A Minecraft Server is just what I needed, and I'm making it!!!!!!!
actually, since I have so much time on my hands, I'm making TWO Servers!!!!!!
The one I'll probably finish first is Pokemon Island. Tell me if you have ANY possible ideas for Pokemon Island. If I think they are good, I'll add them, first of all, I have found a Mod that brings Pokemon into Minecraft. So that's what we will do for the pokemon.
But then there are Poke Balls which we need to CATCH pokemon, I'm hoping the mod comes with them. So help me decide if I should make battle areas and gyms, because I'm right now thinking: yeah, I'll PROBABLY make them. And this is gonna be like the Gameboy Pokemon, so every now and then a battle area will come up, and you can travel to different cities, this isn't gonna be just MINECRAFT this will be a GAME.
So go ahead, give me Ideas!!!!!!!
Well, not any Ideas yet... COME ON PEOPLE! YOU CAN DO BETTER!!!
william465 wrote:
Well, not any Ideas yet... COME ON PEOPLE! YOU CAN DO BETTER!!!
First, that's really rude.
Second, this doesn't go here.
Only people with that mod can access the server. Also do you have a .jar file that includes that mod specifically for multiplayer? The regular minecraft.jar and the multiplayer minecraft.jar are different.
well... I was thinking to tell anyone that goes on it to download it...