Hey! skittles, haven't seen you in a while!
I'm on an FTC team, we got 2nd place alliance at Vermont states. We were in 1st place at worlds a couple of years ago, but some idiot ran the wrong autonomous program. WE COULD HAVE WON.
Greetings from Midwest regional in Chicago! After a day of furious debugging we now have a pretty effective robot hopefully for 40+ points per match. We compete in match one tomorrow, got to go get some sleep. Will update tomorrow night.
(PS if anyone is at the regional, FEED THE SHARK!!!)
Doing good! We're in the top ten, and assuming the remaining qualifiers go well, we'll be either an alliance captain or one of the top picks! Notable robots include 2512 "Daredevils" and 111 "Wildstang." Tomorrow we'll do three more qualifiers and then move on to elimination rounds. Looking forward to it!
fire219 wrote:
I haven't been in any competitions (School system around here is about as mediocre and redneck as it gets), but I do build robots. In fact I am working one right now, with the wheel base of an old RC hummer, and an Arduino (Mega2560 to be specific, tho it is overkill for this job) as the controller. I already have PWM speed control for the main (forward/backward movement) motor working, and will have much more working once I have more parts.
I also have a VEX kit (the Protobot/Tumbler one), but don't use it much. Building from scratch is much more rewarding.
You have a VEX kit? Nice, I used those for my Robotics team. I mainly helped with assembling and visual stuff (as in creating profile, front and other drawings of the robot) and tried coming up with ideas. I was going to do programming and website programming, but we wound up not needing either.
Home from the Midwest Regional! We had a great run but were bounced in the semifinals. Great time! Hopefully I can be of more help next year when I am there for the actual build season (I came in for like the last three meetings of the build season, then all meetings after that) and I'll have a fun offseason reprogramming the bots from previous years (programmed in LabView, this year we switched to C++) to get me ready for work on next year's robot and we may build a robot in the offseason (although I don't know what it do yet). Hopefully we can leverage our new connection for FTC as well, as our school is small and doesn't have a dedicated workshop with things like saws, drill presses, lathes, and such. Always looking for ways to get better next year.