Would it be a better idea to use cartoon puppies or real puppies?
when gf clicked repeat until <(Awsome) > [10]> go to [Awsome Guy] end think [wait he is already there!] for (3) secs
I mean
when gf clicked if <(Awsome) > [10]> go to [Awsome Guy] end think [wait he is already there!] for (3) secs
You mean for an animation? Or a game? I'm sort of confused. I'd suggest cartoon puppies, though.
for a puppy game. thanks for the suggestion
when gf clicked if <(awesome) > [10]> go to [mouse-pointer v] end think [He is already there!] for (awesome) secs
That's a good point that edge gamer brought up. So I agree. And Braeden5454, there's a whole thread for testing scratchblocks. Just please don't do it here if it doesn't have any point. It's okay in two places:
The Official ScratchBlock Testing Area
and in:
Help With Scripts, if you need help or are helping someone with a script.
It's good that you're learning the ins and outs of the scratch website, though.