Welcome to Northern Lights, a collaboration group where we as Scratchers come together to make awesome projects.
I was talking to berberberber and he/she said that we should have the tasks not assigned to certain members, but just who ever get's their version approved first and uploaded completes the task. - That's right berber, right?
Would you like to have it that way or the current way, where you claim a task before hand, or the way berberberber suggested? I really don't care...
- The current way
Votes: 1
- The make it claim it way
Votes: 2
P.S. The reason this is not in "In Question?" is because it's rather urgent...
Important Notices:
All- MAKE SURE TO REFER TO THE "Details on Current Project" SECTION!! All - I need someone to make the text in the intro glow.
We are currently CLOSED TO NEW MEMBERS.
You may only join if you were invited by one of our members or the leader or vice leader.
To join, we must be "OPEN TO MEMBERS". Then, please fill out the following form after you have read and understand the requirements.
You must have been on Scratch for at least 2 weeks. If there is any bad language, something that could hurt people's feelings, or cussing, you will not be approved/you will be KICKED OUT Please keep everything Scratch appropriate. We aren't going to create things that have a lot of violence, gore, blood, or vulgar material. We are also not going to make, what i would call, controversial projects, meaning no "Good" witches and wizards, and no gods and goddesses.
Application Form:
Your username Why you want to join Past experiences (If featured, curated, etc..) Specialties/Talents on Scratch Do you agree to follow the requirements? What games you are looking forward to create with Northern Lights?
CAA14 -
Past leader: funnymee323/MusicDoodle.
Vice Leader:
StarscreamClone -
ieu99 -
Berberberber -
Vyrinn - - Will be inactive for an unstated amount of time.
Blazingwave -
estile/Neonblaze -
If you were a member, but are no longer on the list and you wish to rejoin, please report in. You must do some task for the group before you are readmitted. Thank you for understanding.
Helpers: (People that aren't official members but help)
I/Q = In Question. Refer to the "In Question" section for more details and post your answers with the number of the questions.
NH = Now Hiring. Means that this task can have another or more members claim it.
In Question:
If you are a member, please answer the following questions.
1. Do we want our Arcade to be published in 1.4 and 2.0, or just one of them? Answers: Starscream: Both. Idea from before. BlazingWave: 2.0 because 2.0 has more features to make it easier to play and has a higher data limit. 1.4 because 2.0 is really glitchy and sometimes projects can be lost. So basically both. But 1.4 first. 2. Do we want it to cost tickets to play the games in the Arcade? Answers: CAA14 - No, but we need to have some kind of currency for the shop. Starscream: I say it depends; unlockables, yes. Normal, no. BlazingWave: No point. People will just download it and give themselves unlimited tickets then play in the downloaded version. 3. What do we want the currency to be called? Answers: CAA14- Tokens, with "NL" printed on them. Starscream: Scratch Cat with "Imagine Program Share" on it, and have "NL Collab" printed beneath. BlazingWave:A little star token called Northern Lights. So one is called a northern light.
Current Project:
Northern Lights Arcade:
Details on the current Project:
- To make your BUTTON, use this template.
- Make sure to have a
when gf clicked
Block in all of your sprites...
- Use this engine to display your variables, or use the:hide variable [score_DD v]
andshow variable [score_DD v]
- Also, their will be a black fade when your game is started when we make the interface, so don't bother making it fade in or anything, at least for when it's first started.
- You need to make a variable for any value that you want to be upgradeable, i.e. "playerSpeed". You then need to add a comment in your "useless sprite", explained below, about which things you want us to have as upgrades and their cost.
- Each game will cost 2 game tickets. - I/Q
- All games must be original, meaning they cannot be a copy. They can be an inspiration or an idea from someone else, but they cannot be copies.
- The currency will be used for unlocking bonuses for games and other games themselves.
- The projects would HAVE to be approved by CAA14.
Also, they need to be simple, linear games. nothing to complicated, because at least 10 games need to be fitted into 1 project.
When you make your games, please make all the variables that you would have global LOCAL on a completely useless sprite, like a ghosted circle. Then, when ever you need to call that variable, use the
< [score v] of [the circle thing v] >Block. This will really help with CAA14 and Starscreamclone when we put it all together.
when i receive [back to arcade v] hidein all of your sprites in your minigames.
For: Northern Lights Arcade - All members need to make one mini game. If you would like to do more, please ask 1st. (all) - Putting it all together - Unless the person doing interface wants to - (CAA14) - Make the interface. - No more members. (berberberber) Details: - We will need to add "Back to Arcade" buttons. - We will need to setup the upgrades and the shop. - We will need to make an intro for the Arcade. - The colors need to be dark. I also want the interface to be clean and simple. - Also, lets try to put some lights in there. - For the technical aspect, there will be this sprite that is for notifications that has a lot of "When i receive" blocks. This sprite would come up like if you tried to buy something you couldn't afford or you try to hit play with no game selected. We would also have a little sprite that slides down from the top and stops like a little tab on the top that would alert you how many "Tokens" or "Northern Lights" you got. - CAA14 can do this. ;) - We will have a variable for the game selected in the shop, which will determine which upgrade buttons show up. We will also have a variable for the upgrade selected and the cost. - We also need the music to be based off of which game is selected to play. - Also, please put "_Arcade" after every arcade broadcast. - We also need a sprite for fading, and have it broadcast "Back to arcade". - Each member needs to make a button that introduces and makes their game appear, like, let's say a button that says 'Snowball Fight' and you should decorate it. This would be the "useless" sprite described below. (All) - The template is in the details section. - And we have to make a logo (ieu99) NH - Make a banner for NL arcade (volunteer) NH - Make the Token sprite. (NH) - Make the intro for the Arcade. (CAA14)
If you need ideas for your game, ask CAA14, or ErnieParke.
Completed/In Progress Tasks:
By member:
CAA14: - All members need to make one mini game. If you would like to do more, please ask 1st. (all) { Shooting Match: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/CAA14-NL/3185075 (In Progress...) Dungeon Danger (In progress...) } Example interface: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/CAA14-NL/3235638 (Finished) - Make a button template { Button Template: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/CAA14-NL/3260603 (Finished) } - Make shop interface example. (CAA14) Details: Basically, We will have a variable that is set to the initials of the game selected for upgrades. Based off which value this variable is, the correct upgrades will appear in the center scrollbar section. their will be a cost variable that changes based off of which upgrade/game is selected to be unlocked, and also one that changes to the upgrade selected. I will make the example as soon as i can.{ Shop idea example: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/CAA14-NL/3265335 } - Make the intro for the Arcade. (CAA14) { Intro - http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/CAA14-NL/3297601 (In Progress...) } ieu99: - All members need to make one mini game. If you would like to do more, please ask 1st.{ Target Shoot: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/ieu99/3257454 (In Progress...) } estile: - All members need to make one mini game. If you would like to do more, please ask 1st. (all){ Parabolic: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/estile/3260021 (In Progress...) } iao: - All members need to make one mini game. If you would like to do more, please ask 1st. (all){ Balloon pop: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/iaoumeur/3179525 (Finished) } BlazingWave: - All members need to make one mini game. If you would like to do more, please ask 1st. (all){ Space Invaders: (In Progress...)} - Each member needs to make a button that introduces and makes their game appear, like, let's say a button that says 'Snowball Fight' and you should decorate it. This would be the "useless" sprite described below. (All){ Blazing's button: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/BWTestProjects/3260830 } berberberber: - Make the interface.{ Interface Start: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/LightStreak/3265062 } StarscreamClone: - All members need to make one mini game. If you would like to do more, please ask 1st. (all){ SoundWaves's Defense: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/StarscreamClone/3182530 (Finished) }
Please refer to the links for details on the projects.
Northern Lights Logos and Intros:
Northern Lights Intro - CAA14 with funnymee323's logo
Northern Lights Logo - funnymee323
Northern Lights signature - Support your collaboration!
Collaboration account: Northern-Lights
If you are a member, you may ask for the password.
All Members:
Post your projects in the correct gallery:
Sprites Gallery
Engines Gallery
Logos Gallery
Intros Gallery
Menus Gallery
Projects Gallery
Last edited by CAA14 (2013-05-03 13:34:05)
Btw why do you have the signature I made for northern lights in your signature when its not the official one?
Bad news: You spelt the title wrong!
Its collaboration not collaberation
Last edited by Blazingwave (2013-04-13 00:36:18)
Can I just say, even though I quit, thanks for adding me to the helpers list and thanks for putting my game up here. Do you want me to make a button for my game?
CAA14: Although funnymee323 was a great leader I also think you'll be an awesome leader...
StarScreamClone: Although you probably didn't know it, you were the one to help me get my projects viewed. I asked for them to go in your gallery in the "Projects without many views" and you did and put them in the hall of fame. Back when I just started that was what gave me the inspiration to carry on making scratch projects. Thanks so much...
Last edited by iaoumeur (2013-04-13 04:51:37)
Just put this
as your signature
Last edited by Blazingwave (2013-04-13 05:51:52)
funny's gone? D: I didn't get to say goodbye.. ah, well, I'll tackle her with hugs if ever I see her.
Ooh, 'grats on the position, CAA14! -salute-
I'm afraid I'm heading out of town to see my mother and stepfamily, as I haven't seen them in six months, so I'll be back in a little over a week. I'll miss you guys! [I have a thirteen hour car drive, so if I bombard you with ideas once I get back, please don't be afraid. xD]
No, i'm gonna tackle you with hugs first. XD
I usually try to get on early in the morning to play on the computer a bit and work on my game, so i will say hi. :3
It looks great, CAA14.
I'll miss you guys! DX
MusicalDoodle wrote:
No, i'm gonna tackle you with hugs first. XD
I usually try to get on early in the morning to play on the computer a bit and work on my game, so i will say hi. :3
It looks great, CAA14.![]()
I'll miss you guys! DX
See you funny
iaoumeur wrote:
Can I just say, even though I quit, thanks for adding me to the helpers list and thanks for putting my game up here. Do you want me to make a button for my game?
CAA14: Although funnymee323 was a great leader I also think you'll be an awesome leader...
StarScreamClone: Although you probably didn't know it, you were the one to help me get my projects viewed. I asked for them to go in your gallery in the "Projects without many views" and you did and put them in the hall of fame. Back when I just started that was what gave me the inspiration to carry on making scratch projects. Thanks so much...
Wow, I didn't know that meant so much to you! You are welcome, and I'm glad it helped you out. It does my spark good, iao, to know I've helped.
1. Do we want our Arcade to be published in 1.4 and 2.0, or just one of them?
Starscream: Both. Idea from before.
2. Do we want it to cost tickets to play the games in the Arcade?
CAA14 - No, but we need to have some kind of currency for the shop.
Starscream: I say it depends; unlockables, yes. Normal, no.
3. What do we want the currency to be called?
CAA14- Tokens, with "NL" printed on them.
Starscream: Scratch Cat with "Imagine Program Share" on it, and have "NL Collab" printed beneath.
iaoumeur wrote:
Hey, StarScreamClone, seeing as you're deputy leader can you tell me if I should make a button for my game as said in the first post?
Ah, yes, I would say so. To make things easier, label all broadcasts relating to your game with the initials of your games name (ie. My start up one would be "start up_SD").
Wait, I have another idea because renaming it would take ages, why don't we just keep the broadcasts the same but when someone uses them they can just put a number in relation to what position they finished their game. For example, I think that I posted my minigame first but if someone were to post their game second they could put "StartUp2" or something. Also people could just check the other games to see what broadcasts were used there...
iaoumeur wrote:
Wait, I have another idea because renaming it would take ages, why don't we just keep the broadcasts the same but when someone uses them they can just put a number in relation to what position they finished their game. For example, I think that I posted my minigame first but if someone were to post their game second they could put "StartUp2" or something. Also people could just check the other games to see what broadcasts were used there...
Okay, it's fine if you already took care of the broadcasts.
Here's my button people:
Sorry it's really rubbish, I'm not the best artist and I suck at editing...
Last edited by iaoumeur (2013-04-13 11:07:30)
StarscreamClone wrote:
iaoumeur wrote:
Wait, I have another idea because renaming it would take ages, why don't we just keep the broadcasts the same but when someone uses them they can just put a number in relation to what position they finished their game. For example, I think that I posted my minigame first but if someone were to post their game second they could put "StartUp2" or something. Also people could just check the other games to see what broadcasts were used there...
Okay, it's fine if you already took care of the broadcasts.
Yeah I'm taking care of them now (it takes AGES!)
Blazingwave wrote:
Btw why do you have the signature I made for northern lights in your signature when its not the official one?
Bad news: You spelt the title wrong!
Its collaboration not collaberation
Ah man, I will report to have that fixed.
Also, I like it, that's why. I will add it to the front post.
Iao: Thank you for the kind compliment, and yes, you need to do what Starscreamclone was saying, by putting "_BP" after your broadcasts and sprites. I know, it's a hassle, but believe me, it will be essential.
All: I am almost done with my second one, I have but a few things to do on it, it should be done by Monday. Also, I will make an example for what I think the shop should look like and how it should work.
iaoumeur wrote:
Here's my button people:
[url]http://i46.tinypic.com/qq3m9d.png[/url]Sorry it's really rubbish, I'm not the best artist and I suck at editing...
This is fine, but you need to make that "useless" sprite have this, as it will be your button.
Guys, remember the thumbnails all have to be the same size.
Oh, try to have ending hooks.
CAA14, I'm not actually doing the interface, I'm just making sure that the games work with each other, and adding the buttons. I can if you want me to,though.
Rest you you guys: if you can, try to limit global variables. Ideally, coins should be the only global variable. Don't do anything to the background, it's where the broadcast processing is gonna take place.
Oh, don't actually program the coins.
Oh, also why don't you have a "support us" section with the signatures we made?
Last edited by berberberber (2013-04-13 11:48:47)
berberberber wrote:
Guys, remember the thumbnails all have to be the same size.
Oh, try to have ending hooks.
CAA14, I'm not actually doing the interface, I'm just making sure that the games work with each other, and adding the buttons. I can if you want me to,though.
Rest you you guys: if you can, try to limit global variables. Ideally, coins should be the only global variable. Don't do anything to the background, it's where the broadcast processing is gonna take place.
Oh, don't actually program the coins.
Oh, also why don't you have a "support us" section with the signatures we made?
Exactly, what you said is covered in "Details for current Project".
Also, what did you mean by the last thing you said?
And yes, we need a button template project. Could you please download my interface example and make a button that will exactly fit the x dimension of that center box?
CAA14 wrote:
iaoumeur wrote:
Here's my button people:
[url]http://i46.tinypic.com/qq3m9d.png[/url]Sorry it's really rubbish, I'm not the best artist and I suck at editing...
This is fine, but you need to make that "useless" sprite have this, as it will be your button.
Umm... What do you mean by "useless sprite"?
iaoumeur wrote:
CAA14 wrote:
iaoumeur wrote:
Here's my button people:
[url]http://i46.tinypic.com/qq3m9d.png[/url]Sorry it's really rubbish, I'm not the best artist and I suck at editing...
This is fine, but you need to make that "useless" sprite have this, as it will be your button.
Umm... What do you mean by "useless sprite"?
Download my "Shooting Match" to see what I mean.