0 or: [t1 = #cancelled]) ifTrue: [^ self]]. t2 = #cancelled ifTrue: [^ self]. self updateLastHistoryEntryIfNeeded. t1 _ (self nameFromFileName: t1) , '.gloop'. projectDirectory _ FileDirectory on: (FileDirectory dirPathFor: t1). projectName _ FileDirectory localNameFor: t1. projectInfo at: 'author' put: author. self updateHistoryProjectName: projectName op: 'save'. self writeScratchProject! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'private'! updateProjectName | t1 | projectName ifNil: [projectName _ '']. projectTitleMorph contents: (self nameFromFileName: projectName). projectTitleMorph contents size > 0 ifTrue: [t1 _ projectTitleMorph contents , '- Scratch'] ifFalse: [t1 _ 'Gloop']. ScratchPlugin primSetWindowTitle: t1. self fixLayout! !
makes it save as .gloop
If you're still doing this, I've noticed a few problems since I added the patch to save as '.glooop'. Firstly, if you have a project called 'game', it will save it as game.gloop, But then if you try to save it again it will save it as game.gloop.gloop, save it again and it will become game.gloop.gloop.gloop e.t.c. Also if I drag a .gloop file onto the exe for my mod it just opens the mod but not the .gloop. If you could work out what causes these issues and make a new patch to solve these problems then I would be very grateful.
P.S. Do you have any idea why I can't select 'gloop.exe' as the default program for opening '.gloop's. I try selecting it but the computer doesn't add it to the list of selectable programs.
machinespray wrote:
shadowmouse wrote:
machinespray wrote:
Updated version
Request: Could you make one that puts a share menu with these option inot the source code bcause I noticed that it adds these to the share menu, which doesn't exist in the source code. Thanks for all your help.
I do not know how to add a extra menu but this one adds it to the edit menu.
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 13 March 2013 at 6:36:31 pm'! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions' stamp: 'BC 3/13/2013 18:22'! addServerCommandsTo: menu "Add Scratch server commands to the given menu." | disable endCmd | disable _ false. "make this true to disable this feature" disable ifTrue: [^ self]. menu addLine. (workPane scratchServer notNil and: [workPane scratchServer sessionInProgress]) ifTrue: [ menu add: 'Show IP Address' action: #showNetworkAddress. endCmd _ workPane scratchServer isHosting ifTrue: ['Stop Hosting Mesh'] ifFalse: ['Leave Mesh']. menu add: endCmd action: #exitScratchSession] ifFalse: [ menu add: 'Host Mesh' action: #startHostingScratchSession. menu add: 'Join Mesh' action: #joinScratchSession]. ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'menu/button actions'! editMenu: t1 | t2 | t2 _ CustomMenu new. t2 add: 'Undelete' action: #undoTool. self addServerCommandsTo: t2. t2 addLine. ScratchProcess blockHighlightMSecs <= 1 ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Start Single Stepping' action: #toggleSingleStepping] ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Stop Single Stepping' action: #toggleSingleStepping]. t2 add: 'Set Single Stepping' action: #setSingleStepping. t2 addLine. t2 add: 'Compress Sounds' action: #compressSounds. t2 add: 'Compress Images' action: #compressImages. t2 addLine. workPane showMotorBlocks ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Hide Motor Blocks' action: #hideMotorBlocks] ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Show Motor Blocks' action: #showMotorBlocks]. t2 localize. #(3 4 5 ) do: [:t3 | t2 labels at: t3 put: ((t2 labels at: t3) copyFrom: 1 to: (t2 labels at: t3) size - 1) , ScratchTranslator ellipsesSuffix]. t2 invokeOn: self at: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10)! !P.S. Thanks for the request.
P.P.S I almost figured out how to have a new menu. I might have it done in 2 days.
To make a menu: see [url =]this post.[/url]
Any idea how to make a new real extension or make .gloop a real extension or how to edit the scratch installer?
shadowmouse wrote:
If you're still doing this, I've noticed a few problems since I added the patch to save as '.glooop'. Firstly, if you have a project called 'game', it will save it as game.gloop, But then if you try to save it again it will save it as game.gloop.gloop, save it again and it will become game.gloop.gloop.gloop e.t.c. Also if I drag a .gloop file onto the exe for my mod it just opens the mod but not the .gloop. If you could work out what causes these issues and make a new patch to solve these problems then I would be very grateful.
P.S. Do you have any idea why I can't select 'gloop.exe' as the default program for opening '.gloop's. I try selecting it but the computer doesn't add it to the list of selectable programs.
This should fix the gloop.gloop.gloop.gloop problem.
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 30 March 2013 at 5:39:01 pm'! !ScratchFileChooserDialog methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'BC 3/30/2013 17:34'! createScratchFileChooserFor: aScratchFrameMorph saving: savingFlag "Create a Scratch file chooser dialog box with a project thumbnail and info box." | labelFont contentsFont commentFont thumbnailHolder | scratchFrame _ aScratchFrameMorph. readingScratchFile _ savingFlag not. list _ ScratchFilePicker new extensions: #(scratch gloop). self removeAllMorphs. bottomSpacer delete. bottomSpacer _ nil. mainColumn addMorphBack: list. savingFlag ifFalse: [ self title: 'Open Project'. list scratchInfoClient: self]. labelFont _ (ScratchFrameMorph getFont: #FileChooserLabel). contentsFont _ (ScratchFrameMorph getFont: #FileChooserContents). commentFont _ (ScratchFrameMorph getFont: #FileChooserComment). savingFlag ifTrue: [ self title: 'Save Project'. newFileTitle _ StringMorph contents: ('New Filename:' localized, ' ') font: labelFont. newFileTitle color: (Color gray: 0.3). newFileName _ StringFieldMorph new contents: scratchFrame projectName; client: self; font: contentsFont; color: (Color r: (211/255) g: (214/255) b: (216/255)); width: 180. tabFields add: newFileName. newTitleBin addMorphBack: newFileTitle; addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: (5@5); color: Color transparent); addMorphBack: newFileName; addMorphBack: (AlignmentMorph newSpacer: Color transparent). ScratchTranslator isRTL ifTrue: [newTitleBin submorphs reversed do: [:m | m delete. newTitleBin addMorphBack: m]]]. mainColumn addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: (5@9); color: Color transparent); addMorphBack: newTitleBin. thumbnailHolder _ AlignmentMorph newColumn centering: #center; color: Color transparent. thumbnailFrameMorph _ ImageFrameMorph new initFromForm: (ScratchFrameMorph skinAt: #dialogThumbnailFrame). thumbnailFrameMorph extent: (170@130). thumbnailHolder addMorph: thumbnailFrameMorph. fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: thumbnailHolder; addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: (5@6); color: Color transparent). "spacer" thumbnailMorph _ ImageMorph new form: (Form extent: 160@120 depth: 1). thumbnailFrameMorph addMorphFront: (thumbnailMorph position: ((thumbnailFrameMorph position) + (5@5))). authorLabelMorph _ StringMorph contents: 'Project author:' localized font: labelFont. authorLabelMorph color: (Color gray: 0.3). fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: authorLabelMorph. savingFlag ifTrue: [authorMorph _ StringFieldMorph new useStringFieldFrame; contents: ''; font: contentsFont. tabFields add: authorMorph] ifFalse: [fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: (5@6); color: Color transparent). "spacer" authorMorph _ StringFieldMorph new color: Color transparent; borderWidth: 0; contents: ''; isEditable: false; font: contentsFont]. fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: authorMorph; addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: (5@6); color: Color transparent). "spacer" commentLabelMorph _ StringMorph contents: 'About this project:' localized font: labelFont. commentLabelMorph color: authorLabelMorph color. fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: commentLabelMorph. commentMorph _ ScrollingStringMorph new borderWidth: 0; contents: ''; font: commentFont; extent: (210@110). savingFlag ifTrue: [commentMorph backForm: (ScratchFrameMorph skinAt: #stringFieldFrame). tabFields add: commentMorph] ifFalse: [commentMorph isEditable: false]. fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: commentMorph. fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: buttonRow. self addMorphBack: shortcutColumn; addMorphBack: mainColumn; addMorphBack: fileInfoColumn. savingFlag ifTrue: [ self scratchInfo: scratchFrame projectInfo. thumbnailMorph form: scratchFrame workPane thumbnailForm. "default author field to login name if known; else author" (aScratchFrameMorph loginName size > 0) ifTrue: [authorMorph contents: aScratchFrameMorph loginName] ifFalse: [authorMorph contents: aScratchFrameMorph author]]. ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write' stamp: 'BC 3/30/2013 17:34'! importScratchProject "Allow the user to select a project to open, then merge that project's sprites with the current project." | response | self closeMediaEditorsAndDialogs ifFalse: [^ self]. self stopAll. response _ ScratchFileChooserDialog chooseExistingFileType: #project extensions: #(gloop) title: 'Import Project'. response ifNil: [^ self]. self importSpriteOrProject: response. ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write' stamp: 'BC 3/30/2013 17:35'! nameFromFileName: fileName "Return the given Scratch file name without the trailing .sb or .scratch extension, if it has one. Ensure the the result is UTF8." | s | s _ fileName. (s asLowercase endsWith: 'gloop') ifTrue: [s _ s copyFrom: 1 to: s size - 8]. (s asLowercase endsWith: 'gloop') ifTrue: [s _ s copyFrom: 1 to: s size - 3]. s isUnicode ifFalse: [s _ UTF8 withAll: s]. ^ s ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write' stamp: 'BC 3/30/2013 17:36'! openScratchProjectNamed: fName "Open a Scratch project with the given name." | f projData newProj dir fn| self closeMediaEditorsAndDialogs ifFalse: [^ self]. fn _ fName. f _ FileStream readOnlyFileNamedOrNil: fn. f ifNil: ["try a different encoding, fixes a Firefox bug, -Jens" fn _ fName isoLatinToMac asUTF8. f _ FileStream readOnlyFileNamedOrNil: fn. f ifNil: [^ self inform: 'Could not read' withDetails: fName]]. [ projData _ f binary contentsOfEntireFile. newProj _ self extractProjectFrom: projData. projectInfo _ self extractInfoFrom: projData. ] ifError: [:err :rcvr | ^ self inform: 'Sorry can not read Gloop file' withDetails: '(', err, ')']. dir _ FileDirectory dirPathFor: fn. projectDirectory _ FileDirectory on: dir. ScratchFileChooserDialog setLastFolderTo: projectDirectory forType: #gloop. projectName _ FileDirectory localNameFor: fn. self installNewProject: newProj. self initializeWatcherPositions. viewerPane updateContents. ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write' stamp: 'BC 3/30/2013 17:37'! saveScratchProject | fName result | self closeMediaEditorsAndDialogs ifFalse: [^ self]. self stopAll. fName _ ScratchFileChooserDialog saveScratchFileFor: self. (fName size = 0 or: [fName = #cancelled]) ifTrue: [^ self]. [(result _ ScratchFileChooserDialog confirmFileOverwriteIfExisting: fName) = false] whileTrue: [ fName _ ScratchFileChooserDialog saveScratchFileFor: self. (fName size = 0 or: [fName = #cancelled]) ifTrue: [^ self]]. (result = #cancelled) ifTrue: [^ self]. self updateLastHistoryEntryIfNeeded. fName _ (self nameFromFileName: fName), '.gloop'. projectDirectory _ FileDirectory on: (FileDirectory dirPathFor: fName). projectName _ FileDirectory localNameFor: fName. projectInfo at: 'author' put: author. self updateHistoryProjectName: projectName op: 'save'. self writeScratchProject. ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write' stamp: 'BC 3/30/2013 17:37'! saveScratchProjectNoDialog | fName dir | self closeMediaEditorsAndDialogs ifFalse: [^ self]. projectName ifNil: [projectName _ '']. fName _ self nameFromFileName: projectName. dir _ ScratchFileChooserDialog getLastFolderForType: #project. (fName size = 0 | (dir fileExists: fName , '.gloop') not) ifTrue: [^ self saveScratchProject]. ScratchFileChooserDialog lastFolderIsSampleProjectsFolder ifTrue: [^ self saveScratchProject]. self updateLastHistoryEntryIfNeeded. projectName _ FileDirectory localNameFor: (fName, '.sb'). "ignore path, if any; save in the original project directory" projectDirectory _ dir. self updateHistoryProjectName: projectName op: 'save'. self writeScratchProject. ! !
EDIT: Sorry it replaces the .gloop with a period (still working on it).
Last edited by machinespray (2013-03-30 17:47:57)
Any update with the .gloop.gloop.gloop patch, it's the only glitch left (that I can think of), and I really want to release it soon?
shadowmouse wrote:
Any update with the .gloop.gloop.gloop patch, it's the only glitch left (that I can think of), and I really want to release it soon?
I am trying. Sorry, I just can not get it to work.
Last edited by machinespray (2013-04-25 06:07:53)
machinespray wrote:
shadowmouse wrote:
Any update with the .gloop.gloop.gloop patch, it's the only glitch left (that I can think of), and I really want to release it soon?
I am trying. Sorry, I just can not get it to work.
O.K. just wanted to check. Just an idea, but you could look in the scratch browser for how scratch does it because it will surely have a bit which prevents it from doing that.