I have recently been working on a scrolling project and I've run into a bit of trouble. My left, right, and down sensors all work fairly well. However the up sensor doesn't. I can't figure out so, when the jump key is pressed(w), that the sprite will jump, but if he hits something he'll stop and bounce back down. I can get it so he wont jump at all if he senses something above him, but not so he bounces off of it. Here is the link to the project if you want to see for yourself what I'm talking about http://beta.scratch.mit.edu/projects/10093309/
Any help is appreciated.
Jas0nta11 wrote:
when gf clicked forever if touching color <grey> change y by <-1> end end
when gf clicked forever if <touching color [#000000]?> change y by (-1) endfixed