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#2751 2013-04-18 19:59:12

Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

destructo-serpent wrote:

Logan ****
Conner ***
Tony **
Lucas ****
Mike **
Lisa ****
Felix **
Amber ****
Jake **



#2752 2013-04-18 20:00:12

Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

Rated them on a scale of 1-5 stars, 5 being the best names. I like enchanting, made up names, so I judged these based on real life names.  smile



#2753 2013-04-18 20:03:17

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

Felix doesn't have many stars anyway, and i need another girl. any ideas that a real person might have?



#2754 2013-04-18 20:05:03

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

oh, and instead of Mike i could have Michael and abbreviate it as Mike for the book. ?_?



#2755 2013-04-18 20:05:22

Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

Courtney (***)
Emma (****)
Jade (****)
Jane (***)
Ruby (****)
Yeah, the micheal mike thing sounds good  smile

Last edited by Waffle27 (2013-04-18 20:05:52)



#2756 2013-04-18 20:07:05

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

Waffle27 wrote:

Courtney (***)
Emma (****)
Jade (****)
Jane (***)
Ruby (****)
Yeah, the micheal mike thing sounds good  smile

Amber - four stars
Jade - four stars
Ruby - fourstars
emma(emarald) - four stars
i'm seeing a pattern here. xD
possibly Jade.



#2757 2013-04-18 20:08:20

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

destructo-serpent wrote:

Waffle27 wrote:

Courtney (***)
Emma (****)
Jade (****)
Jane (***)
Ruby (****)
Yeah, the micheal mike thing sounds good  smile

Amber - four stars
Jade - four stars
Ruby - fourstars
emma(emarald) - four stars
i'm seeing a pattern here. xD
possibly Jade.

oh, and Jade and Amber could be sisters. Jeweler parents  lol



#2758 2013-04-18 20:09:28

Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

Oh, lol! At first I was like....O_o
I'm not. Its not like they all start with the same letter or anything.
But then, they were all gemstones!



#2759 2013-04-18 20:15:37

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

I gtg for a while. i'll post what i have so far now.

Chapter 1: Meet Connor.

Connor slung his backpack over one shoulder. He hugged his parents once, and then walked out the front door. Connor was thirteen, and already a geography and geology expert. He also had some experience He loved rocks. And not just the expensive ones like diamonds and rubies, but actual rocks like slate, granite, and basalt. He lived with his parents in the suburbs of Los Angeles. He had just been invited to a tour to a famous science laboratory in Washington, DC. They had had it in science class, a challenge sent to three hundred different schools all over the US. Any students who wanted to enter had to write an incredibly advanced essay on the subject of geology, biology, chemistry, programming, or medieval weaponry. It was to be ten thousand words or longer, and be accurate and detailed. Even though programming and swordfighting were odd things to write about, many people entered the contest. The essays were sent to Washington Sciences, abbreviated W.S, where fifty were chosen. The writers won a free trip to the lab, Washington Sciences, for three months. They said that they would be going somewhere “extremely interesting, unseen, and odd.” It struck many people as a weird place. But Connor had entered an essay in geology. And he had won. Now a taxi had arrived to take him to the airport. A man who looked young, maybe twenty-eight, sat in the back.
“Connor Davis?”
“Yeah. Are you from W.S?”
“Yes. Get in. and we can go. I’ll explain to you about the trip on the way.”
Connor got in, rolled down his window, and waved to his parents, who waved back. Then the taxi started up and rolled slowly forward, quickly accelerating. Connor took a last look at his home before the taxi turned a corner. Little did he know that from that moment on, his life was changed. Forever.


The man with Connor pulled a laptop computer out of a bag at his feet. He gestured to Connor’s backpack. “Take out yours.”
“There’s no networking here. I won’t be able to use the internet.”
“You don’t need networking for this.” He said. “Take out your computer.”
Connor pulled out his computer, puzzled. The man took what looked like a flash drive out of pocket and inserted it into his computer. A light on the back of the drive beeped. Connor’s computer repeated the beep. He looked at the screen, surprised. A window had appeared, saying:
|         talk?        |
|     [yes]   [no]    |

The man nodded. Connor clicked yes. The window disappeared, replaced with another, bigger one. It had a large empty space, then a black line, then a bar of empty space. Connor had seen this kind of window before. An IM program. Words flickered onto the screen.

David: Good. We’ve finally got some private communications set up. Now to business. My name is David. And, as you may have guessed by the essay topics and the location rumors, this is not an ordinary trip.
Connor stared at the screen. Then he typed a message. It appeared in the bar. He clicked a send button in the bottom corner.

Connor: yeah, I figured that. What’s this ‘business’? I assume you don’t mean the corporation sense of the word.

David replied. From then on, the conversation sounded like this:

David: this isn’t a field trip for education or enjoyment. This is a major scientific breakthrough. Only the highest members of the government know of it. It’s a place, untouched by man. Ever. And you, along with a few other kids around your age, will be going there.

Connor: … … wait, I thought forty-nine entered?

David:  Only a few are chosen to go. Their escorts are explaining this to them. The others know nothing of this. I can’t explain much. That’s all I know. So don’t ask me any questions. I don’t have much security clearance.

Connor: you know about this breakthrough, don’t you? You must have some substantial security clearance to know that. And where is this place I’m going? I don’t suppose I can back out?

David: I can’t tell you where you’re going. I just said that I don’t know. And no, you can’t back out. President’s orders. And you’ll get five thousand dollars. If you come back alive.

Connor: wait, WHAT?!?! I might not be coming back ALIVE?!?!?! This isn’t what I signed up for! Besides, what’s the point of five grand if you’re DEAD?!?!?

David: can’t back out now, so there’s no point in ranting about it. You’ll receive more info at the lab. We’re almost at the airport.

David pulled the drive from his computer, and the IM screen closed.


Conner’s eyes widened. The taxi had dropped him and David off at the airport, David had paid the driver, and now they were facing the plane they were to take to the capital. It was a Learjet, a private luxury plane. “Nice Ride. Does it come with a popcorn machine?”
“It has a Jacuzzi, a sixty-two inch flat-screen TV, and a snack bar with every kind of chips, candy, and soft drinks in the state.”
“But does it have a popcorn machine?”
“No. No popcorn machine.”

Connor’s face wilted into a mock disappointed expression. Then it changed to a huge grin. “When do we go?” “As soon as I deal with the ticket person.” David said as he pulled a nightstick from his backpack and holding it like a baseball bat.
“Oohh. At least I get a bodyguard with a sense of humor. Do all of the kids get a guy like you?”
“Sadly, no. some of my colleagues are like talking to a sack of potatoes. Or a stick of nitroglycerine.” David said as he walked over to the ticket dealer.  Five minutes later, David had gotten clearance from the tower. They then walked to the plane. Suddenly a van sped around the corner. A man stood on a seat with his upper body protruding from a sunroof. A large machine gun was mounted in front of him. And it was pointed straight at Connor

Chapter 2: Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire

David dived behind a nearby fueling truck. Connor quickly followed suit.
“What the heck?!”
“Terrorists. They don’t want your group to go to the place for some reason. Apparently they decided to try to get rid of the members one by one.” David said tersely as the sound of gunfire and bullets puncturing the steel tank in the truck. Then David beckoned Conner. We have to go before they get to many bullets into this thing! It’ll explode! He then leaped out from behind the truck, moving too fast for the gunman to aim, and rolled into the Learjet. The door slammed. Bullets slammed into the door and ricocheted. The plane obviously had a bulletproof hull. When the man had emptied his clip, he ducked into the van to get more ammo. The plane door opened. David beckoned Conner. He leaped in. David slammed and locked the door. “Get to the seats! We’re going to take off!” Conner followed David to a set of seats arranged at the edges of a circular room, with four seats removed and a carpet laid out to allow passage to the cockpit, just ahead of the room.  There were windows behind every seat. Connor sat quickly in a seat and snapped the belt into place. David did the same, shouting at someone in the cockpit to “GO, GO, GO!” Conner felt the jerk as the plane accelerated down the runway. The last of the terrorist’s bullets fell to the ground, rendered useless by the quickly increasing distance. Then the plane lifted off. It flew incredibly fast. Then the airport was lost from view. They were safe. For now.


After a few minutes, a woman walked out of the cockpit. “Hello, Conner. I’m Elizabeth.” She said. “I’ll be your pilot for this trip. You can get out of your seat now, the turbulence is gone.”
“Hi. Now what should I do to start. Hm…”
“Skydiving?” David joked.
“Maybe. If you demonstrate for me. I’ll use the parachute, since I’m the beginner. You’ve probably done it before, so you can use an umbrella.” Connor replied.
“Good choice.”


An hour later, Connor was finally feeling relaxed after being abducted by the government and shot at. He was lounging on a couch in front of the TV, eating rock candy and drinking rootbeer. Then a light came on over the TV. {Fasten seatbelts} then Elizabeth’s voice came over the radio. “Zzz…we’re landing. Take your seats…zzz”
“Oh, come on. I was finally relaxing, now we have to land.” Connor complained as he took his place and snapped the belt into place. “But I’m taking some Doritos with me.”
The plane circled the runway. Elizabeth radioed the control tower, and, receiving clearance, came down onto the pavement. The plane bounced slightly but then steadied out, gliding down the end of the runway. Elizabeth got out of her seat and opened the door. Connor and David unclipped their seatbelts.
“Welcome to Washington.” David said.
“You sound like a kiddie commercial for Washington Wieners or something.”
“Shut up.” David grumbled.
Connor laughed.  “How much longer do I have to put up with you?”
“Once you’re at the lab, I’m done.”
They stepped onto the runway, saying goodbye to Elizabeth, and then jogged off towards the road. David hailed a taxi, and they stepped in. “Washington Sciences.”
The driver nodded. The taxi pulled away. Half an hour later the taxi was cruising into a dark alley. “Hey, this isn’t the W.S.’s direction!” David said. “I know. But it’s the best place to do this.” And then the driver stopped the car, turned around, and pointed a machine gun at Conner.

Chapter 3: The Selection

    David reacted instantly. His nightstick appeared in his hand and slapped the machine gun to the floor. David kicked it over to Connor. Connor quickly picked it up, keeping his hands as far away from the trigger as he could, and hurled it as hard as he could against the brick wall of a nearby building. It hit the wall. The clip snapped in two, letting bullets roll all over the street. The trigger also smashed, rendering the gun totally useless. David slammed the nightstick into the driver’s head, knocking him out. “Let’s go, before he wakes up.” Conner nodded. They got out of the taxi and walked back the way they had come. Eventually they reached a bus station. They didn’t trust taxis anymore. After a few minutes, a bus arrived that would take them to the science lab. They boarded it. David inserted a card into the slot and waited. The card popped out. He took it and went to a seat. Conner followed.


    Fifteen minutes later, the bus had stopped. David and Connor got up. There was only two other people disembarking here. One was a man, about the same age as David, and a kid about Conner’s age. “Hey, Kevin.” David said to the man as they stepped onto the concrete parking lot. “Hi, David.” Conner looked at the kid. He had black hair and slightly sharp green eyes. He obviously had Japanese origin. He wasn’t short, but not tall, and had an athletic build. “Hey. I’m Conner.” He said to the boy. The boy nodded. “Hi. I’m Tony.” “Did you win the essay too?” “Yeah.” Then everyone was at the front door. Kevin pulled out a key card and inserted it into a slot in the wall. The door beeped, then opened. Everyone stepped in, and the door shut. Connor looked around. He had expected a vast, white room, machines, giant test tubes filled with green liquid and alien creatures, people in lab coats rushing around to complete experiments. But this was nothing like that. Here, there was just a hallway with a carpet laid out and a few large potted plants by the walls. “Now where?” Tony asked.
“Now, we’re done. You go with her.” David said, gesturing down the hallway. A woman was walking towards them. She looked like an accountant. “Hello. I’m Ashley.” The woman said with disgust. “I’ll be showing you to the professor in charge of this event. Follow me.” Conner immediately disliked here. He thought Tony did too. She was stuck-up, and didn’t seem to like people under twenty much. “See you, David.” Tony repeated the message to Kevin. The two bodyguards walked out the door together. Then they were alone with Ashley. She beckoned, and Tony and Conner followed. They went to the end of the hallway, turned a corner, went through a door, walked down a hallway, turned, walked down another hallway, and finally came to another card lock door. Ashley pulled one from her pocket and inserted it. The door opened. They children walked through. They came upon a large room with rows of chairs set up, filled with all the kids who had won the contest. A high podium stood at the front. A man who looked like a scientist stood on it. Conner and tony took their seats. The man was talking about what a privilege it was to have them here and yada yada yada. Conner wasn’t listening. He knew that for most of the kids, this was just an educational trip. But for some, like him, it would be a journey to a place unknown.


After five minutes, the man stopped talking. The room was silent. Then he pointed at one kid. “You,” he pointed to another. “You,” he pointed to another. And the process continued until there were six selected. And then he pointed and Conner and Tony. “And you two. The ones I have selected will go with me. The rest of you can go with my assistant,” he pointed to the door, where Ashley was standing, “To start the tour.” Conner and Tony got up and went to the podium. The other selected did the same. They knew what was happening. The man beckoned them to follow him. He stepped onto the podium and opened a trapdoor where a person stood. A ladder stretched down a few meters. Then there was a rough stone hallway which Conner could only see a few feet of. Everyone climbed down the ladder and stood in the hallway. Then the man came down, pulling the door shut. He walked down the hallway, which slowly became more furnished into a hallway like the entrance one. Then they came to a T-shaped intersection. There was a door right in the middle. The man inserted a card and walked in. The group followed. It was a medium-sized office. There was a chair in front of a desk, and eight chairs arranged in a semi-circle in front of it. There was one more chair that was apart from the rest, beside the desk. There was another kid already sitting in that one. He was of athletic build, had hair that was light brown and like hedgehog quills, and had piercing green eyes. He looked like he was fourteen, almost fifteen. He was pulling a sharpener down the length of what looked like a ninja weapon. Conner couldn’t help staring at the razor edge. The boy caught sight of him and raised his head. “I see you like my katana.” He said. He rose from his seat, dropping the sharpener into an open backpack at his feet and pushing the katana into an X-shaped scabbard on his back that already held another. His gaze turned to the scientist. “Took you long enough.”
“I had to give a speech to get rid of the others and Ashley.” He turned to the group. “Meet Logan. He’ll be your guide through where you’re going. Although he’s the only one who got out alive, he doesn’t know as much as is necessary to go again alone. This place is safer in a group. Much safer. That’s where you come in. your job is to help Logan make it in, do what we want, and get back. Preferably with everyone alive.”
“My name is Professor Anderson. Call me Ander. Before you start asking question about where you’re going and complaining about possibly not coming back alive, you should know everyone else in the group.” Then he started introducing everyone. There was Lucas, and Michael, medieval weaponry and fencing experts. Lisa, tech expert, Jade and Amber, geology experts, and Jake, a biology/zoology expert. It turned out that Tony was a programming/chemistry expert. THEN everyone started the questions. “One at a time.” Ander said. Lisa started. “How likely is it that we’ll die?” “Seventy-five percent.” Ander replied, and then, ignoring Lisa’s gaping mouth, he asked for the next question. Jake voiced what was on everyone’s mind. “Where are we going?” “Ah. That’s the question I wanted to hear. The answer is something Logan will tell us.” He turned to Logan. Logan picked up a globe off the desk and walked into the center of the semicircle. Then he smashed his fist into it. The plastic couldn’t sustain that force, and shattered. Logan picked an iron ball about the size of two fists balled together out of the wreckage. Then he slid a panel off. Inside was a 3-D renderation of a desert, a jungle, a mountain range, and a [need biome idea]. “We’re going to the center of the earth.”



#2760 2013-04-18 20:33:32

Registered: 2011-07-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

Cool story! But why does two people try to shoot a machine gun at Connor?

Goodbye 1.4. I'll always remember you and treasure your awesomeness in my heart.
RIP 1.4: 2007-2013 *Sniffles* *Sobs* *Bursts into tears*



#2761 2013-04-18 20:40:08

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

Nomolos wrote:

Cool story! But why does two people try to shoot a machine gun at Connor?

both for the same reason explained in the story. and it makes it more interesting xD



#2762 2013-04-18 20:41:31

Registered: 2011-07-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

destructo-serpent wrote:

Nomolos wrote:

Cool story! But why does two people try to shoot a machine gun at Connor?

both for the same reason explained in the story. and it makes it more interesting xD


Goodbye 1.4. I'll always remember you and treasure your awesomeness in my heart.
RIP 1.4: 2007-2013 *Sniffles* *Sobs* *Bursts into tears*



#2763 2013-04-18 21:41:23

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

title ideas anyone?

also, i'm planning on making ceratures to occupy the center of the earth. any ideas? so far i only have:


dragons the size of houses with a dagger-like spine on every scale, can breathe blue fire, have horns oriented forward to pierce things, cat-like eyes, an claws like curved swords. plus a tail with a huge blade on the end.



#2764 2013-04-18 22:46:44

Registered: 2011-07-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

The title could be: "Mission: Center"

That sounds cool.  big_smile

Last edited by Nomolos (2013-04-18 22:46:54)

Goodbye 1.4. I'll always remember you and treasure your awesomeness in my heart.
RIP 1.4: 2007-2013 *Sniffles* *Sobs* *Bursts into tears*



#2765 2013-04-18 23:22:27

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

Nomolos wrote:

The title could be: "Mission: Center"

That sounds cool.  big_smile

hm... how about
Planet's Core
The Core
The Center
To the Core
To the Center
Into the Core

Last edited by destructo-serpent (2013-04-18 23:23:32)



#2766 2013-04-18 23:24:32

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

destructo-serpent wrote:

Nomolos wrote:

The title could be: "Mission: Center"

That sounds cool.  big_smile

hm... how about
Planet's Core
The Core
The Center
To the Core
To the Center
Into the Core

ooohh. i like Into the Core. i think i'll do that  big_smile



#2767 2013-04-18 23:36:05

Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  Coolio

I'm so happy because i thought up a pen name for myself if [which I hopefully will!] I get published.



#2768 2013-04-19 01:23:26

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

i hope the center of the earth is huge. so far i have four huge species. one's the size of a house, another's like a skyscraper, and two more are three times that size xD
i'm making a complete guide to all the creatures in the center. maybe i can publish that with the book if i publish it, which i hope will happen someday when i've finished it and edited it  big_smile   big_smile

Last edited by destructo-serpent (2013-04-19 01:24:36)



#2769 2013-04-19 01:28:45

Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

Yes, that would be cool! I really want to get published, but I don't know how to make my writing un-boring. Everyone else is amazing with little editing, but I have to take such a long time on my editing. After about 5 edits I'm amazing though, lol.  wink



#2770 2013-04-19 01:30:59

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

this is hard D:
anyone want to suggest an animal?

i decided that there will be native ppls down there  big_smile   they'll be tribal, but somehow speak english.

Last edited by destructo-serpent (2013-04-19 01:31:59)



#2771 2013-04-19 01:32:51

Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

A Honkledorf!  lol   lol   lol

Heheh! Sorry its an inside joke with myself. Hm, I am thnking and might have a dream about one tonight.



#2772 2013-04-19 01:37:58

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

one of mine that i'm especially proud of, posted for almost absolutely no reason whatsoever

Tiyu-Tiyu (TEyu-TEyu)

Habitat: Jungle

Like an aquamarine swan, but with horns pointing backwards, two sets of wings, and extremely good sense of smell.

Docile, eats bugs, often used by native people as a pet, or to keep watch for enemies due to its incredible sense of smell.

most of the other ones are just huge slightly modified versions of some animal. this is much more modified.

Last edited by destructo-serpent (2013-04-19 01:38:21)



#2773 2013-04-19 01:45:58

Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

That sounds like a pet I would want, quite honestly.



#2774 2013-04-19 01:50:25

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

Waffle27 wrote:

That sounds like a pet I would want, quite honestly.

some of them are incredibly poisonous, some are as big as mountains, and some are cute xD
look up 'blobfish'. that's a pet you may want.



#2775 2013-04-19 01:53:43

Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Arabian Nights--A Writing Collab for Future Authors

destructo-serpent wrote:

Waffle27 wrote:

That sounds like a pet I would want, quite honestly.

some of them are incredibly poisonous, some are as big as mountains, and some are cute xD
look up 'blobfish'. that's a pet you may want.

I would wan the cute one. Are they like human animals where they have different species inside the species like a Dalmation dog or a Boxer Dog



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