ok, so a lot of my other gaming companys failed, but i need you to help me make it big, so my plans are to expand scratch games to a new level, but instead of doing demos, betas, versions, we are gonna make them in parts, so everyone will agree on a game, we all assign parts, we work on that part for a week, or longer, put it together, and bang, we got a game that could be good. also, i need a few people to do other jobs such as
youtube advertisers
scratch advertisers
ONE vise president (best in the company)
the board
voice actors (good computer microphone)
tell me if you want certain jobs (not vise president or you wont get it, posible games will be
video game all stars (fighting)
A.I.M. (shooter-Adventure)
boomer (platformer)
Compose It (music)
the board helps think of games and how they will work
I'd like to join.
I'll vote for A..I..M
will you join mine
im glad you are interested, and you said that you voted for A.I.M,so im guessing you want to be the first member of the board? if not tell me what you want
HansieScheepers wrote:
I'd like to join.
I would like to be a voice actress if at all possible.
Sounds cool. I think first you need to make It a little more organized. Look at the other collaborations. Plus not a lot of other collaborations failed. most made at least 1 game
Can I plz join.
when gf clicked say [hockeyhero rocks]
when gf clicked
broadcast [can i join?]
I'll join. I'll either be a spriter or just do little things. FIRST COLLAB. Need experience!