I'm doing some more format hacking (kurt 2.0!), and I'm having some errors when reading a Scratch file that I've generated.
When I load the file in Scratch, I only get the message "Could not read project; file may be damaged". I'd like to see the full traceback. Is there any way to do that?
The bit I want to fix appears to be in "ScratchFrameMorph -> 'file read/write' -> openScratchProjectNamed:":
... [ projData _ f binary contentsOfEntireFile. newProj _ self extractProjectFrom: projData. projectInfo _ self extractInfoFrom: projData. ] ifError: [:err :rcvr | ^ self inform: 'Could not read project; file may be damaged' withDetails: '(', err, ')']. ...
But I can't remove that error (I just get a different one).
Any thoughts? Thanks!
Hmm, I couldn't get it to.
I fixed the problem for now — but I'll ask again if I have the same problem!