I have decided to regularly advertise new projects that I find that have had hard work put into them and are made well. If you'd like help getting recognized through this, please post links to your projects here. I will let you know if I will be using your project, and if not I will tell you what you need to change in order for me to feature it.
Project requirements:
- Must not contain violence/inappropriate content
- Should have fewer than 5 love-its (I will accept projects with up to 10 if I really like it)
- Should have fewer than 30 views (again, I will accept up to 75 if I like it)
- Should be an example of what you consider your best work
- Must not be a remix.
- Should be interactive (but I will allow non-interactive projects, again, if I really like them c:)
- Should use only original artwork
Please note that I will be advertising the chosen projects on whatever project I have that is currently most popular (I believe that this will get the featured projects more views than a separate project).
Chosen Projects So Far:
Dodging Squares by fredmaster45
Last edited by shivadas (2013-04-15 18:12:17)
Once I finish mine could you advertise it?
I'll give you a link when I upload it so you can decide whether it's good enough.
Maltese_Falcon wrote:
Once I finish mine could you advertise it?
I'll give you a link when I upload it so you can decide whether it's good enough.
Sure, I'd be happy to check it out! And a belated welcome to Scratch
7734f wrote:
I would use this, but I am getting way more views now!
I guess it has to do with my signature and forums activity.
That's great news! Congratulations!
Please advertise my project, The Yoshi Dance. I made the lyrics and made Yoshi dance. The lyrics weren't easy. My account is mariotime1,
zap123123 wrote:
can you advertise mine
Hi! Nice project! There are a few issues though. Any projects I advertise will have to be glitch free. Some of the things you would need to fix are:
- When you click loop off, it actually turns the loop on, and when you click loop on it actually turns it off. Just an easy costume change for that one.
- You can play more than one song at once, and there is no stop button (or if there is it didn't work).
- The loop button moves when you press it.
- The clear and stop buttons don't seem to work?
Apart from that, my suggestions would be:
- Clearly label things! Otherwise people will not know how things work and will assume that they don't work properly.
- Improve the graphics. Sure, having big colored blocks is practical, but it's not aesthetically pleasing. Presentation is very important when attempting to create a project that people will like, so try different organizations or designs.
Good luck with your project, and feel free to repost it on this thread if you would like it reviewed again after you have fixed it.
mariotime1 wrote:
Please advertise my project, The Yoshi Dance. I made the lyrics and made Yoshi dance. The lyrics weren't easy. My account is mariotime1,
Hi! Thanks for posting your project. It was very nice, but after reviewing it I have decided not to feature it for the following reasons (see original post for rules):
- Rule 2: Your project currently has 5 love-its.
- Rule 3: Your project currently has 49 views.
- Rule 6: Your project is not interactive.
Good luck, and feel free to post any future projects of yours!
macandcheese wrote:
Wow, great project! Unfortunately, your project is not eligible to be featured for the following reasons (see original post for rules):
- Rule 2: Your project currently has 13 love-its.
- Rule 3: Your project currently has 229 views.
Although I thought your project was excellent, it's too popular with the Scratch community for me to feature it. This thread is for high quality projects that do not get the attention they deserve. Please feel free to post any of your future projects, as long as they are eligible. Good luck!
Could you check out mine http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/rflivinloud/3235230
rflivinloud wrote:
Could you check out mine http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/rflivinloud/3235230
Here are my suggestions if you want me to feature it:
- Make different modes. This pace might be fine for very young children who are just learning to type, but it will frustrate those who have at least some typing ability, and let's face it, the project is online so most users will already know how to type. You should also have people type whole words, not just letters, on harder levels.
- Improve the graphics. Use your own sprites if possible.
- When the shark bites the letter, the letter jumps backwards. You should fix this.
What if my project is a remix of a previous version also made by me? Does that count as a remix if I made the original version?
could you do mine? its a good game and I want everyone to enjoy it.
mattdb1099 wrote:
What if my project is a remix of a previous version also made by me? Does that count as a remix if I made the original version?
Remixes of your own original projects are okay.
fredmaster45 wrote:
could you do mine? its a good game and I want everyone to enjoy it.
Finally, a project that is eligible AND isn't glitchy. Your project, Dodging Squares, will be the first project I feature. You can see the advertisement here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/shivadas/3217075
Last edited by shivadas (2013-04-06 16:10:59)
See mine on the signature, Sky Ducks: The game
That is my one.
Can you pweeeeeaaaase advertise this?