destructo-serpent wrote:
Waffle27 wrote:
destructo-serpent wrote:
i think one big power a,nd two small ones is good, if we have a lot of srsly overpowered monsters. maybe ur backup power could be communicating w/ animals?
Hm...maybe. But I already have an animal-related power.i know. they would match.
or you could control wind, or maybe that would be a big one. hm...
Yeah, but couldnt she just talk to animals in her animal form?
Wind would be another big one, I think. Hm...
destructo-serpent wrote:
are we going to treat the Cryptid Chronicles as one book or three? as in, will we do them in a row or do other books in between?
I think all in a row, but maybe we could do a couple books at a time? Or would that be too overwhelming with everything else going on?
Waffle27 wrote:
destructo-serpent wrote:
are we going to treat the Cryptid Chronicles as one book or three? as in, will we do them in a row or do other books in between?
I think all in a row, but maybe we could do a couple books at a time? Or would that be too overwhelming with everything else going on?
maybe too overwhelming but we could try
we now have more posts than the northern lights collaboration
Last edited by destructo-serpent (2013-04-01 14:53:18)
we could work on another book in our free time when we aren't doing a chapter.
destructo-serpent wrote:
we could work on another book in our free time when we aren't doing a chapter.
Yeah, that would work. There's just so many great ideas and I want to do all of them! We would have a different Chapter order, though, so that different people are working on chapters and not just one person working on two chapters at a time.
Waffle27 wrote:
destructo-serpent wrote:
we could work on another book in our free time when we aren't doing a chapter.
Yeah, that would work. There's just so many great ideas and I want to do all of them! We would have a different Chapter order, though, so that different people are working on chapters and not just one person working on two chapters at a time.
we should have a voting box to see what book we do.
destructo-serpent wrote:
Waffle27 wrote:
destructo-serpent wrote:
we could work on another book in our free time when we aren't doing a chapter.
Yeah, that would work. There's just so many great ideas and I want to do all of them! We would have a different Chapter order, though, so that different people are working on chapters and not just one person working on two chapters at a time.
we should have a voting box to see what book we do.
Should we start are new book now, or gather some more opinions? Of course, not everyone needs to do every book. Just at least one book at a time.
We should have a vote for a second book, however, we really shouldn't do more than two at a rime. We have real life and other things, to think about.
lundfamily3 wrote:
We should have a vote for a second book, however, we really shouldn't do more than two at a rime. We have real life and other things, to think about.
We would only do a maximum of two at a time, and like I said, you don't have to do both of them if you don't want to.
So, let's vote. There are so many books, we get 5 votes how about.
I'd say we should do that Harry Potter fanfic, but instead of death eaters it's a goblin rebellion!
My Votes:
Solved - 1
Adventures In Pixelation - 1
Eternal Nightmare - 2
The Plague - 1
Nomolos wrote:
I'd say we should do that Harry Potter fanfic, but instead of death eaters it's a goblin rebellion!
So are you writing for the 2nd book (I am btw)?
And what are your five votes going to, you can vote on more than one idea.
My votes:
T-h-e Plague~2
Harry Potter Goblin Rebellion~2
Space Doors~1
Votes so far:
Solved - 1 (lundfamily3)
Adventures Iin Pixelation - 1 (lundfamily3)
Eternal Nightmare - 2 (lundfamily3 x 2)
Teh Plague - 3 (lundfamily3, Nomolos x 2)
Harry Potter Golblin Rebllion - 2 (Nomolos x 2)
Spac Doors - 1 (Nomolos)
My Votes--
T he Plague--1
Run away--1
Ryansberg Swamp—When Margaret Cruville, 16, walked out of her house on the morning of March 30th, 2013, her parents, Dexter and Frieda Cruville, had no idea she would not be coming back any time soon. The teen went missing after taking as what she told her parents would be a “brief walk in the Swamp.” After 4 hours, when Margaret did not come home, Frieda called several of her friends. Each reported that they hadn’t seen Margaret since the previous day or before, and Frieda eventually called the police. After thorough examination, the department found no body, and the girl is not dubbed dead yet. Further details remain undiscovered.
“What?” John burst out. He simply couldn’t help himself. After looking at this garbage, it was almost entirely impossible not to be in a funk! “This is stupid! Just a tiny article on the back of the front page!”
John’s boss, Paul Y. Fitzinheimer nodded his head. “And that’s not the only one. Disappearances like these have been happening for months! Take a look at this one.” He pushed an article dated March 9th across the table. Similar in context to the most recent story, this article was about a four year old boy named Spencer Karlene who wandered off while his mother wasn’t looking. They had found only his shoe is Ryansberg Swamp.
“They have no evidence, either.” John concluded.
“Exactly! That’s why I’m sending you out to find some.”
Pretty short, but this is the next part of Dserp's and mine Nightmare
madbunnygal wrote:
What did I miss?
We've decided to do two books at a time.
You don't have to if you don't want to, though. Im not gonna force people to do both stories at once ifits too overwhelming.
Right now we are voting on the story ideas for our second book. You get 5 votes (Any ofthe ideas inthe idea box)
my guy's powers
big - can generate shockwaves/shock rockets(projectiles that release shockwaves when they hit something)
small - extremely good at trajectory and angle.
small - can shoot orbs that explode
theme - demolition
how's my "superhuman" character's powers?
Last edited by destructo-serpent (2013-04-01 18:40:02)
]Votes so far:
Solved - 1 (, Waffle27)
Adventures Iin Pixelation - 1 (lundfamily3)
Eternal Nightmare - 0
Teh Plague - 8 (lundfamily3, Nomolos x 2, Waffle27)
Harry Potter Golblin Rebllion - 2 (Nomolos x 2)
Spac Doors - 1 (Nomolos)
Superhuman - 7 (Destructo-serp x5 , Waffle27 x2)
Run Away - 5 (madbunnygal x5)
Edit: Changing all my votes to the Plague
Last edited by lundfamily3 (2013-04-01 18:52:00)
madbunnygal wrote:
Could I vote for run away?
You have five votes, so are all of them going to runaway, or what?