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Lots of thanks to Blazingwave for making these images.
Hi and welcome to the Elementia Collaboration. I have been thinking about this for quite a while and I have come to the decision of making a collaboration for this. To find out more information read the sections below. Have fun!
What is Elementia?
Elementia is a game that I have been thinking about. It consists of lots of separate storylines and characters. You start of with the choice to select either one of the two classes - First Name Here or Second Name Here. Once you have decided on a class to pick you will be faced by the decision of which Race to become. The races for each class goes as it follows.
First Name Here
Druid- Possesses high magical powers. A great type for distance combat. Has normal health and is poor in physical combat. Has normal Healing skills and normal weaponry skills.
Priest- Possesses great healing skills. Along with a higher magic and health than normal. Is poor in physical combat and has poor weaponry skills.
Knight- Possesses high weaponry skill and is the highest class in physical combat. Has just over normal health, but has poor magical abilities. Has no healing skills.
Ranger- Possesses high health and is higher than normal in weaponry skills. Has normal magical powers and poor healing skills. Is poor in physical combat.
Archer- Possesses high weaponry skill and has high health. Has normal healing skills but poor physical combat. Is poor in magical abilities.
Second Name Here
Druid- Possesses high magical powers. A great type for distance combat. Has normal health and is poor in physical combat. Has normal Healing skills and normal weaponry skills.
Werewolf- Possesses high physical combat and high magical powers. Has poor weaponry skills and no healing skills. Has normal health.
Necromancer- Possesses normal skills in physical combat. Has the highest magical abilities but has poor health. Has normal healing skills and is poor at weaponry skills.
Death Knight- Possesses high weaponry skills and high physical combat skills. Has normal magical abilities and no healing abilities. Has poor health.
Character Name Here- I will add the description here
Once you have chosen your race, each race has a storyline. But all races start of at the same place, Tutorial Village. This is where they learn the basic controls- and what the four shops do (Healing Ward, Blacksmith, Potion Shop and Armoury). Once they have learnt that, they then have there first experience in fighting. and it sort of just leads on from there, with lots of different players- and in 2.0 I'm hoping to make it multiplayer. with a PvP (Player verses Player) Mode available.
Current members:
topazdragonlord (Leader)
ieu99 (Secondary Leader)
Blazingwave (Secondary Leader)
kattenelvis (Loyal Member)
To join please fill out this form:
Why do you want to join:
How active will you be (/10):
What position do you want to be:
Do you have any alt's that I should be aware of:
Colour Code:
◆ - Open for positions
◆ - Closed for positions
◆ - Only non-humanoids
◆Graphics Designer (Backgrounds, Items etc.): popopobob, Maltese_Falcon, kattenelvis, lundfamily3
◆Sprite Maker: madbunnygal, Maltese_Falcon, lundfamily3, Teleport
◆Sound Effects: topazdragonlord, Blazingwave, PaulRHJT
◆Programmer: topazdragonlord, popopobob, kattenelvis, Teleport
◆Idea Thinker: topazdragonlord, ieu99, Blazingwave, Maltese_Falcon
◆Storyline Planner: topazdragonlord, Blazingwave, kattenelvis, madbunnygal
Even If you aren't an Idea Thinker, your ideas are still encouraged. Have fun!
Everyone: Try to recruit more members.
ieu99: Keep making your the base.
madbunnygal: please may you create some sprites for the separate classes, thanks- if you want extra information just ask me.
topazdragonlord: develop the storyline for each class and work on creating gameplay.
Blazingwave: can you meet me on the storyline post and we'll discuss the storyline. But for now just think up ideas.
PaulRHJT: No current assignment
popopobob Please may you make some sprites, for the details click here.
Maltese_Falcon No current assignment
kattenelvis keep creating textures
lundfamily3 No current assignment
Teleport Please may you create a knight character, with the classic shining armour, but with no weaponry/shielding thanks- could you also create the different views, that would be great! (facing left, facing right, going up, going down. - like how the character moves in this version of Elementia - thanks this is greatly appreciated!
Voting Board:
VOTE CLOSED: Should we change the vampire? Reason: here. - The vote has passed, you may enter suggestions for a new character for this- the most supported will take the place of the vampire.CHARACTER LIST:
Giants♂♀ - topazdragonlord
Warlock♂ / Witch♀ - BlazingwaveVOTE CLOSED: Should we change the Human and Beast to Light and Dark? - The final vote was to change the Human/Beast to Light/Dark, but after some consideration I have decided to have names that are completely different, such as in World of Warcraft, where they have The Alliance and The Horde. You may enter name suggestions and the two most supported, for each side, will replace the current names.
Please try to make your ideas as original as possible, but you can still get inspiration from already used names.NAME LIST:
Team Twilight (replacement for beasts/humanoids) - Blazingwave
Team Dusk (replacement for beasts/humanoids) - Blazingwave
Team of Shadows (replacement for beasts/humanoids) - Blazingwave
Team Nebula (replacement for beasts/humanoids) - Blazingwave
Order (replacement for humans) - Teleport
Chaos (replacement for beasts/humanoids) - Teleport
All votes are temporarily closed due to the forums changing over since for every change I make on here I will have to edit the replacement save file. Thanks for understanding. The Storyline Post will also be closed temporarily.
Last edited by topazdragonlord (2013-05-04 02:22:08)
Can I join?
Why do you want to join: Because you contribute in my collab, and I think this one will be awesome!
How active will you be (/10): 7 (Generally 9, because of school)
What position do you want to be: Sprite Maker
Do you have any alt's that I should be aware of: What does this mean?
madbunnygal wrote:
Can I join?
Why do you want to join: Because you contribute in my collab, and I think this one will be awesome!
How active will you be (/10): 7 (Generally 9, because of school)
What position do you want to be: Sprite Maker
Do you have any alt's that I should be aware of: What does this mean?
Sure I'd be honoured to have you join!
- and for the alts's that is just short for alternative accounts
ieu99 wrote:
May I join and be a programmer and ideathinker please?
Sure! I'd be honoured to have you join to!
ieu99 wrote:
Ha ha, do you want me to start make a base for the game?
Sure that would be great - I started making two Elementia's but I haven't finished(and don't think I will)- should I upload them?
ieu99 wrote:
Ooh and yes upload them I can use them :p
Sure - I'll upload them as soon as I can, I can't right now though, but I will soon
ieu99 wrote:
Ok doing it now I am just making the selection phase, eg Human or Beast...
ieu99 wrote:
Are you uploading the elementia?
Oh, sorry I won't be able to do that for about another hour, sorry
-and I've added you as secondary leader.
ieu99 wrote:
Ok shall I upload what I have done so far?
Sure that would be awesome