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#1 2011-12-03 14:16:34

Registered: 2011-10-23
Posts: 34

Customizing The Scratch Interface

Getting tired of the plain old Gray Scratch interface? Well, i'm here to tell you how to change that! And I can even show you how to change up the script blocks! Lets get started.


Changing The Interface:

1- First, Shift+Click the "R" In the Scratch logo at the top-left corner of the screen.

2- A drop-down menu should appear, click the option that says "Turn fill screen off"

3- After you click that, a white margin should appear. Now you can Alt+Click anywhere on the Scratch interface.

4- Once you Alt+Click somewhere, A bunch of buttons appear. Alt+Click in the same spot again.

5- Now, The buttons should have moved or purple text should have appeared somewhere.

6- Click on the red button with the paper in it, A menu should appear.

7- Click on "Change color"

8- A small window should appear with a color pallet in it.

9- Click+Drag your mouse through the color pallet, The interface should change color!

10- After your done, press the tiny black "X" In the top left corner of the color pallet.

11- You can click in all different places of the interface to change the color of different parts!

*NOTE: When you exit scratch, the colors will return to normal!


Changing Blocks:

*Repeat steps 1-3 Of Changing the interface

1- Drag any block from the scratch interface into the white margin.

2- Alt+Click on the block, Buttons and text that says "CommandBlock" should appear.

3- Click on the red button and select "Change color"

4-  Use the color pallet to change the block color. Click on the "X" In the top left of the pallet when your finished.
*You can also change the color of text, if you Alt+Click text instead.

*The following are optional

5- Alt+Click the block again until it says "String" In the purple text.

6- Click on the red button.

7- In the Drop-Down menu, select "Set font"

8- Choose a font from the list of fonts, and then choose a size.

9- This will only change the font of the word you choose, Alt+Click different words in the block to change them.


If you followed this tutorial correctly, Congratulations! You now have a custom Scratch interface!

Last edited by Bricklink101 (2011-12-03 14:28:22)

I cant think of anything to put here...  hmm



#2 2013-04-24 11:33:36

Registered: 2013-02-22
Posts: 30

Re: Customizing The Scratch Interface

you have copied somebody elses tutorial. please do not create duplicates as it just confuses things

smile   neutral   sad    big_smile   yikes   wink   hmm   tongue   lol   mad   roll   cool  bye!



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