Hi! Nice first game! I do have a few suggestions:
- Add sound (you'd be surprised how much more professional it makes a game seem)
- Add the little ghost things that run after pacman (I don't know what their called lol)
- Fix Pacman's movement (sometimes he is upside down)
- Make it more like the real game (change the background color, the black cubes, etc.)
Hope that helped
Would you mind checking out my latest project? It's called Hunger Avenger: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/shivadas/3217075
Thank you for the suggestions, I added sound, and I added some ghosts, I don't really know how to fix it when he is upside down. I didn't want it to be exactly like the normal pacman, I wanted it a bit different, thats why not everything is the same. Please could you check out my new version (V2) and comment on it. And also I liked your game.
54MIN, to change him being upside down, view Pacman's scripts. On the top, right next to his name, there are three boxes. A round arrow, a straight arrow with two points, and a rectangle thing. Click the arrow with two points. Hope that helped!
I meant when in game if he is going down, he might be upside down, but I don't know how to do it while you are playing. There's no script for it is there, because if I want him to move, I have to get him to rotate. Like 90* to turn right? Then move 10 steps.