Welcome to the elemental clans collab!
This is an animation series invented by madbunnygal!
Please join! Even if you can't animate! We look for idea thinkers, artists, sound effects people, story writers and everybody! Please join! We are mainly looking for a programmer.
This is about a series of magic clans. Read below for more information. The story so far is written on post 1.
All of them hope for peace among the clans, and they will only fight in the most desperate situations
Animal: Female = Pegasus & Male = Unicorn
Overall Personality: Peaceful, Hardworking, Intelligent & Powerful
Colour: Black/Dark Blue/Purple /White
Stone: Amethyst
Name Queen Luna
Gender Female
Unusual appearance She has an amethyst necklace & her wings contain amethysts.
Special Abilities She is very powerful & is the only one who can see into the future.
Personality She is calm & and positive & will do anything for peace among the clans.
Name Sparkle
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance Black Tipped Horn
Ability(s) He can stop time, making everybody (except the leader and healer) frozen in time for a while depending on how strong his magic is at the time.
Personality He is a fast and efficient leader and is very organised but sometimes rushes into things without properly thinking. He is very intelligent though.
Name Echo
Gender Female
Unusual appearance She has a magic & powerful clock around her neck.
Special Abilities When she travels time, she can bring back objects from her travels.
Personality She is compassionate, calm and respects and listens to her leader.
Name Moonstone
Gender Female
Personality Kind, Considerate, Compassionate, Loyal, Beautiful, Wise and a bit shy.
Special Ability Has better eyesight then any other of her clan. She can see through clouds and create clouds.
History She has been offered to be the healer many times but has declined since she loves caring for students. She sometimes helps/advises the healer though.
Name Crystal
Gender Female
Unusual Appearance Her mane is slightly transparent.
Special Ability She can create create massive crystal shields to protect kingdoms.
Personality Calm, Conservative, Timid, Thoughtful and Cautious.
Name Portal
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance His eyes glow a deep and dark purple in the midst of battle, terrifying all who see him
Special Ability When he concentrates his magic he can create portals to different places that allow him & his clan to go from one place to another in the blink of an eye
Personality Very Loyal, Determined and Brave.
Gender: Female
Name: Star
Appearance: She is pure black, with long mane. She has a silver star on her neck.
Special Abilities: Is physic and can read the stars. She can read anyone's mind (Apart from the leader, healer and deputy), and control them for 10 seconds.
Personality: Dull voiced, and can scare people just by looking at them.
Name Eclipse
Gender Female
Unusual Appearance Her mane has a moonlight glow. Her mane is also very long.
Special Ability She can bathe everything in darkness. As to sneak up on enemies.
Personality Loyal, Compassionate, Calm, Helpful, Extremely Intelligent & Beautiful.
Name Vortex
Personality Proud, Loyal, Confident and tends to be a little arrogant.
Gender Male
Ability Has a spiral on his thigh that allows him to create a purple shield around him that no unicorn/pegasus except the leader, the deputy, the healer and his carer can get through.
Their sharp attitudes provide power in their attacks
Animal Phoenix
Overall Personality Feisty, Powerful, Short-tempered and Self Centred
Colour Red/ Orange
Stone Topaz
Name Queen Flame
Gender Female
Unusual Appearance She has rainbow wings.
Personality Feisty, self centred and sometimes, the slightest bit forgetful.
Special Ability She can burn huge amounts of space and she can burn non-physical objects such as rainbows. She can also create rainbows.
Name Coal
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance Has black feathers on his head.
Special Ability He can create ash, and use it in battle.
Personality Hardworking, strong, and very good at formulating a plan.
Name Flare
Gender Female
Unusual Appearance She has yellow eyes instead of the red of other phoenixes.
Special Ability Is surprisingly very good at finding herbs.
Personality Snaps at everything, and has drastic changes in mood swings.
No carers at the moment! Keep making characters!
No students at the moment! Keep making characters!
Name Strike
Gender Male
Unusual appearance Has a yellow beak.
Special Ability Fighting, battle strategy.
Personality Fierce, Loyal, Determined
Name: Scorch
Gender: Male
Unusual Appearance: Black irises that turn red and fill his whole eye in battle.
Personality: Fierce, Loyal.
Special Ability: Can create a ring of magnesium fire, meaning it burns at one thousand degrees and cannot be extinguished by water.
Name Magma
Gender Female
Unusual Appearance wings have lava-like patterns
Special Ability can create a fiery cloud that rains molten lava
Personality Kind, vain.
does not like getting dirty, so normally only fights by showering foes with magma
Name Sol
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance orange-yellow feathers, sun symbol on each wing
Special Ability can make his eyes radiant heat and light almost as briliant as the sun
Personality resolved, loves fighting.
They care only for themselves, and rarely help any other clan
Animal Water Dragon
Overall Personality Elegant, Serious, Independent, Hardworking and Cold-Minded.
Colour Blue/Silver
Stone Sapphire
Name Queen Frost
Personality Queen Frost rules the oceans with cold determination. She is very disapproving of as she calls it "silly behaviour". She has a sharp tongue. She is a very dangerous foe, don't get in her bad books!
Special ability Queen Frost can freeze and manipulate the temperature on water. She can also create huge bubbles that go around her for protection.
Name Hydro
Gender Male
Special AbilitiesCreate big splashes of water and make water go up, defying gravity Personality Curious, Thoughtful, Likes to plan ahead, Stressed, Elegant, Graceful.
Name Oasis
Gender Female
Personality Bubbly, Cheerful, Fast, Efficient.
Special Abilities Can handle degrees of all temperatures even though the rest of the water clan can only live in 30 to -10 celsius she can handle 278 to -321 celsius.
No carers at the moment! Keep making characters![/i]
Name Splash
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance Has sparkly scales
Special Ability Can swim through the water without making a splash, or sound.
Personality Quiet, Smart and Stealthy.
Name Pearl
Gender Female
Unusual Appearance A faint glow emits around her
Special Ability's When she concentrates her power she can shine really brightly
Personality Very curious, Quite mischievous at times, has a warm heart compared to the others of her clan.
Name Soak
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance Unusually small
Special Ability Can turn transparent
Personality Brave, loyal, always trying to prove himself,
often used as a scout or spy.
In battle, they can be a bit clumsy, but this will not dampen their spirit!
Animal Centaur
Overall Personality Gentle, Shy, Nice, Clumsy and Quiet
Colour Brown/ Green
Stone Emerald
Name King Fern
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance On his hooves, there are little images of ferns.
Personality Gentle, Understanding, Caring and puts others before himself.
Special Ability He can make plants grow, and use them to heal himself. He can also make vines grow to squeeze opponents to death
Name Pebble
Gender Male.
[i]We need more information about pebble.
Name Oak
Gender Female
Unusual Appearance When it is spring, or in times of desperation and need, her skin blooms with all kinds of beautiful flowers.
Special Ability when she is about the ground blooms with beautiful flowers. And she can heal plants as well as animals.
Personality Kind, Caring, loving of all things, hates war and destruction, often called to the pegasi/unicorn's peace meetings.
No carers at the moment! Keep making characters!
Name Splinter
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance His tail has thorns inside it.
Special Ability's He is one of the fastest centaur in his clan and he can grow a small thorn plant just by touching the ground with his finger.
Personality He is very competitive and quite arrogant and will often word things to offend someone. But deep inside all he's looking for is a friend (since he has none)
Name Birch
Gender Male
Special Appearance Has green hooves instead of the usual black or brown.
Personality Cheerful, kind and enthusastic, but it all changes in battle and he is a little out of control but incredibly dangerous
Special Abilities Possibly a bit lame but, can jump into the air and smash into the ground creating a small crater and sending shockwave knocking over everyone except the most agile and strudy footed, within a 5 metre radius.
Name Slate
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance horns
Special Ability can stomp and create small underground "bunkers" or caves.
Personality Friendly, not very good fighter
Name Marble
Gender Female
Unusual Appearance horns
Special Ability can stomp and create a ring of stone walls.
Personality Friendly, not very good fighter
No students at the moment! Keep making characters!
Strong physically and have very good eyesight
Animal Griffin
Overall Personality Loyal, Brave, Courageous and Proud.
Colour Clear/ Light Blue
Stone Diamonds/ Crystals
Name King Hurricane
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance Has blue eyes instead of the usual grey of a griffin.
Special Abilities Can whip up tornados and travel at the speed of sound.
Personality Arrogant, Loyal, Brave and hates people who get the better of him.
Name Tornado
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance Has grey claws.
Special Abilities Has very good eyesight. Can spot things from 76555 meters away.
Personality Is shy, but always willing to support his leader at any cost.
Name Cloud
Gender Female
Unusual Appearance Has swirling eyes which can hypnotise enemies.
Special Abilities She can change the weather and pop clouds.
Personality She is outgoing, and wild, and will make any boring job more fun.
No carers at the moment! Keep making characters!
Name Boreas
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance yellow-red beak
Special Ability can emit an aura from his open beak that cancels any spells or curses already in place, or prevents any from being cast as long as he is emitting the aura.
Personality Loyal, Squeamish, Brave.
Name Zephyr
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance steel-like beak and claws
Special Ability Can fire beams of wind so intense they can blast apart rock.
Personality Chivalrous, Brave, loyal.
No students at the moment! Keep making characters!
Without them, the world is plunged into eternal darkness
Animal: Phoenix
Overall Personality: Peaceful, Mysterious, Loyal & Powerful
Colour: Yellow, Red, Orange, Pink
Stone: Ruby
History Though they are from the clan of fire, they are loyal to all clans. It is said they were once from the pegasi clan due to their immense power and crave of peace.
They have their own gem due to their power.
The Twins of the sun
Name Sunrise
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance His feathers are yellow, orange, red and dark pink.
Special Ability He is in charge of rising the sun and is one of the twins of the sun.
He is the only phoenix that can rise the sun. He is a twin to Sunset.
Personality Handsome, Elegant, Hard-Working, Powerful, is always on-time, loyal.
Name Sunset
Gender Female
Unusual Appearance Her feathers are yellow, orange, red and dark pink.
Special Ability She is in charge of setting the sun and is one of the twins of the sun.
She is the only phoenix that can set the sun. She is a twin to Sunrise.
Personality Beautiful, Elegant, Hard-Working, Powerful, is always on-time, loyal.
The Twin's of the sun are more powerful than Queen Flame or any other phoenix. but do not seek leadership. Their power is compared to the power of Queen Luna.
Without them, the sun will not rise, dooming everything into internal darkness. They play an important role in Chapter 1 when they go missing and the world is plunged into darkness.
Typhoons are the enemies of the clans and are large in numbers.
Element Storm/Lightning
Gem Tanzanite
Personality Brutal and Mean.
They are quite weak but the reason they are so dangerous is because of the numbers.
There are over 99999999999999999999999999 of them.
Pheonix Symbol
Water Dragon Symbol
Queen Luna using magic to distort time
Queen Luna traveling through space
Echo travelling through space
Sparkle the deputy
Spatkle using magic to become a cloud
Moonstone looking for Vortex
Part of the griffins castle in the distance
Moonstone's Brothers
Queen Flame of the Phoenix clan using her magic to create a rainbow.
Queen Frost climbing an ice pillar
Hydro using magic to make a huge splash of water.
Oasis is becoming bony because she is in 200 degrees celsius water.
Part of the clans kingdom.
A typhoon
A typhoon
A typhoon
A typhoon
A typhoon
Eclipse Pegasus
Crystal Pegasus
Music and Sound Effects
Tunes by Blazingwave
Tunes by Blazingwave 2
Sound Effects by Topazdragonlord
The positions you can apply for
Character Drawer: Madbunnygal, Maltese_Falcon, Lundfamily3
Graphics Designer (Items and backgrounds): Blazingwave, Maltese_Falcon, Lundfamily3
Storyline Planner (No more positions): Destructo-serpent/Topazdragonlord/Blazingwave/ madbunnygal/ieu99
Programmer: kattenelvis
Sound Effects: Blazingwave
Character Designer: Celloplayer, Blazingwave, Maltese_Falcon
Idea Thinker: Topazdragonlord, jji10dino, Blazingwave, Maltese_Falcon
Queen Luna, Female- Madbunnygal
Sparkle, Male - ieu99
Echo, Female- Blazingwave
Moonstone, Female- Madbunnygal
Vortex, Male- Flyboy
King Hurricane, Male- Flyboy
Tornado, Male-
Cloud, Female- Clarebear202
Queen Flame, Female- Blazingwave
Coal, Male- ieu99
Flare, Female- Waffle27
Strike, Male-
Queen Frost, Female- Madbunnygal
Hydro, Male- ieu99
Sunset, Female-Madbunnygal/Blazingwave
Sunrise, Male- ieu99
Oasis, Female- Madbunnygal's Sister
Pearl, Female- Clarebear202
Fern, Female-
Typhoons, Male/Female -
Eclipse, Female - Madbunnygal
Crystal, Female - Waffle27
Pebble, Male- ieu99
Splinter, Male- Topazdragonlord
To join, fill out this form:
How active will you be?:
madbunnygal (Leader)
Blazingwave (Deputy Leader)
Destucto-serpent (Decider)
Topazdragonlord (Decider)
Deciders: (These are people who can make minor decisions in the collaboration without madbunnygal.)
To create a Character, fill out this form: (Please copy it exactly where is says to)
[b][u] Clan name and position here[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b] name here [b]Gender[/b] gender here [b]Unusual Appearance[/b] any unusual features about their looks [b]Special Ability[/b] any powers/special ability's [b]Personality[/b] their personality
Everyone: Find more people for the collaboration!!
Everyone: Think of more ideas for Characters!
Storyline Planners: Write scripts for episode 1!
Graphics Designer: Create a map of the clans. (Time clan = Futuristic home type thing, with lots of clocks!! , Earth clan = Forest, Fire clan = Volcano or desert, water clan = ocean or river or lake or waterfall which you can go through to get to clan's base, Air = Clouds)
Remember I am not the leader of this collaboration! Madbunnygal is.
Read post 1 for the story so far.
Want to put this in your signature copy and paste this
Last edited by Blazingwave (2013-05-03 01:53:51)
Story so far:
*CRASH* *BANG* Lightning and Thunder overhead... Great Darkness
"Moonstone!" "Yes Queen Luna?" "Go! Get the other clans" "But Queen-" "I said GO Moonstone"
"Queen Frost?" "What now Hydro?" "We need to help the other clans we are the only ones not fighting." "How dare you talk of the other clans Hydro!, Are you loyal to our clan or not?" "Yes but-" "No buts! We will not help those ridiculous clans".
"Queen Luna... Great Darkness is coming, I foresee it" "I know Echo (sigh) we are doing all we can to stop the typhoons but i'm afraid our magic is not strong enough even with all our added strength... I'm afraid unless the clan of water joins us we will fall." "But we can't give up hope!" "But Echo? Is their any hope to give up on?"
Paragraph 1:
In the castle of the pegasi/unicorn at the front gate and then when Luna says GO!
She uses her magic to open up the door and moonstone flies out.
Paragraph 2:
Hydro pleading with Queen Frost while they are in the throne room of the underwater palace. It is made of ice. Queen Frost is on her throne while Hydro is standing on the floor. The throne is made of ice.
Paragraph 3:
Luna and Echo and standing in the space/time clan palace in a tall tower overlooking the battle.
Here is chapter one!
Chapter 1 will be through Echo's eyes.
"Aren't you so glad the war finished?' Queen Luna remarked to Echo
"I certainly am. Let us hope that nothing like this ever happens again"
It was the night after the typhoons has been overthrown. All the clans were having a celebration party down near the Ancient Pyramid of the sun, home to the twins of the sun.
"Attention Every Clan! Queen Luna is about to make an announcement" Said Sparkle into the microphone. "Queen Luna please come up onto the stage"
"I would like to thank every clan for their help, we couldn't have done it without you!" Said Queen Luna.
"But we all owe our thanks to the two phoenixes that destroyed the King of Typhoons, I present to you THE TWINS OF THE SUN!"
Two curtains open behind Queen Luna. Nothing is there.
Queen Flame fies onto the stage
"The twins of the sun are missing!"
Gasps break out.
The night erupts into Chaos, Clans running everywhere screaming.
"Calm Down Everybody" Shouts Queen Luna. They probably just are extra busy and couldn't make it"
Queen Luna glares at Queen Flame
"Uh, yes that's what happened" said Queen Flame
The clans begin to calm down.
"But it isn't like the Twins of the sun to be late or not notify us if they can't make it" Remarks Queen Frost
Clans burst into Chaos again.
1 hour later...
"I'm worried about the twins" Echo mentions to Queen Luna
"I know, where is the sun? Sunrise is supposed to be raising the sun now"
12 hours later
The sun still hasn't made an appearence
"Queen Luna it is time for you to raise the moon" Says Echo
Queen Luna goes onto the balcony and frowns as she spreads her wings out.
Echo watches in horror as suddenly Queen Luna spasms and falls.
Quickly Echo dives down and picks her up.
"The omen of Tanza-" Stutters Queen Luna
Then she faints
I hour later
The clans are extremely shaken up after the disappearance of the Twins of the Sun, no other clans are aware of Queen Luna's disappearance.
It is time for the meeting of the healers.
Echo meets the other Healers.
"This is a time of crisis" Announces Echo
"Queen Luna has disappeared!"
The healers gasp
"But Queen Luna is the most powerful pegasus" gasps Oasis
"Could this be related to the disappearance of the twins of the sun?" Asks Oak
"I think so" Answers Echo
"You need a temporary leader" remarks Flare
"But who?" Asks Echo
"How about Sparkle?" Asks Cloud
"No, he is too self confident"
"Well, the healer of the clan chooses their leader so you need to find one" Says Oasis
"I think you should be the leader temporarily" Says Flare
"ME?" Shrieks Echo
"Are you out of your mind?1"
"We don't know who to trust in this time of chaos" says Oak "You are our only hope..."
Next Day
"Behold Queen Echo" Announces Sparkle
Instead of the usual cheers of the clans, it is a gloomy atmosphere
After the ceremony Queen Echo flies onto the balcony to try to raise the moon.
Before she can, she suddenly feels a wave of coldness.
Sparkle is standing before her
"I have had enough of you Echo" Says Sparkle
"Time to put an end to this"
"Sparkle?" Echo faints
Last edited by Blazingwave (2013-05-02 00:52:31)
madbunnygal wrote:
This is awesome!!!!!! So, have you finished the maps yet?
Still working on it! Check the to-dos on our old collab.
Btw this took 3 and a half hours straight to make, believe it or not.
Last edited by Blazingwave (2013-04-12 06:33:18)
Blazingwave wrote:
madbunnygal wrote:
This is awesome!!!!!! So, have you finished the maps yet?
Still working on it! Check the to-dos on our old collab.
Ok!! I am going to draw a griffin, can you rate it?
topazdragonlord wrote:
I've just requested for the other topic to be closed
Thanks! Do you wanna be a voice??
I have the rest for Pearl/Splinter
Unusual Appearance A faint glow emits around her
Special Ability's When she concentrates her power she can shine really brightly
Personality Very curious, Quite mischievous at times, has a warm heart compared to the others of her clan.
Unusual Appearance His tail has thorns inside it.
Special Ability's He is one of the fastest centaur in his clan and he can grow a small thorn plant just by touching the ground with his finger.
Personality He is very competitive and quite arrogant and will often word things to offend someone. But deep inside all he's looking for is a friend (since he has none)
Awesome new post by the way
madbunnygal wrote:
topazdragonlord wrote:
I've just requested for the other topic to be closed
Thanks! Do you wanna be a voice??
Sure can I be one of the typhoons as well please
(since I'm doing Splinter as well
Perhaps you could add this onto the front page so you can copy and paste for ease of filling in the form and putting it on the front page?
[b][u] Clan name and position here[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b] name here [b]Gender[/b] gender here [b]Unusual Appearance[/b] any unusual features about their looks [b]Special Ability[/b] any powers/special ability's [b]Personality[/b] there personality
madbunnygal wrote:
Blazingwave wrote:
madbunnygal wrote:
This is awesome!!!!!! So, have you finished the maps yet?
Still working on it! Check the to-dos on our old collab.
Ok!! I am going to draw a griffin, can you rate it?
Space/Time clan Warrior
Name Portal
Gender Male
Unusual Appearance His eyes glow a deep and dark purple in the midst of battle, terrifying all who see him
Special Ability When he concentrates his magic he can create portals to different places that allow you to go from one place to another in the blink of an eye
Personality Very loyal, determined, in battle he can become filled with rage and fury but He is just able to control it just enough not to destroy everything he loves or cares for. Outside of battle he is usually ashamed and stays on his own in his room.
Last edited by topazdragonlord (2013-04-12 07:28:46)
topazdragonlord wrote:
Perhaps you could add this onto the front page so you can copy and paste for ease of filling in the form and putting it on the front page?
[b][u] Clan name and position here[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b] name here [b]Gender[/b] gender here [b]Unusual Appearance[/b] any unusual features about their looks [b]Special Ability[/b] any powers/special ability's [b]Personality[/b] there personality
Good idea! I did that!
Blazingwave wrote:
topazdragonlord wrote:
Perhaps you could add this onto the front page so you can copy and paste for ease of filling in the form and putting it on the front page?
[b][u] Clan name and position here[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b] name here [b]Gender[/b] gender here [b]Unusual Appearance[/b] any unusual features about their looks [b]Special Ability[/b] any powers/special ability's [b]Personality[/b] there personalityGood idea! I did that!
topazdragonlord wrote:
Blazingwave wrote:
ieu99 wrote:
Great! Could someone synopsize what ha happened so far please?!
If you had read the other pages you would know
My new topic will have all the pictures and ideas organised on it.
Here are the scenes for the paragraphs of the prologue.
Paragraph 1:
In the castle of the pegasi/unicorn at the front gate and then when Luna says GO!
She uses her magic to open up the door and moonstone flies out.
Paragraph 2:
Hydro pleading with Queen Frost while they are in the throne room of the underwater palace. It is made of ice. Queen Frost is on her throne while Hydro is standing on the floor. The throne is made of ice.
Paragraph 3:
Luna and Echo and standing in the space/time clan palace in a tall tower overlooking the battle.awesome
maybe paragraph 4 could be showing some battling up close? (like showing the forest area with the forest warriors battling and the students hiding themselves and camouflaging into the trees some saying the scared etc.?)
But this clan is getting on really well- and could I put this thread in my link hub? (click the signature)
Well I am sorry but it was 6 pages of discusion and I was very tired because I had to stay up last night to receive an award
ieu99 wrote:
topazdragonlord wrote:
Blazingwave wrote:
If you had read the other pages you would know![]()
My new topic will have all the pictures and ideas organised on it.
Here are the scenes for the paragraphs of the prologue.
Paragraph 1:
In the castle of the pegasi/unicorn at the front gate and then when Luna says GO!
She uses her magic to open up the door and moonstone flies out.
Paragraph 2:
Hydro pleading with Queen Frost while they are in the throne room of the underwater palace. It is made of ice. Queen Frost is on her throne while Hydro is standing on the floor. The throne is made of ice.
Paragraph 3:
Luna and Echo and standing in the space/time clan palace in a tall tower overlooking the battle.awesome
maybe paragraph 4 could be showing some battling up close? (like showing the forest area with the forest warriors battling and the students hiding themselves and camouflaging into the trees some saying the scared etc.?)
But this clan is getting on really well- and could I put this thread in my link hub? (click the signature)
Well I am sorry but it was 6 pages of discusion and I was very tired because I had to stay up last night to receive an award
Don't worry
I've made some sounds for the collaboration and yes I know what the 5th sound sounds like XD but perhaps we could use them?
Should we do like an online/offline rooster?
So that was other group members can easily tell if the other members of the collaboration are online/offline?
I'm going to write some backstories for some characters
Queen Frost:
Queen frost is the most cold-hearted leader out of all the clans. But tings weren't always like this. When Queen Frost was born, she lived a happy life- with her parent, who she loved and looked up to so dearly. But then a terrible war broke out between her clan and the other clans. Her father, King Blizzard, was sent into battle- where he was never heard from again.(perhaps in a future episode we can do something about this- like he wasn't killed but kidnapped or he was meant to stop the war when a Typhoon took him, and no-one knew about Typhoons back then?) When that happened it made Princess Frost and her mother, Queen Glacier, much closer. But one night when the palace was asleep Queen Glacier was assassinated and Frost slowly began to fill with twisted anger and rage. The war was then declared over, and Frost was coroneted and became Queen Frost. From there on she hated every other clan and never has anything to do with any wars. She will show no mercy to any who speak in front of her about her parents. She also dislikes anyone that reminds her of herself when she was younger, like pearl.
What does everyone think?
Should I do some more of these?
Fire Clan - Warrior
Name: Scorch
Gender: Male
Unusual Appearance: black irises that turn red and fill the whole eye in battle
Special Ability: can create a ring of magnesium fire, meaning it burns at one thousand degrees and cannot be extinguished by water.
Personality: fierce, loyal.
destructo-serpent wrote:
Fire Clan - Warrior
Name: Scorch
Gender: Male
Unusual Appearance: black irises that turn red and fill the whole eye in battle
Special Ability: can create a ring of magnesium fire, meaning it burns at one thousand degrees and cannot be extinguished by water.
Personality: fierce, loyal.
topazdragonlord wrote:
destructo-serpent wrote:
Fire Clan - Warrior
Name: Scorch
Gender: Male
Unusual Appearance: black irises that turn red and fill the whole eye in battle
Special Ability: can create a ring of magnesium fire, meaning it burns at one thousand degrees and cannot be extinguished by water.
Personality: fierce, loyal.Cool
whenever i randomly think of a power or unusual appearence, i make a charracter out of it
animes aren't as good on the small scratch project screen. too bad the stage isn't bigger.
topazdragonlord wrote:
ieu99 wrote:
topazdragonlord wrote:
maybe paragraph 4 could be showing some battling up close? (like showing the forest area with the forest warriors battling and the students hiding themselves and camouflaging into the trees some saying the scared etc.?)
But this clan is getting on really well- and could I put this thread in my link hub? (click the signature)
Well I am sorry but it was 6 pages of discusion and I was very tired because I had to stay up last night to receive an award
Don't worry
Great !
it seems that most of the clans have queens. i think maybe there should be less than four.