I am trying to help a local school with setting up & using the RPi boards for general programming and using GPIO to interface ito the RPi such as switches, leds, sensors etc.
I read somewhere Scatch would be released with a standard interface package to support GPIO, but I have just created an image & there is only motor support in the standard image on the RPi web site.
I download a patch file, but I am keen to keep the installation simple and in-line with the main code development.
Therefore; can anyone recommend the best way to setup GPIO access in Scratch?
I'd like to follow this topic, my teacher wants me to find out about raspberry pi's with scratch because the school has just got a new one and they have asked me to find out about it, please respond someone, I have IT in 3 days...
Hi, just to let you know I am still looking to this but not got anywhere with it once I have more information I will let you know. I now have a Gertboard so can do some I/O programming
Please check the following video.
Controlling Motor from Raspberry Pi by Scratch
That comment includes the link to the changeset for Scratch mod.
Last edited by abee (2012-12-30 07:10:22)
if your are talking about the rapberry Pi Pc, i was the first kid to get one, no lie
This might help you also
http://cymplecy.wordpress.com/2012/08/2 … spberrypi/