stor wrote:
GameGuy64 wrote:
I have an idea on an article on the Wii U. I saw that, on Amazon that the prices have been dropped quite dramtically. The basic is now £200 and premium is £250! This (though is quite a good thing for me, as I don't have one yet ) is quite alarming, as it says to me that they aren't selling, but it could be a mistake.
Good news for me too! Yeah, that looks like a good idea, see if you can find any other websites that are selling it cheap, I think Grainger Games is.
Name: funnymee323, but you can call me funnymee, or funny.
What position do you want: Writer
What area of gaming do you specilise in (e.g. retro gaming): Computer games and such.
How active are you: 9/10
What Gaming consoles do you own: Wii, Computer, iPod.
funnymee323 wrote:
Name: funnymee323, but you can call me funnymee, or funny.
What position do you want: Writer
What area of gaming do you specilise in (e.g. retro gaming): Computer games and such.
How active are you: 9/10
What Gaming consoles do you own: Wii, Computer, iPod.
Okay, what do you want to do first?
I could write a review on a wii or computer game if you want.
Forza Motorsport 3 review:
this game has to be my favorite Xbox 360 game yet. Forza is a car racing game where you race in tournaments, earn money, get more cars, and win. the game has tons of cars to choose from, and they all are great. The tournaments are so fun, and you can get free cars and upgrades in game just by winning! Is that easy! Plus, if you crash at a sharp turn or anywhere, just press select and you can rewind that part of the race and retry it!
The cars are all decent, even the low-class ones! You can race with your friends over Xbox live, or race on multiplayer on your console with a friend! The one thing that i dont like about the game is that the game comes with 2 disks, 1 is the game and the other has extra content like more cars, etc. But the problem is is that I own a 4 GB xbox, and the extra disk takes up a ton of space on mine, leaving a small amount of free space on my Xbox system memory.
aside from that, forza is a great game. If you like racing games and you own a xbox, this is a game to consider getting.
Wii U's UK sales woes
Recently, the price of the Wii U has dropped considerably (at certain retailers). Amazon and Argos have dropped the price of the Basic pack to £199 and the Premium pack to £249. Also, the ZombiU pack is priced around £299. This is most likely due to the abysmal sales in the UK, so reducing the price may entice more people to buy a Wii U, especially with the likelihood of £400-£500 PS4 and Xbox 720 coming out this year.
By GameGuy64
Sorry I couldn't think of anything else last minute!
Hey Guys! I'm back from my absences in SGM.
I am sorry but I was working on a new video game system IN REAL LIFE! I still have the original plans for the controller and the system. I apologize if I can't get any articles in from the past few weeks.
But, I promise to get my SLED STORM review in next week.
Thank you for waiting AND WAITING AAAAAND WAITING for me! ~PJ9
Gang Garrison 2 - PC
Gang Garrison 2 is a class based platforming shooter that is a de-make of the well known free-to-play Team Fortress 2. There are 9 classes, The runner, The Firebug, The Rocketman, The Healer, The Overweight, The Detonator, The Infiltrator, The Rifleman and The Builder. I have been playing this game with a large amount of players on custom and default maps, and if both teams are working together, the gameplay becomes extremely heated. Several curses flew around the room as people died, but overall, it is a really fun game if you have the friends. You can get it for free at
SCORE: 9/10
Rik408 wrote:
Gang Garrison 2 - PC
Gang Garrison 2 is a class based platforming shooter that is a de-make of the well known free-to-play Team Fortress 2. There are 9 classes, The runner, The Firebug, The Rocketman, The Healer, The Overweight, The Detonator, The Infiltrator, The Rifleman and The Builder. I have been playing this game with a large amount of players on custom and default maps, and if both teams are working together, the gameplay becomes extremely heated. Several curses flew around the room as people died, but overall, it is a really fun game if you have the friends. You can get it for free at
SCORE: 9/10
Thanks but we have a delay because my computer is broken.
Sled Storm 2002
EA Sports BIG is back in a rated Teen game SLED STORM for PS2. The graphics aren't that bad, but the number of tracks is smaller than SSX 2000's 8 tracks on the first launch of the PlayStation 2. Now the game features Zoe Payne as a sledder in this game. The character was also seen in SSX as ZOE, SSX Tricky, SSX 3, and SSX 2012 as Zoe "Royal" Payne. So this icon stuck through that series and a spot in Sled Storm. But then again, Electronic Arts could make some improvements like more tracks and More Sleds. Because let's face it, who would play on a Class 5 sled on all 6 tracks over and over again?
Final Grade: 7.5
Replay Value: 8.5
Spongebob Squigglepants (3DS)
Release date(s): 10th April, 2011 (Wii + uDraw)
17th May 2011 (3DS)
Spongebob Squigglepants is essentially a game of the WarioWare series, but with Spongebob instead of Wario. It is a collection of micro-games involving simple tasks like tapping or drawing on the touchscreen/pad or rotating the 3DS/uDraw. Because of this there is no use for the 3D, which was a similar problem with Hydroventure: Spin Cycle.
It was developed with the uDraw tablet (which failed hurrendously, leading to the demise of THQ) in mind, so it was also suitable for the 3DS as they both have the same features required - touch input and gyroscope.
The game is quite fun, while it lasts, but the micro-games don't seem all that creative, and seem to be repetitive after some time. It doesn't take long to complete the game; it is easy to get to almost 100% but to get all of the way involves much replaying, which means repeating the same micro-game over and over again.
By GameGuy64
Put this in the mag next week, I am away until Thursday next week so I might not be able to write anything.
Name: Car70
What position do you want:
What area of gaming do you specilise in (e.g. retro gaming): Modern gaming
How active are you: 9.5/10 every 6 to 4 hours
What Gaming consoles do you own: Ps3 Ps2 dsi ds lite 3ds wii u
Name: Zigz1
What position do you want: If you don't mind I'll google up fun game tricks and cheats and we put them in the "cheats & tricks" section? I can also do graphics.
What area of gaming do you specilise in (e.g. retro gaming): Indie games
How active are you: 7/10
What Gaming consoles do you own: PS2, PC counts too since it can run games I guess?
Can I join? I would like to review the Metroid Prime games (I own all of them!).
Name: GTM9
What position do you want: Writer
What area of gaming do you specilise in (e.g. retro gaming): Modern gaming
How active are you: 10 /10
What Gaming consoles do you own: 3DS, Wii/Wii U, Computer, and Playstation
I would like to review ALL the Metroid games. I'v played EVERY SINGLE ONE!
Name: GTM9
What position do you want: review
What area of gaming do you specilise in (e.g. retro gaming): Modern
How active are you: 10/10
What Gaming consoles do you own: 3DS, Playstation, Computer, and Wii/ Wii U
GTM9 wrote:
I would like to review ALL the Metroid games. I'v played EVERY SINGLE ONE!
Name: GTM9
What position do you want: review
What area of gaming do you specilise in (e.g. retro gaming): Modern
How active are you: 10/10
What Gaming consoles do you own: 3DS, Playstation, Computer, and Wii/ Wii U
I've already reviewed Super Metroid and I want to do the 2D ones, but your welcome to review the 3D ones. Unfortunately my computer is not working so there may be no mag for a while.
stor wrote:
GameGuy64 wrote:
PJ9 wrote:
stor, can you believe what happened yesterday?
What happened yesterday? :3
What did happen yesterday?
April 1st: Pico controlled Scratch and messed up the forums.
April 2nd: All returned Normal.
April 4th: I am writing you this. XD