If this is a duplicate, I'm sorry!
Anyways, what do you like doing on April Fools day/ the best prank you've done or someone else etc!
Discuss away!
NoxSpooth wrote:
I prefer not to make any April Fools jokes.
I could hurt people's feelings, and even lose some friends...
Trust me, I can be evil sometimes.
Oh dear.... I'm more of a jokey person so it's easy for me - people get used to me and play jokes on me sometimes.
okay, so far i have toothpaste icecubes, iced lemons, and shoes on every step in the house
i dont know where im going with this
genderdysmorphia wrote:
okay, so far i have toothpaste icecubes, iced lemons, and shoes on every step in the house
i dont know where im going with this
Sounds crazy but at least it's a start!
@jvvg - nice heheheh
Oooooh, heheheh. I actually prefer the classics, pranking my dad. Like 'There's a hundred dollar bill on the ground' or 'We don't have school today, it's an In-Service day' xD.
He falls for it every time...ahhh....
I have school on April Fool's day! YES! xD
Ooh, and mayo in the Oreos. Hiding my dad/mom's keys. Tying people's shoelaces together.
Isn't it funny Easter Monday is on April Fool's Day? Poor Canadians.....
And guys, the calendar just switched, The leap year month is in March now, so it's April 3rd xD
7734f wrote:
Ooh, and mayo in the Oreos. Hiding my dad/mom's keys. Tying people's shoelaces together.
Isn't it funny Easter Monday is on April Fool's Day? Poor Canadians.....
And guys, the calendar just switched, The leap year month is in March now, so it's April 3rd xD
Oh wow...... I'm watching out for you.....
7734f wrote:
jvvg wrote:
I also now have a very nice April Fools Day signature.
I have a funny April Fool's day Idea for Scratch now
You should take hw April fools line away and see what people say
what if my day off tomorrow is an april fools joke
i'll end up with double work tuesday DX
mythbusteranimator wrote:
what if my day off tomorrow is an april fools joke
i'll end up with double work tuesday DX
Good point.....
Played my first prank today mwahahah - got some more to go
One of my friends did a really good one.
He got some gatorade and a Windex bottle - and emptied the Windex bottle so he could drink Gatorade from it. In front of his family.
NeilWest wrote:
One of my friends did a really good one.
He got some gatorade and a Windex bottle - and emptied the Windex bottle so he could drink Gatorade from it. In front of his family.
Oh, I've seen something like this on Youtube
What is this "Pico Rules!" stuff?! And also have you noticed Google Maps
LiFaytheGoblin wrote:
What is this "Pico Rules!" stuff?! And also have you noticed Google Maps
Look a DIY's topic. And no, I'll check out google maps!
man you should see twitter right now
resistance wrote:
man you should see twitter right now
I don't have twitter you should see google maps, google nose beta.... Anything else anyone can find?
DJ-stickman wrote:
resistance wrote:
man you should see twitter right now
I don't have twitter you should see google maps, google nose beta.... Anything else anyone can find?
Try Bing. It's just a joke by looking at it.