[b]Scratch News[b]
Want you project to have a bit more respect towards it? Well we Scratch News we would love to have a great but abandoned project to be seen and stand out! Just say below and give us a link. When next weeks addition comes out you'll be there for all to see!
Want to read it? [url=http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/TheRealScratchCat/3228859]come here![url]
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Could you please check out my project, Hunger Avenger (link in signature)? Thanks!
TheRealScratchCat wrote:
[b]Scratch News[b]
Want you project to have a bit more respect towards it? Well we Scratch News we would love to have a great but abandoned project to be seen and stand out! Just say below and give us a link. When next weeks addition comes out you'll be there for all to see!
Want to read it? come here!
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