Maltese_Falcon wrote:
Thanks! I only requested 2 or 3, but you gave me nine!
Thanks! I think I'll use:
9 (For Sure)
6 (I'm already doing this)
And 2
I'll give you credit too. I'll even try adding subliminal messaging telling people to come to your idea shop. I can see if it actually works!
By the way, how many levels do you think I could have without reaching the limit? It's not like 3d graphics or anything, but I have 21 sprites so far, and 13 backgrounds...
Well that depends a lot on how much music you have. Code and images don't really take up that much space, so you don't need to worry about that.
Anyway, yes, I know that I gave you nine ideas, though they weren't hard to think of and I decided to go overboard a bit.
Well I'm glad to hear that this helped! Also, good luck with your game!
With regards,
(Pico rules!) (Pico rules!) (Scratch rules!)
Last edited by ErnieParke (2013-04-01 19:11:24)
Ideas: 2-4
On what:
1) Game ideas.
2) Improvements for scripts for a Mario world game I am working on.
Description: <none>
Other information: here
Okay, i will see if i can come up with two of those for you. RPG, Arcade, or something else?
Rumanti wrote:
Can I (or anyone) suggest ideas? Because I don't need an idea- yet. But this shop sounds great!
Yes, of course you or anyone can suggest ideas. As soon as this weekend rolls around, I'll be putting up the Idea Collection, which is as its name suggests, and I'll put your idea in there. Also, thank you for the compliment.
With regards,
Order up!
For: qwerts9000
#1 - Gloomy Streets - side scrolling Platformer
You have lived in vivid town ever since you were a little kid. The town was all ways beautiful, colorful, and full of light. Then one day, all of that changed. Suddenly, a storm came that blocked out most all light, causing the colors to fade into blacks, dark blues and purples, and the entire town is filled with dark, creepy creatures that hate the light. It seems like there's nothing you can do about it... Until you find that lighting a special torch called a "vivid torch", would illuminate the surroundings. Now you must find and light every torch in each level, and restore vivid city.
Goal - To light up every torch and then get to the exit.
To defeat enemies, you must lure them in to a lit torch.
some enemies need to be lured into the light of two torches.
That's the first one, i will get back on the second one later.
CAA14 wrote:
Order up!
For: qwerts9000
#1 - Gloomy Streets - side scrolling Platformer
You have lived in vivid town ever since you were a little kid. The town was all ways beautiful, colorful, and full of light. Then one day, all of that changed. Suddenly, a storm came that blocked out most all light, causing the colors to fade into blacks, dark blues and purples, and the entire town is filled with dark, creepy creatures that hate the light. It seems like there's nothing you can do about it... Until you find that lighting a special torch called a "vivid torch", would illuminate the surroundings. Now you must find and light every torch in each level, and restore vivid city.
Goal - To light up every torch and then get to the exit.
To defeat enemies, you must lure them in to a lit torch.
some enemies need to be lured into the light of two torches.
That's the first one, i will get back on the second one later.
nice, but sice when was your username ErnieParke?
qwerts9000 wrote:
CAA14 wrote:
Order up!
For: qwerts9000
#1 - Gloomy Streets - side scrolling Platformer
You have lived in vivid town ever since you were a little kid. The town was all ways beautiful, colorful, and full of light. Then one day, all of that changed. Suddenly, a storm came that blocked out most all light, causing the colors to fade into blacks, dark blues and purples, and the entire town is filled with dark, creepy creatures that hate the light. It seems like there's nothing you can do about it... Until you find that lighting a special torch called a "vivid torch", would illuminate the surroundings. Now you must find and light every torch in each level, and restore vivid city.
Goal - To light up every torch and then get to the exit.
To defeat enemies, you must lure them in to a lit torch.
some enemies need to be lured into the light of two torches.
That's the first one, i will get back on the second one later.
CAA14nice, but sice when was your username ErnieParke?
Well. awhile ago I had expanded the shop, and CAA14 is one of the shop's members, though I haven't made this official yet. This weekend, I will.
To CAA14:
After you give your other idea, I think that it'd be best if you'd lay low a bit till I can get the entire shop up and running so that no more confusion occurs.
With regards,
ErnieParke wrote:
qwerts9000 wrote:
CAA14 wrote:
Order up!
For: qwerts9000
#1 - Gloomy Streets - side scrolling Platformer
You have lived in vivid town ever since you were a little kid. The town was all ways beautiful, colorful, and full of light. Then one day, all of that changed. Suddenly, a storm came that blocked out most all light, causing the colors to fade into blacks, dark blues and purples, and the entire town is filled with dark, creepy creatures that hate the light. It seems like there's nothing you can do about it... Until you find that lighting a special torch called a "vivid torch", would illuminate the surroundings. Now you must find and light every torch in each level, and restore vivid city.
Goal - To light up every torch and then get to the exit.
To defeat enemies, you must lure them in to a lit torch.
some enemies need to be lured into the light of two torches.
That's the first one, i will get back on the second one later.
CAA14nice, but sice when was your username ErnieParke?
Well. awhile ago I had expanded the shop, and CAA14 is one of the shop's members, though I haven't made this official yet. This weekend, I will.
To CAA14:
After you give your other idea, I think that it'd be best if you'd lay low a bit till I can get the entire shop up and running so that no more confusion occurs.
With regards,
Oh, sorry about that... Why does this always happen to me?
i thought he would have read the first post and... Well, nevermind.
I need to know what genre he wants before i give my second one.
Last edited by CAA14 (2013-04-03 22:37:03)
qwerts9000 wrote:
Ideas: 2-4
On what:
1) Game ideas.
2) Improvements for scripts for a Mario world game I am working on.
Description: <none>
Other information: here
Well for game ideas, you could always make a paro1dy of Mario, if you want. Anyway, here are some meatier ideas:
1). Spring Hunt
It's Spring! Magical, beautiful Spring! The flowers are blooming and everyone is happy. That is, except for the little children who got lost in their energetic spring to get out and play. (Joke intended.) Now, you must get out and save them without getting stuck yourself.
At first, I was thinking that this could be a basic platformer with a little twist; you're a really good jumper, though you could also make this a puzzle game making it so that you have to save several kids at a time, and if you save the wrong one first, second or third, then you'll get stuck or you can't save the others.
2). Spring Factories
I had actually got the idea for this from the last idea, so lets hear it:
Ever heard of the Spring factory? No, it's not the one where Santa makes his presents. It's where metal springs are created! For some reason, people around the world flock to it, love it, and adore it! It's a real marvel! The only issue is that you, one of their springs, are a lazy spring, and hate doing what you were made to do (even though you don't know what you were made to do), and so you sadden, till you eventually see a door slightly open. Other springs said it was an evil, bad door, but you go, hating the dank stench of the place. Now, you must survive the trials to come, the factory's strict anti-escape systems, and the other "malicious" springs who want to keep you here.
You could either have each death reset the level, or you can have checkpoints where you'll span to after each death. Also, if you want, you could include gears as a form of point system.
3). Spring? No! It's Winter! Winter! Winter! Winter! We're sick of it! You're too powerful! Let's have Summer! Stop the tyranny!
That's what the mad protestors are yelling outside of the Uni-Skill Pie headquarters as you quietly sip on hot chocolate and watch the protest go on. You actually like the snow and think that the Uni-Skill Weather machine is a wonderful machine, and so you sit around, enjoying yourself. Suddenly, cries sound off in the distance and the crowd stares at their oncoming doom. People panic, and rush out of the way, crushing children under their feet. Thankfully they don't see the evil source of the terror, but thousands died that day, right on your door steps. Shock runs through you. You must do something. After a great deal of crying for your poor Mom, you finally decided to infiltrate the building and shut down Uni-Skill Pie for good. You quickly and quietly get your pack ready for the greatest journey in your life.
This is again, a platformer, except now, either you fight your way up the Uni-Skill tower using snowballs (there should be many kinds), or you could make this a game where you just try and sneak your way in.
Now, onto ideas for your current Mario project. Just to say, I included several ideas on what to include in your project.
1). For some reason, Scratch keeps on floating through the ceiling when he touches it. You're going to want to fix that.
2). You're going to need to replace the current two backgrounds, unless you're going to use them as a tutorial area or something like that.
3). When making you're game, don't use pipes as necessary. They can really add to the game, so I suggest adding in a few with enemies hiding in them, and maybe a few with treasures at their ends.
4). Maybe you could try adding in a level where you have to ride a bullet to get to the end.
5). The ability to pick up koopa shells would be nice.
6). Maybe, in the end, you could have a secret bonus level that's based more around being fun then anything else.
I hope that you like my ideas!
With regards,
Last edited by ErnieParke (2013-04-03 20:53:27)
CAA14 wrote:
ErnieParke wrote:
qwerts9000 wrote:
nice, but sice when was your username ErnieParke?
Well. awhile ago I had expanded the shop, and CAA14 is one of the shop's members, though I haven't made this official yet. This weekend, I will.
To CAA14:
After you give your other idea, I think that it'd be best if you'd lay low a bit till I can get the entire shop up and running so that no more confusion occurs.
With regards,
ErnieParkeOh, sorry about that... Why does this always happen to me? :mad
i thought he would have read the first post and... Well, nevermind.
I need to know what genre he wants before i give my second one.
I'm sorry that it's happening to you, though at least this weekend it should stop.
With regards,
ErnieParke wrote:
CAA14 wrote:
ErnieParke wrote:
Well. awhile ago I had expanded the shop, and CAA14 is one of the shop's members, though I haven't made this official yet. This weekend, I will.
To CAA14:
After you give your other idea, I think that it'd be best if you'd lay low a bit till I can get the entire shop up and running so that no more confusion occurs.
With regards,
ErnieParkeOh, sorry about that... Why does this always happen to me? :mad
i thought he would have read the first post and... Well, nevermind.
I need to know what genre he wants before i give my second one.
CAA14I'm sorry that it's happening to you, though at least this weekend it should stop.
With regards,
That would be great.
BTW, i am not mad at anyone.
I would like as many ideas and as much feedback as you feel like giving
I would like the ideas and feedback for this:
If you have ideas, great, but I also want feedback on the current idea, if possible.
Thanks in advance!
@Ernie Parke, may I be a substitute/assistant idea giver person?
@EdgeGamer, I think that maybe Bit Runner should be trying to solve a mystery, and when he completes the picture, the mystery's solved. But he has to go into the enemy's headquarters (the enemies destroyed the picture so no one would figure out who he was) and when he finally puts together the picture, it turns out to be...
EdgeGamer wrote:
It's a nice idea, but the game is not really going to be very storyline heavy, I'm mostly looking for gameplay ideas. Thanks anyway.
EdgeGamer wrote:
I would like as many ideas and as much feedback as you feel like giving
I would like the ideas and feedback for this:
If you have ideas, great, but I also want feedback on the current idea, if possible.
Thanks in advance!
Sorry that I wasn't able to get to you today, but I was sorting through my curator responsibilities. The good news is that tomorrow is Saturday and I'll be back with some ideas.
With regards,
Maltese_Falcon wrote:
@Ernie Parke, may I be a substitute/assistant idea giver person?
Yes, you can. I just need to finish updating this shop this weekend and then you'll be clear to start helping.
With regards,
Maltese_Falcon wrote:
Thanks! I only requested 2 or 3, but you gave me nine!
Thanks! I think I'll use:
9 (For Sure)
6 (I'm already doing this)
And 2
I'll give you credit too. I'll even try adding subliminal messaging telling people to come to your idea shop. I can see if it actually works!
By the way, how many levels do you think I could have without reaching the limit? It's not like 3d graphics or anything, but I have 21 sprites so far, and 13 backgrounds...
Cool idea for a part of the game: You have to decode a computer message to progress. After you do it, if you go back a second time there is a new message to decode: Go to ErnieParke's idea shop. Just as a little easter egg.
Is the shop ready yet?
jkl0l wrote:
Number of Ideas- 1 or 2
Anything specific- not really. I just can't come up with anything.
With Ernie's permission, i could give you like 3...
CAA14 wrote:
jkl0l wrote:
Number of Ideas- 1 or 2
Anything specific- not really. I just can't come up with anything.With Ernie's permission, i could give you like 3...
That would be great! I can do pretty advanced programming but no crazy stuff like yvelocity, XVelocity, etc.
jkl0l wrote:
CAA14 wrote:
jkl0l wrote:
Number of Ideas- 1 or 2
Anything specific- not really. I just can't come up with anything.With Ernie's permission, i could give you like 3...
CAA14That would be great! I can do pretty advanced programming but no crazy stuff like yvelocity, XVelocity, etc.
Again, once i have Ernies permission, i will finish a previous order and fill yours.
P.S. Xvel and Yvel actually isn't that hard. I am currently learning why people are using it through experimentation.