hello guys,
can you pretty pretty please help me with my sript? i need to finish this ASAP and this heck is important. so, my problem is that my fire only goes right, not up. also, asteroids and stuff are quite crippled, as you can see. can you help me please please please!
(ps. this project is a bit revised, i am not that much pro yet)
ohmygod thank you so much i feel pretty stupid but it's 4 am here maybe that's the reason (lies)
also, i do not want to inconvenience you guys any further but can you also help me with that big spaceship thing and its asteroid? you guys are the best thank you again
god this crippled thing is going to be the project i've ever handed
if you are not that sleepy yet, i have just a few problems left (look i rhymed)
-that * barriers stay same even though i shoot them. they better go.
-and because of that * barriers, my missile starts from the middle of the scene
-how can i add an instructions page to that *
god you are literally the best
i feel like a craven
on a scale of 1 to morgan freeman, you are morgan freeman
and now that asteroids do not hit me
i'm like forever alone
no asteroid likes me
i went crazy
i guess
when [space v] key pressed broadcast [it's missile v] switch to costume [visible v] set x to (ship x) set x to <(ship y) + [10]> rest of the scriptsThis should cause the missile to spawn before passing the barriers.
Sorry, I made a mitsake in that one. The second one is supposed to be Y instead of X:
when [space v] key pressed broadcast [it's missile v] switch to costume [visible v] set x to (ship x) set y to <(ship y) + [10]> rest of the scriptAnd for the asteroid, you can use the same script for when the enemy ships hit you.
you can say that i am a total idiot but how can i make that rest of the script thing as you've written? i've made a list name "rest of the script" for that but we haven't discussed lists yet so i didn't really get this one
neither asteroid one
if you could explain this to me, you would become god btw
after that, i will set you free forever
What I mean is you should add this script to your missile instead of the current one that doesn't have
set y to <(ship y) + [10]>"rest of the script" just means that you should keep whatever you already have.
when gf clicked show point in direction [90 v] switch to costume [costume2 v] go to x: [0] y: [0] delete [all] of [storer v] insert [pencil] at [1] of [storer v] insert [paper] at [2] of [storer v] insert [scissiors] at [3] of storer v] say [this is what you have to start in your storer:] for [2] secs set [counter v] to [1] repeat (length of [storer v) say (item (counter) of [storer v] change [counter v] by [1] end wait [1] secs ask [ready for the adventure?] and wait if <(answer) = [yes]> broadcast [adventure v] else broadcast [NO v] end when I receive [NO v] point in direction [180 v] repeat until <touching [edge v]?> wait [0.3] secs move [10] steps end hide when I receive [adventure v] set [timer v] to [0] forever change [timer v] by [1] wait [1] secs end when I receive [adventure v] broadcast [music piece 1 v] switch to costume [costume3 v] go to x: [-216] y: [-135] point in direction [90 v] when I receive [music piece 1 v] repeat [2] play note [52] for [0.5] beats play note [62] for [0.5] beats play note [64] for [0.5] beats play note [59] for [0.5] beats play note [59] for [0.5] beats end broadcast [sprite2 v] when I receive [sprite2 v] wait [3] secs say [hello!] for [2] secs when I receive [thank you] say [my pleasure] for [2] secsi am tired of writing down the scripts in my game. i will do more tomorrow!
making up a script!
when gf clicked wait until <hungry?> eat chew [10] times if <(food taste) = [yum] swallow food else chew [-10] times spit out food end say (food taste) for [2] secs