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#51 2013-04-04 13:42:32

Registered: 2012-11-24
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

The Dot Level Review: Judge: iaoumeur

Level: Rotary

By: estile

Difficulty  7/10
I thought it was pretty hard, I loved the moving spiral red things!

Dotiness  6/10
It still looked like a dot level but a bit simple.

Uniqueness  7/10
The thing that gave you this score was the moving red things, I loved them!

Glitches  5/10
This can easily be changed but when you die can you make it so that you respawn a bit lower like how you start?

My personal opinion  6/10
Pretty simple, it could be improved but I liked the idea. When this gets put into The Dot 3 do you mind if I edit the lava wall at the end so it's a bit neater? Sorry I just like stuff to be neat.

Total:  31/50

NOTE: This isn't the final score, I have to wait for EdgeGamer to review it and then we will add our totals together.

Last edited by iaoumeur (2013-04-04 14:26:03)

The Dot 3 is out!!! Play it here!



#52 2013-04-04 13:43:35

Registered: 2012-11-24
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

estile wrote:

the sprites from the dot 2 didnt work, so i had to use red. its at if anyone notices problems i can fix them. its called rotary

Could you just give it a name?

The Dot 3 is out!!! Play it here!



#53 2013-04-04 14:03:17

Registered: 2013-01-26
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

i said above, its called rotary.
its o if you want to clean it up some, i understand why



#54 2013-04-04 14:25:47

Registered: 2012-11-24
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

estile wrote:

i said above, its called rotary.
its o if you want to clean it up some, i understand why

Ok thanks sorry I didn't see that.
Yeah I might do that with all the levels, just clean them up a bit...

The Dot 3 is out!!! Play it here!



#55 2013-04-04 16:37:10

Registered: 2012-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

The Dot Level Review: Judge: EdgeGamer
Level: Impossibility
By: topazdragonlord

Difficulty  6/10 I was sort of torn trying to decide how I would judge this in terms of difficulty. It is very hard until you know how to do it, when the challenge simply dissapears. I decided to give you a 6.
Dotiness  6/10 A lot like a dot level, but fooling players isn't part of the Dot. Wait... What? Levels with invisible walls? You sure that was there? Oh, uh... OK. Still, having to die to win isn't much fun.
Uniqueness  8/10 Not many players would think that they would have to die to win!
Glitches  10/10 Seems to run smoothly enough
My personal opinion  6/10 This was a nice enough level but once players catch on to the trick it just seems a bit dull. This level being in the game at all removes any chance of players recieving the glory of 0 deaths, which is a huge downside.
Total:  36/50

iaomeur, why haven't you reviewed Impossibility yet? I'm gonna play rotary now...

The Dot Level Review: Judge: EdgeGamer
Level: Rotary By: estile
Difficulty  8/10 That was hard
Dotiness  4/10 Good job keeping with the sarcastic text man text, but the gameplay does not seem like something from The Dot. I don't dislike new features, but they do reduce this section's score.
Uniqueness  8/10 This brings in a whole new mechanic into the game. While I may not completely love it as a dot-style thing, it was unique.
Glitches  9/10 Good! No glitches that I can find, but the player would ideally spawn lower down.
My personal opinion  7/10 This level was hard and entertaining, but I don't like how the entire level focuses on the on mechanic, with no regard to other things.
Total:  36/50

Last edited by EdgeGamer (2013-04-04 16:48:58)



#56 2013-04-05 04:34:15

Registered: 2013-02-22
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

thx  smile



#57 2013-04-05 07:57:14

Registered: 2012-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

Hope you like the review  big_smile



#58 2013-04-05 08:20:28

Registered: 2013-02-22
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

EdgeGamer wrote:

Hope you like the review  big_smile

Yep  big_smile



#59 2013-04-05 09:02:43

Registered: 2012-10-27
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

iaoumeur wrote:

Hello my fellow scratchers,

Recently I posted a project explaining that I was leaving temporarily, but it's the easter holidays so I have one week without anything to do. So I have decided to hold a competition to design a level for "The Dot" which is a platformer game that I created.

UPDATE: I am currently making The Dot 3, which will be a kind of bonus level pack. ALL of the entries will be in this, the ones on the leaderboard will be nearer the end and will recieve special mention. The name of the person that made the level will be visible on their level. Me and EdgeGamer have also decided to make one level each of our own.

If you want to enter you will have to:

1-  Click on the link provided below for "The Dot" level template
2-  Download that project and edit the stage. There will be several props provided from "The Dot 2" (Special thank you to      EdgeGamer for the amazing graphics in "The Dot 2")
3-  Press the green flag and the dot will appear; you can then test the level NOTE- The level must be possible for it to be judged.
4-  Upload your project and post a reply on this forum thread with your scratch username and link to your project.

The Dot Level Template


- The level has to end when you touch the right edge of the screen.

- It has to be possible.

- It has to have a name (I know that's not really a rule but I want the levels to be named.)

These levels will be judged by myself and my friend EdgeGamer. We will both post our review of the level and the ones with the highest score will go on the leaderboard. They will be judged with this criteria:

Difficulty (The higher it is the better)  1/10

Dotiness (How much it looks like a dot level)  1/10

Uniqueness (How different it is from the other levels)  1/10

Glitches (The lower the score the more glitches it has)  1/10

Our personal opinion (What we think of the level)  1/10


The levels on the leaderboard at 12:00pm on Saturday 13th April will:

-    be on The Dot 3 as levels

-   receive special mention on "The Dot 3" and on this forum

-   make me really happy!

1. House Break in- by Sholvanic1058  -  63/100

Gallery for all "The Dot" levels

Good luck and scratch on!

NOTE: Please don't quote your review, this is just to save space

If you want to advertise this then copy this code into your signature.



I was just thinking, if you and EdgeGamer approve, I have a really good idea for a The Dot 3 signature (It will contain EdgeGamer's logo of course) with the names of all the people who made levels of the dot 3 on it. Then I could advertise it on my shop. So another prize could be "get your name on an advertised banner" or something like that. Is that a good idea?



#60 2013-04-05 13:33:26

Registered: 2012-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

Sounds great to me, it would certainly be something that I would use! The only problem is that all entries will be in The Dot 3 so there may be a lot of names. Still, sounds good!



#61 2013-04-05 15:03:16

Registered: 2011-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

I've made one Chocolate Cane It has to many new things, an they are (maybe) not great.

My big project: Sky Ducks. See it here Sky Ducks: The Game. XMyth needs members!!! Go here: Xmyth collab and join!!!



#62 2013-04-05 15:48:16

Registered: 2012-11-24
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

Ok sorry everyone I was busy today I'll answer some stuff.

@-EdgeGamer- If you want to know the reason why I haven't reviewed impossibility then you could look in the comments. Also I think the last person to review the game should add the totals together. You ok with this? BTW thanks for reviewing the others. I'll add them to the leaderboard.

@-tconida-Thanks for entering, I'll review soon I'm just a bit busy now...

@Blazingwave- I love the idea, but I don't know if it's possible. You see, the competition runs for a week and there will be people entering after you complete the banner. Then when all the users have entered by then it would be too late because the competition would have closed. I really love the banner you've done already but tell me if I'm getting something wrong here...

The Dot 3 is out!!! Play it here!



#63 2013-04-05 15:49:11

Registered: 2011-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

Ok. Take your time.

My big project: Sky Ducks. See it here Sky Ducks: The Game. XMyth needs members!!! Go here: Xmyth collab and join!!!



#64 2013-04-05 15:54:11

Registered: 2012-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

iaoumeur wrote:

Ok sorry everyone I was busy today I'll answer some stuff.

@-EdgeGamer- If you want to know the reason why I haven't reviewed impossibility then you could look in the comments. Also I think the last person to review the game should add the totals together. You ok with this? BTW thanks for reviewing the others. I'll add them to the leaderboard.

@-tconida-Thanks for entering, I'll review soon I'm just a bit busy now...

@Blazingwave- I love the idea, but I don't know if it's possible. You see, the competition runs for a week and there will be people entering after you complete the banner. Then when all the users have entered by then it would be too late because the competition would have closed. I really love the banner you've done already but tell me if I'm getting something wrong here...

Impossibility is possible

The idea was not to advertise, but to show who won and such, for signatures. We can still have it after the contest. There, I answered for blazingwave.



#65 2013-04-05 15:55:47

Registered: 2012-11-24
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!


Ok this is to EVERYONE. Everyone who entered will have their level on The Dot 3, which is what I'm making. The ones on the leaderboard will be last in the game and will recieve special mention. I am constantly updating the front post so be sure to keep checking it!

The Dot 3 is out!!! Play it here!



#66 2013-04-05 15:59:49

Registered: 2012-11-24
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

@EdgeGamer- Ok I understand Blazingwaves idea now; I like it. If you're happy with it then I'll put that on the front post that you can be advertised on the banner

I know Impossibility is possible. I just didn't want you to have to die for you to win. If people wanted to do it in 0 deaths then they couldn't. I just didn't want people to take advantage of dying. Also I wanted the respawn spot to be the same in all levels. I love the idea but I don't think it's a good idea (That probably just made no sense at all)

The Dot 3 is out!!! Play it here!



#67 2013-04-05 16:12:10

Registered: 2012-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

No it did not. He will need a complete new review for this, and I am happy with him needing to redo it (and the banner thing). OK then, review time!

The Dot Level Review: Judge: EdgeGamer
Level: Chocolate Cane
By: tcodina

Difficulty: 4/10 - Pretty easy
Dotiness: 1/10 - *gets mad* Unfortunately, it almost seems like you tried your ABSOLUTE HARDEST to make this as un dot-like as physically possible!!!!!!!! And it was hilarious!
Uniqueness: 10/10 If this isn't unique I don't know what is! Let's face it! I usually don't give 10s because of 'nothing being perfect', but seriously, this is crazy.
Glitches: 8/10 - Pretty good! It's a shame that the ice creams dissapeared so slowly, though. And everything came to a sudden and unnapealing halt at the end. Not glitches, but they fall under this category nevertheless.
Opinion 9/10 - This was un-dot like, weird, COMPLETELY disobeyed all traditions of the game itself and that's why I honestly love it!
Overall: 32/50

I loved this, I really did, but low scores in difficulty and Dotiness let you down...

Last edited by EdgeGamer (2013-04-05 16:13:18)



#68 2013-04-05 16:13:15

Registered: 2012-11-24
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

The Dot Level Review: Judge: iaoumeur

Level: Chocolate Cane

By: tcodina

Difficulty  4/10
It wasn't that hard. Don't get me wrong, it's not all about how hard it is but I think you could make it more challanging.

Dotiness  5/10
It was changed. I like change but for this review change will give you a lower score, but it will boost your uniqueness score.

Uniqueness  9/10
I loved the chocolate idea! I did feel like eating it as said in the text. I really liked the moving ice creams and the fact that you included the score. But I don't know if I can keep the score thing. You see, it would be a bit stange to only have one level with a score variable. I still really like the ice creams so maybe you have to collect all the ice creams to unlock a door at the end?

Glitches  6/10
I'm sorry but when you collect the ice creams you kinda get stuck. I have an easy solution for this though. If you just change the colour of the outline of the ice cream then you will just go throught it. This is because The Dot is programmed to stop when it touches a black surface.

My personal opinion  10/10
I love chocolate so I loved this level. Your score can be boosted for glitches if you just take the advice I give you, other than that. An awesome level!

Total:  34/50

Both totals added together: 66/100

Last edited by iaoumeur (2013-04-06 05:12:45)

The Dot 3 is out!!! Play it here!



#69 2013-04-05 16:14:46

Registered: 2012-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

Somebody just got ninja'd, eh, iaomeur? I already posted my review.



#70 2013-04-05 16:15:19

Registered: 2012-11-24
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

Darn it! I'll beat you next time XD

The Dot 3 is out!!! Play it here!



#71 2013-04-05 16:16:10

Registered: 2012-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

Oh and Rotary got 67/100 in total. If you need the whole scoreboard let me know and I'll add 'em up.

EDITY EDIT: You need to add Chocolate Cane to the leaderboard!

Last edited by EdgeGamer (2013-04-05 16:23:33)



#72 2013-04-05 16:36:38

Registered: 2012-11-24
Posts: 500+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

EdgeGamer wrote:

Oh and Rotary got 67/100 in total. If you need the whole scoreboard let me know and I'll add 'em up.

EDITY EDIT: You need to add Chocolate Cane to the leaderboard!

Yeah I had already added Rotary to the leaderoard, I'll add Chocolate cane now.

The Dot 3 is out!!! Play it here!



#73 2013-04-05 18:51:57

Registered: 2012-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

Hey iaomeur, maybe when you put the levels together, you could try to make it somewhat close to having a storyline. Like you do the 'house break in' level and his house is made of chocolate! (chocolate cane)



#74 2013-04-06 03:28:31

Registered: 2011-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

Thanks for the review!!! I didn't expected the high score you've putten to me!!!

My big project: Sky Ducks. See it here Sky Ducks: The Game. XMyth needs members!!! Go here: Xmyth collab and join!!!



#75 2013-04-06 03:40:54

Registered: 2011-07-04
Posts: 100+

Re: The Dot Level Competition-Design your own Level!

I've edited the colour of the ice cream to a sort of grey, and i've made the transparency faster. I know i can't enter another time, but because it was a glitch, i've edited it.

My big project: Sky Ducks. See it here Sky Ducks: The Game. XMyth needs members!!! Go here: Xmyth collab and join!!!



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