After a new download the opening window defaults to blue motion library, but the start command is in the orange set, I am suggesting any empty script window is pre-filled with the start on green flag command. For a first time user a sample script can demonstrate the functions. Functions with names readable by an average six yr old .
Yes - Maybe the initial script could be for the scratch cat: when gf clicked, say Hi! for 2 secs, repeat 10, turn CW 6 degrees.
beautifulsmall wrote:
After a new download the opening window defaults to blue motion library, but the start command is in the orange set, I am suggesting any empty script window is pre-filled with the start on green flag command. For a first time user a sample script can demonstrate the functions. Functions with names readable by an average six yr old .
I think Scratch should come with a built in intro first.
I think originally it was planned that teachers teach the kids how to use Scratch, but having a tutorial would be nice for kids learning on their own.