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#7701 2013-04-07 02:54:15

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Really? Can you give me a link to it? (You'll have to share it, I tried looking it up from your screenshot).

If it's from 1.4, I'm pretty sure it should work.

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#7702 2013-04-07 05:30:35

Registered: 2010-04-17
Posts: 100+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

bharvey wrote:

Thanks.  The scary part is, at 10 min/video I'm going to have to do 20-30 more like it, to cover everything in the manual.

Congratulations Brian ! (we say in French "chapeau bas"), your tutorial is excellent. I appreciate that your comment is made in an 'international english" so that non-native english-speaking kids can easily follow it.I'll use your tutorial with my 2 grand-sons to improve their poor english pronounciation of programming vocabulary.
By the way , it is also a pleasure to hear your real voice after having read so many of your written comments.
And I'am impressed by your enormous personal involvement in this Byob/Snap! project...after Logo, Scheme and many other fields of education. It seems that you are tireless. Which is your secret, young chap (8 years younger than me )!



#7703 2013-04-07 05:52:44

Registered: 2007-06-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

@Brian: Nice video! It sounds like you have one of those old clicky keyboards with raised keys that require more force...  tongue  And was that pi from memory?

Things I've made: kurt | scratchblocks2 | this cake



#7704 2013-04-07 10:31:36

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Our internet died with like one MB left… so I had to go through it again.

To take high-quality screen recordings, you can just use QuickTime player! Just open it up, and choose File > new Screen Recording. If you have Mountain Lion, it lets you pick a screen region to record, otherwise it records the whole screen.

Now to watch the video…

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#7705 2013-04-07 10:49:23

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Well, the video's great!  smile  I love the slow, clear explanation (it's hard to explain programming! I was teaching some kids my age (same guys who understood stage and actor) about how to program a Scratch "AI" to win at the 21 matchsticks game, and I can vouch that it's hard. But they loved it—I pitted the AIs against each other for a grand finale).

blob8108 wrote:

And was that pi from memory?

It was rounded, wasn't it? How dare you.  tongue

The pause thing in the middle is kind of scary: I was browsing with QuickTime in another window, and the sudden silence combined with an awkward grayness caught me for a second. But it is a good idea, most people just keep watching when videos tell you to pause them.  smile

Why is it IIIA1? Have I missed two previous installments?

Oh, and how about putting them up on YouTube? Streaming beats downloading any day, in my opinion.  smile

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#7706 2013-04-07 12:48:31

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Hardmath123 wrote:

Why is it IIIA1? Have I missed two previous installments?

It corresponds to Chapter III of the Reference Manual.  I started there because Chapter I is stuff Scratchers all know, so it's not urgent, and Chapter II is still in flux while Jens invents sharing etc.

Oh, and how about putting them up on YouTube?

Yes, of course, that's the plan.  But once something is in Google's clutches people start mirroring it and you don't get a second chance.  So I figured I should try it among friends first, in case someone says "I can't read the blocks because the writing is too small" or some technical thing like that -- or worse, an actual mistake in the content.



#7707 2013-04-07 13:17:05

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Random question—I've been meaning to ask you this for a while: how do you check your email? I noticed you seem to wrap lines yourself rather than letting
the software do it
for you, kind of like
this, and you seem
to assume a monospace
font (you put a ^ below the "A" in RGBA to highlight it, I guess, but on gmail it was shifted to under the G). Am I missing something?  smile

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#7708 2013-04-07 14:51:51

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Hardmath123 wrote:

Am I missing something?

What you're missing is that I'm 63 years old, and in my formative years we didn't have auto-wrapping and variable-width fonts.  It's only just recently, under duress, that I switched from /usr/bin/mail to Thunderbird as my mail reader.  (And, by the way, if you check the option to read your mail as plain text, you're safe(r) from mail viruses.)



#7709 2013-04-07 14:54:32

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

blob8108 wrote:

And was that pi from memory?

I'm embarrassed about not knowing more digits than that; some of my friends can reel off 20 digits.  smile



#7710 2013-04-07 15:03:28

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

xly wrote:

It seems that you are tireless.

Thanks.  It doesn't seem that way to me -- I should have started months ago!  It was a week between writing the script and actually recording it.

The plan for today is to do my income tax; maybe getting that out of the way will speed me up!

(EDIT:  Done.  10:59pm.  But at least they owe me money this year.  smile )

But, yeah, I've been fighting some of the same battles (e.g., about how important higher order functions are) since the early days of Logo.  But they're so much more understandable in Snap!!  This time I know our side will win.

Last edited by bharvey (2013-04-08 02:01:11)



#7711 2013-04-07 16:00:07

Registered: 2007-06-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

bharvey wrote:

blob8108 wrote:

And was that pi from memory?

I'm embarrassed about not knowing more digits than that; some of my friends can reel off 20 digits.  smile

Ha! Me, I like the people who think 3 is a good enough approximation.  tongue

Things I've made: kurt | scratchblocks2 | this cake



#7712 2013-04-07 16:04:01

Registered: 2007-06-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Hardmath123 wrote:

Am I missing something?

What, you mean your editor /doesn't/ automatically add newlines after 79 characters?  tongue

Things I've made: kurt | scratchblocks2 | this cake



#7713 2013-04-07 19:31:18

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-08-17
Posts: 34

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Here is the link to the project.



#7714 2013-04-07 22:22:20

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

blob8108 wrote:

bharvey wrote:

blob8108 wrote:

And was that pi from memory?

I'm embarrassed about not knowing more digits than that; some of my friends can reel off 20 digits.  smile

Ha! Me, I like the people who think 3 is a good enough approximation.  tongue

But not the people who use 22/7, and then engineer problems so that the radius is divisible by 7…

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#7715 2013-04-07 22:26:20

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Zygorithm wrote:

Here is the link to the project.

Woah, that's huge. I'll analyze the pure JSON. Maybe Scratch 1.4 has different blockspecs in the file format… though I doubt it.

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#7716 2013-04-07 22:54:06

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Ok, a couple of errors that this project helped me fix: the stage uses "setScene", not "switchToCostume" or whatever, and I didn't support leaving C blocks empty.

I'm now trying to convert the project, but since it's so huge, I think it will take a while.  hmm  Seriously, 1,000 costumes is mindblowing.

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#7717 2013-04-07 22:55:54

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

bharvey wrote:

Hardmath123 wrote:

Am I missing something?

What you're missing is that I'm 63 years old, and in my formative years we didn't have auto-wrapping and variable-width fonts.  It's only just recently, under duress, that I switched from /usr/bin/mail to Thunderbird as my mail reader.  (And, by the way, if you check the option to read your mail as plain text, you're safe(r) from mail viruses.)

Ah. With my email paranoia, I rarely ever get spam, though, and usually it's just junk from people I know.  smile

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#7718 2013-04-07 23:28:49

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Ok, it worked, but it output an  18MB XML file which Snap! chokes on…

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#7719 2013-04-08 02:22:08

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Hardmath123 wrote:

but it output an  18MB XML file which Snap! chokes on…

Jens is working on separating out the media when saving projects, so soon you'll be able to put all the costumes in separate files.  Stay tuned.



#7720 2013-04-08 03:28:32

Registered: 2007-06-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Hardmath123 wrote:

Ok, it worked, but it output an  18MB XML file which Snap! chokes on…

Just strip all the costumes!

Things I've made: kurt | scratchblocks2 | this cake



#7721 2013-04-08 07:40:33

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-04-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Hardmath123 wrote:

Ok, it worked, but it output an  18MB XML file which Snap! chokes on…

Does it choke on reading it or expanding it? I can try to help speed it up if you give me the file.




#7722 2013-04-08 08:14:28

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

I don't know, it says "Opening out.xml…" and just sits there for over 5 minutes (with the rainbow spinny ball of Mac-doom on the browser window).

I think I'll use blob's idea—just parse the scripts without adding costumes to make sure at least the scripts work.

Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#7723 2013-04-08 12:53:33

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-08-17
Posts: 34

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Ok, it worked, but it output an  18MB XML file which Snap! chokes on…

So no go on importing to Snap for now? Will Snap eventually be able to handle this in the near future?
Also, do you have the new version of the converter that was able to convert my project?



#7724 2013-04-08 13:11:00

Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Hmm, I've imported files over 30 MB big...

Jens Mönig



#7725 2013-04-08 13:40:44

Registered: 2007-06-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: BYOB 3 - Discussion Thread

Has @Hardmath just discovered xkcd?  tongue

Things I've made: kurt | scratchblocks2 | this cake



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