Hello. I am making a 2D Minecraft but needed help with the script for when i jump instead of steve moving up the blocks move down. I thought it would be easy but it really isn't. Also if you can't tell what i mean it is when you jump and instead of the character moving everything around them moves.
Also the variables i have so far are
(Scroll Y) (Scroll X)
Try something like
if up arrow pressed
set scroll y to -15
if not touching steve
change scroll y by 1
change y by scroll y
Unfortunately you'll have to edit (probably to include broadcast)s so that if any block is touching steve then they all stop moving. The above was what you would use for a normal platformer if you wanted the character to stay in the middle of the screen. Hope that helps.
sadly it didn't work. I tried adapting it but for some reason it just flew upwards i will try and figure it out though.