Fordark wrote:
So I've heard Boston is on total lockdown for the search of the suspect. I wonder what does it look like to have the streets completely empty save for some police.
Yeah, all Mass Transit is down, including from Boston to Providence. All of the surrounding towns are in a sort of "high watch" mode.
Paddle2See wrote:
nathanprocks wrote:
Paddle2See wrote:
Sadly, a campus policeman was shot and killed but I have not heard of any injuries to students or faculty.
MIT posted about this about an hour ago on Facebook. I don't understand why people do these things.
My understanding is that it was somehow related to the chase for the bombing suspects - perhaps the police person discovered the suspects. I'm sure there will be better information as the day goes on.
A shooting... in MIT?
April 2013-Semi-Official tragedy month
-Boston Marathon Bombs
-Texas explosion
-MIT Shooting
Boston is starting to not be my dream city to live in...
The whole ordeal is just really sad imho. Bostonians are really proud people...growing up in Maine I was always intimidated when I went there. But anyone can just feel bad based on current events.
angelica101 wrote:
A shooting... in MIT?
April 2013-Semi-Official tragedy month
-Boston Marathon Bombs
-Texas explosion
-MIT Shooting
Boston is starting to not be my dream city to live in...
MIT is in Cambridge, not Boston
you also forgot the ricin letters sent to the president and some senators and the 7.0 earthquake off the coast of japan
JudasR wrote:
angelica101 wrote:
A shooting... in MIT?
April 2013-Semi-Official tragedy month
-Boston Marathon Bombs
-Texas explosion
-MIT Shooting
Boston is starting to not be my dream city to live in...MIT is in Cambridge, not Boston
you also forgot the ricin letters sent to the president and some senators and the 7.0 earthquake off the coast of japan
and the 23 explosions in iraq
That police officer did not die in vain, he saved many people through his actions last night. At least according to my sources the bombers were in the midst of a plot possibly involving attacking MIT and were spotted, sparking the cancellation of that plot as they were being run down by police. Or at least that's what I got out of it, unless there are two simultaneous car chases involving guns and explosives in the same city (probability: low) that's my understanding anyway. All from Reddit and people listening in on police scanners, so not a citable soutce but relatively reliable. "Black Hat" has been killed, still looking for "White Hat." More bombs have been spotted and defused safely by robots.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
genderdysmorphia wrote:
GameHutSoftware wrote:
*3. The JFK Library was also bombed.
Also, there has been a picture going around on Twitter showing a small girl running with the caption "Retweet for respect". It says that the girl died running for the Sandy Hook kids. This didn't happen, no 8 year-old girl died.can eight year olds even run a marathon? im pretty sure it's biologically impossible
it was a girl in the audience
i think the kid that died was a boy, but i'm not sure...
i live in massachusetts! it's weird being all over the news and having no cars on my street...i just feel terrible that this happened and how random it was
Victoria393 wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
genderdysmorphia wrote:
can eight year olds even run a marathon? im pretty sure it's biologically impossibleit was a girl in the audience
i think the kid that died was a boy, but i'm not sure...
Yeah I heard it was a boy
There could be multiple children that were killed or injured
Alright this is getting somewhat disturbing. We (US) are practically running a war against this (one remaining) suspect. Also a third suspect has been taken into custody.
I want to quote the Onion's article onto this page, but I'm afraid something may be lost in translation into, uh, appropriate language.
So here's a small portion:
“Maybe next time we have a week, they can try not to pack it completely to the brim with explosions, mutilations, death, manhunts, lies, weeping, and the utter uselessness of our political system,” said basically every person in America who isn’t comatose or a complete sociopath.
Which is pretty much how I've felt past the Texas explosion.
Last edited by soupoftomato (2013-04-19 18:35:59)
16Skittles wrote:
Alright this is getting somewhat disturbing. We (US) are practically running a war against this (one remaining) suspect. Also a third suspect has been taken into custody.
Yeah just look
9000+ people for 6+ hours looking for a single untrained 19 year old
why does this seem suspicious
zubblewu wrote:
9000+ people for 6+ hours looking for a single untrained 19 year old
why does this seem suspicious
What are you talking about?
Sure it may seem like a slight overreaction from the point of view of people not nearby where it happened but I don't see anything particularly "suspicious" about it
soupoftomato wrote:
zubblewu wrote:
9000+ people for 6+ hours looking for a single untrained 19 year old
why does this seem suspiciousWhat are you talking about?
Sure it may seem like a slight overreaction from the point of view of people not nearby where it happened but I don't see anything particularly "suspicious" about it
they've spent more than a quarter of a day with a party the size of a small army searching for a single untrained teenager
zubblewu wrote:
soupoftomato wrote:
zubblewu wrote:
9000+ people for 6+ hours looking for a single untrained 19 year old
why does this seem suspiciousWhat are you talking about?
Sure it may seem like a slight overreaction from the point of view of people not nearby where it happened but I don't see anything particularly "suspicious" about itthey've spent more than a quarter of a day with a party the size of a small army searching for a single untrained teenager
Just remember this is in a CIVILIAN RESIDENTIAL area. The police can't afford to cause unnecessary damage to property or civilian injuries. I'd rather them take their time and do the job right than go in there shooting everything that moves. There are plenty of places to hide.
Lets thank all of those officers!
genderdysmorphia wrote:
JudasR wrote:
angelica101 wrote:
A shooting... in MIT?
April 2013-Semi-Official tragedy month
-Boston Marathon Bombs
-Texas explosion
-MIT Shooting
Boston is starting to not be my dream city to live in...MIT is in Cambridge, not Boston
you also forgot the ricin letters sent to the president and some senators and the 7.0 earthquake off the coast of japanand the 23 explosions in iraq
the guy's in jail now.