NeilWest wrote:
777w wrote:
banana500 wrote:
You guys thought SUICIDEMOUSE was remotely scary???
Man, you guys are too easily frightened.its mildly disturbing, at least
dont insult people, accept their opinions and express yours politelyI can't even handle - I'm not even going to LOOK at the pasta itself, let alone the picture.
The pasta itself wasn't that bad. The pictures are what scare people.
Alright, so I have decided to take up the task of putting "Happy Appy" onto Scratch, edited for content a bit of course. This really is a great creepypasta but I know some people won't view them outside of Scratch so I decided to share it here. Will be doing months at a time.
February 23rd, 2011
Hello. I will be writing on this blog because I am discovering about a show called Happy Appy. You see, I've been fascinated with missing TV shows, episodes, and movies. But, even though I'm die-hard on finding London After Midnight and the 108 missing episodes of Doctor Who, I want to specifically seek out a TV show that's missing for about 11 or 12 years now. It was called Happy Appy, and it was a kid's television show that was shown on Noggin.
Sometime during early 1999, after Noggin was launched, they aired a new show called Happy Appy. It sounds like some nursery rhyme that a babysitter would sing, but it wasn't. It was a shorter show at 10 minutes, and was normally played in duets, making each episode 20 minutes minus commercials. A couple months after it premiered, it was pulled off the air, and never aired again. Even the much more appropriate episodes weren't shown. However, some parents did record the show, but they were VHS copies.
Of those said VHS copies, only a few survived through the years. However, what was rare was an intact DVD copy of any episode, especially the final ones. I was one of the lucky ones that had a DVD copy. Yesterday, when I did some spring cleaning (okay, it’s more like winter cleaning), I found an old DVD with sharpie written on it. It read ‘HA Episodes’, so I did some research by using Google. On a forum that was dedicated to finding missing episodes and films, I found out that those were the initials for Happy Appy. In the replies, they claimed that there are no DVD copies around.
So I went ahead and put them into the disk drive, praying for them to work. Well, they did, and it instantly cut to the intros of the episode. There was no menu or anything. By the way, I really haven't described the show, haven't I? There is a giant clay apple with arms, eyes, and giant lips being held up by a rusty bent stick going around in a van helping children when they got hurt. But as the show progressed, it just got creepier. Like, death smile creepier. Later in the series, they did change the stick to a non-rusted, but still bent stick. To describe more about the colors of Happy Appy, his eyes were dark blue, his lips were dark green, and he had a leaf on his head. His intro song had the same tune as Mary Had a Little Lamb. It went something like this.
Happy Appy Appy App,
Happy App, Happy App
Happy Appy Appy App,
He helps kids all day!
Happy Appy Appy App,
Happy App, Happy App
Happy Appy Appy App,
He helps kids all day!
Happy Appy Appy App,
Happy App, Happy App
Happy Appy Appy App,
He helps kids all day!
Anyways, let's go into the actual episodes.
Episode 1 and 2 were called “Happy's Vacation” and “Hurt Happy”, respectively. Happy's Vacation was exactly what you’d expect. Happy Appy goes on a vacation to the beach, helps injured kids, and even talks down a bully into not hurting a child. Hurt Happy was about Happy's stick getting broken, and the kids teamed up to help Happy Appy by giving him bandages and fruit. Nothing seemed out of place when I first saw it, but when I saw it a second time, it looked a little suspicious. When Happy was driving his van to the beach in Happy's Vacation, some frames were skipped. At first, I just ignored it, saying that it could be a scratched DVD. But when I checked the disc, it wasn't scratched at all. Also, during the scene where the kids give Happy Appy fruit, they gave him an apple for whatever reason. It could have been an accident, though.
To top it off, I noticed some coincidental objects in Hurt Happy. In Happy's van, there was what looked like the border of the HOPE poster, but it could have been something else. Also, in Happy’s Vacation, the radio plays what sounds like a country cover of "Hot and Cold", which was made in 2008 and very out-of-place for a kid's show. I thought those were just coincidental. Well, I was wrong. Episode 3 and 4 were even stranger. The intros were cut out, and the two episodes were missing a few scenes. On Episode 3, about 5 minutes and 10 seconds in is when Happy Appy does his first death smile. For 30 seconds, it was somewhat eerie.
One moment that could send chills down anyone's spine was the Booboo scene in Episode 4. Happy aids a child that has a bruise on his knee. He looks to the camera, death smile on face, and says "What does Nate need for this booboo?” For 30 seconds, he stared at the camera, motionless, with his dark blue soulless eyes locking on to anyone watching. Finally, he broke the silence with "That's right, a bandage!" Why he needed that long to speak, I will never know. Also, the out of place objects were getting more noticeable. There was a news broadcast about a tsunami that recently struck Japan. Happy responded "Oh no! If you want to help the Japanese, call this number!" and a 1-800 number was listed.
February 24th, 2011
I watched Episode 5. There were a few differences. First off, it had Happy on his rustless stick. Also, this episode got a lot more violent. In the episode, Appy was doing his trademark death smile for half of the episode. Afterwards, he 'helped' two children. The first kid Happy took out of sight behind a bush. Screams and whimpers are heard throughout the scene. The other kid waits for Happy, and he's seen emerging from the back of the bush. It skips frames, and the next thing I see is a trail leading to another bush and Happy Appy doing that stupid smile!
Episode 6 showed Happy doing a death smile, but it was hardly viewable. Around a third of the way in, it went static it for the rest of the show.
I couldn't believe it.
I moved on to Episode 7-8. This time, the episodes were so violent and so badly made that they couldn't have been aired on Noggin at all. Episode 7 had Appy take a kid into his van. From the sounds, I could tell he wasn't just giving the kid a band-aid, it was more horrific. Happy emerged, doing a death smile from 09:21 to the end of the show, or 10:00. Like Episode 7, Episode 8 was gory and violent. But it was so coincidental and violent that I couldn't believe Noggin would even allow it, unless it was an accidental airing.
It starts out with Happy Appy walking around the playground when two kids ask him what the cycle of life is so that they could complete their homework. He proceeds to tell the kids about the cycle of life in frogs and plants. The kids said "Thanks, Happy! Can you play with us for a bit?" Happy agrees, and they start playing on the playground. When this happens, smoke starts to creep behind Happy and the children. It gets to a point where they start coughing because of how dense the smoke is, so they turn around to see what was making the smoke. Happy gasps at the sight in front of them.
Towers were on fire and were burning up. A few people can be seen falling out of windows to escape the fire. There was a lot of screaming, falling debris, and a crashed airplane in one of the towers. Only the tail of the plane was visible, sticking out like a sore thumb and nearing the point of collapse. I could hear a faint whining noise at this point, and I think that it was one of the plane's engines which was probably still on. 7 seconds later, the tail of the plane finally broke apart, with the largest piece of the tail hitting and killing someone. During this scene, fire trucks could be heard trying to douse out the flames, but it only slows the flames down. The wailing of ambulances could also be heard, taking away the bodies of the people who jumped from the towers.
We saw Happy and the kids again, but this time, they stood still in fear. The smoke kept getting thicker and thicker, slowly obscuring the trees and equipment of the playground. The debris from the towers fell around the kids and Happy, and a person ran up to them and told them to run away from the towers before running off. When the older kid worriedly said "Happy Appy, why are the towers on fire?” Happy Appy turns to the camera, death smile on face, and very coldly said three words. Those three words will haunt me as long as I research this show.
"That's natural, children."
He took the two kids away from the towers quickly. When the credits rolled, the audio of the scene kept playing, and at the very end, before it cut out, something collapsed, making a very loud noise that could scare anyone watching.
I jumped out of my seat. Was Happy a death bringer in the form of an apple? Or was he some kind of master predictor? If that episode somehow predicted 9/11, I have to watch episodes 9 and 10 to see if there was anything else predicted. I might not see any predictions, though, and to be honest, I hope not. Oh, and you want to know what happens when someone calls the tsunami aid phone number? Tomorrow, I’m going to go and call it.
February 25th, 2011
Hey, I called the phone number mentioned on Episode 3. It was a pre-recording, which I will transcribe for you.
"Hello! I'm Happy Appy, every kid's most helpful Apple! If you want to make a donation, press 1! If you want to know about the earthquake, press 2!"
When I pressed two, the hotline said this.
"An earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, and we need your help! If you can make a donation of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 dollars, you'll be a big help! Anyone who donates gets a Happy Appy badge!"
So, I went ahead and donated a dollar to the donation for the fun of it by using an outdated bank account that I never used. It responded.
"Thank you for helping with the aid for the Tsunami! Look in your mailbox in a week from now, because you'll get your Happy Appy badge!"
I’m currently wondering what earthquake Happy predicted. If it was powerful and made a tsunami, it has to be either the 2003 Hokkaido or 2006 Kuril Islands earthquake. Even though it’s closest to the actual episode release date, it can’t be the Geiyo one because it didn’t make a tsunami.
February 27th, 2011
Episode 9 was pretty corrupt. It started up, but the whole thing had no audio, and the first part was so badly compressed that it was hardly viewable. The next part was just plain static for the rest of the video. “Great, 2 missing episodes”, I thought. Episode 10 wasn’t, however. It started with some weird, off-beat carnival music, and showed Happy Appy. As the show went on, he looked worse and worse, as in injury worse. He was in his van, driving against the road, which looped on and on. Eventually, he reached the playground. Many children were at play. Happy looked like he was ready to kill all of them. He said "Hey kids, who wants to see Happy do a magic trick?" The kids cheered, and ran into his van. He closed the door and drove off. After a few minutes, he came back, smiling like he had just done something horrible.
I couldn't take it anymore. For some reason, Happy was making me feel nauseous. But I marched on. The remainder of the show before the credits was him reading the news. It looked absolutely normal, until the camera zoomed on the newspaper, which was reporting on future events that didn't happen for a long time. Just a few examples were the Libyan riots, the death of Michael Jackson, and the SS Columbia disaster. Meanwhile, there were random breaks, which showed a "behind the scenes" look at the making of the show. After the credits, it cut to a blank screen, with white text.
"If you get these DVDs, I copied Happy over to them. I wanted to preserve this so that they weren't lost forever. Now you might wonder, how did Nick allow all 10 episodes (or 7)? I don't know. They just did, that's what. If you want to know more, see me.
Wait, who was KC? Was that my friend, Kevin Seward Costo? Well, when I first met him, he did say that he worked with Nick until the end of the millennium, so he probably helped with Happy Appy. I went to his house to talk to him about the show.
When I entered, Kevin wasn't home. His wife was sitting in his bedroom, crying. I asked her what happened to Kevin. She replied with something that shocked me. "I don't know what happened, but someone or something kidnapped him last night. I don't know where, but he or she left this piece of paper. Take it." I got a folded up piece of paper. I unfolded it, and it was a picture of Happy Appy during the 9/11 scene, with the exception that he looked badly scarred like in Episode 10. Before I left, I asked her how those horrifying episodes got on Noggin. She replied with "H-he drugged the producers! He was g-going to-"
That was enough. I couldn't bear to take it anymore, so I left the house, and drove off. When I got out, I started to walk back to my house. I heard a gunshot and screams from a woman, probably Kevin's wife. I instantly ran to my house, because I know whoever killed Kevin was trying to kill me. Before I opened the door, I saw one last glimpse behind me. I saw Kevin's dead body, and behind it was a mysterious figure...
Last edited by PonyoPenguin (2013-03-13 23:16:16)
Well, you did well.
But Happy Appy doesn't make much sense with the gore cut out. Plus the final episodes would be very short.
Hello there, Please read this story alone in your room, at night, with the lights off (which is actually how I read every story). It helps to give you, "the effect" of the story.
Don't Be So Afraid of the Dark
I'm going to start out by saying this is probably something I should apologize for. I should, but I'm not going to. My reasons for this are justified, and you'll probably agree with me too once you've read what I have to say.
Now don't roll your eyes and assume this is another story where I'm passing along "the monster" from my own head into yours. It's really very simple. I am getting very tired. I've been awake the last few days and I need to go to sleep. And in order to get to sleep, I have to explain something to you. Not some vague, undefined 'you,' but you. The person reading this story. The very literal, and very real "you." I need your help, and you're going to help me by continuing to read this.
I've been giving some thought to monster stories, and stumbled across something that I find interesting. What are (arguably) the most common themes in monster stories? Darkness, and light. The monsters find you in the darkness, they lurk in the darkness, they live and breed in the darkness. The darkness is their element, it allows them to hunt us down. Sure, most of these stories are just jokes and scary stories written for the sake of reading in the dark, but a few of them are real. You never hear how real because when things go bad, there's no one to tell us about it. You expect a victim of the slenderman to escape and conveniently come back here to warn us all? You think the police are going to report supernatural causes when they find a body torn apart when there are plenty of bears in the woods? The only way to know which stories are real are to get caught up in their retellings. It happens, this I promise you.
Then there's the light. The escape route, the safe place, the weapon to fight back the evil. The antithesis of the darkness, the light is the one place where the monsters can't get to us. Some may use light as a way to surprise or shock us, but no one gets killed by the wendigo on a sunny afternoon. The light is safe, and there are infinite examples to support this.
Do me a favor and uncurl your legs. Sit comfortably. Lean in a little bit. You're still shaken from your last story, maybe you're "cold." You're not afraid, you just really like making yourself as small as possible as you read. Well don't do that. Trust me, you're safer if you're closer to the light of the screen. It's not just keeping the darkness at bay, but you'll see what I mean soon. And keep reading.
So there's light and dark, you're wondering. What's the big deal? Am I going to tell you to reread the letters of each line for a quick scare? Don't let your eyes wander, I didn't write anything. This isn't that kind of story.
This is the kind of story where I help you see a pattern. Humans are afraid of the dark for a reason. With the absence of light, we're easy prey. We'll never see a threat coming. We sleep at night hoping that in the morning any danger will have passed us by. Not knowing means having no reason to be afraid. We're still vulnerable when we sleep, but awareness of a threat really makes the threat worse in my experience.
Now think about this. There are not many stories in which a monster attacks someone who never knew about it. There are some, but none of them are true. But the true stories share a few common themes of their own. The monsters can only find you if you know about them. And the more you know about them, the more danger you will be in. When has there ever been an ancient scroll that struck you dead after reading the first line? You have to read the whole thing before you're in any danger. You're only stalked by a ghost after listening to their whispers and figuring out what they're saying, if you ignore them they can only annoy you. The old doll only steals your soul after you've learned about its gruesome origins. There are a million examples. The point is that knowing about the monster allows it to find you. It makes you a target.
Now I got to thinking about this. Monsters are all denizens of the darkness, but what would it take for a monster to exist in light? It's not the dark that kills you, it's the fact that you can't see them coming. And it is very possible to be blinded by light. Who's to say there can't be a monster that strikes you down the moment your eyes are blinded with sun spots after you, say, happen to stare at the bright flashing reflection of a fast moving car? Or see the reflection of the sun in a distant window? Or stare at a lightbulb. Monsters rarely attack from the side, and even from the back. They like it when you know they're there. They come from the front, so you can see their twisted form before you die. And for that, you have to be unable to see them.
There's another common element. Monsters are fast. They can be slow when they want to, but they are generally very quick. It could be coincidence that so many are bony thin and limber. Or it could be an advantageous design. Fast monsters hunt, and fat (if any) monsters have to trap. If our light monster was real, it would have to be fast. And difficult to see. Camouflage is easy in the dark, but in the day time? What would a monster of the light look like? I felt that natural colors would be the most likely. Invisibility doesn't seem plausible, even by monster standards, and a chameleon effect wouldn't work at high speeds. If you got a good look at a light monster, I bet it would be tan. And very, very thin. Like a stick bug.
Now you're probably not interested in my brainstorming. Or maybe you are. I don't care which is true, I just need you to keep reading a little bit longer. You're not in danger, and nothing is on its way to your house. If it is, it's probably something you already did, not me. Trust me, we're nearly there and I'm very tired.
There's one more major theme that monsters have in common. Think again to how they pick their prey. You have to know about them before they can be a threat to you. They aren't like normal predators, and they can't just sneak up on anyone. For this, we are lucky. Even more so, we are lucky because we love to spread these stories around. It's not just fun, you are compelled to sit here and read these. There is a reason, deep down in the most basic part of your brain, that you come to read these stories.
Here we must imagine a moth. One moth, against a monster owl. When the owl needs to pick its food, it has only one moth to chose from. If the moth doesn't want to die, it has to find other moths to distract the owl. So the moth informs another moth of the monster owl, and in this way their chances of death went down from 100% to 50%. The first moth is no longer the only target, and the second moth won't be the only target if (when) he discovers how the first moth died. If the word spreads enough, then all the moths will only have a very small chance of being singled out of the crowd to become a meal. Safety in numbers. That's why you come here and read these stories, because by adding yourself to the lottery you make it just a little safer for everyone else. We've always been big on working together as a species. Which is why I'm glad you're still reading.
You may be getting an idea of where I'm going with this. By now you're actually helping me a lot, but I need to explain just a little bit more before I can rest.
I have been awake for the past few days because I don't think it's safe for me to fall asleep at any time of day. At night I've felt uneasy. Total darkness holds something lying in wait for me, and every one of my instincts tells me that it isn't safe. I sit before the light of my computer screen and I think, I run these little intellectual exercises to stay awake and in the process I stumbled across an idea with more truth than I knew. And for the past few days, I've been noticing some strange things. Fast blurs of motion in the side of my vision. Too fast to follow. I don't think I'm meant to see them, and I think I know why I see them anyways. Any predator that becomes too efficient faces extinction. If the owl eats all the moths, it will starve. Heck, the only reason Ebola hasn't become a global threat is because it kills its victims too quickly for them to spread the virus very far.
So our efficient predator no longer has a pool of prey to chose from. Any time new prey is discovered, it is killed before it can spread the word to others. The predator is weak, and it's getting desperate. It can't keep up like it used to but it is still very hungry.
So I think now you can guess why I should appologize here. But I don't think I'm doing anything that I'm not meant to do. You can't develop many defenses against a truly efficient predator, even though we've tried. We're fast, we're strong, and we're smart. The only thing the moth can do is increase the size of his flock as much as possible and hope probability does not show him favor. And right now I am part of a very small flock. But I think by now, you know enough. My chances should be going down now (or going up, depending on how you look at it =P).
I am going to take my chances and get some sleep. It's getting bright outside, but if I rest up now I can make it through another night safely. You shouldn't need to worry anyways, but if you see things in the corner of your eyes then... I'd suggest you try not to look at anything too bright, you don't want to be blinded by sunspots before you can spread the word and make the group a little bigger. See you in the evening. I hope.
Oh, and just in case you get the chance, let me know what color it is.![]()
Last edited by sonicdv (2013-03-15 10:29:48)
NeilWest wrote:
Well, you did well.
But Happy Appy doesn't make much sense with the gore cut out. Plus the final episodes would be very short.
Yeah, it wouldn't be that good
(wow outposted by sonic)
mythbusteranimator wrote:
(wow outposted by sonic)
xD Just by a minute.
sonicdv wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
(wow outposted by sonic)
xD Just by a minute.
I didn't have to edit because it was in the "Wait 60 Second" screen. :3
I just read Her Holding the Orange. It was pretty good, but I dislike the way it ended. It would've been nice to learn a bit more about Rose and the man with the hat and coat.
Last edited by RoguePhantom01 (2013-03-15 15:50:26)
Happy Appy: Part 2: March 2011
No edits required this time, surprisingly.
March 3rd, 2011
Hey, I wanted to know if anyone has any videos of a Happy Appy episode. If you do, send me the link to one. Why am I asking this, even though I have a disc of ten episodes? Well, I found the disc in pieces on my desk, and no, I didn’t save the videos to my laptop, even though I should have. The way it was broken was almost like a claw had slashed the disc twice. Also, there was a note near it, saying "No more evidence now, huh?" I wonder who was angry enough to destroy my disc.
March 4th, 2011
I finally got my Happy Appy badge today. It came in a box that, interestingly enough, had a timestamp from 1999. More than likely, they still had some left over from when the show was quite popular. When I opened it, I got a letter from Happy Appy and the badge. The badge was a silver-bronze color, and had Happy Appy smiling, but not with the death smile. The back of the badge had "Happy Appy Helper Badge" imprinted on it. I read the letter.
To my friend,
You have helped us help the Japanese!
Of course, let me introduce myself.
Unarguably, you have heard of me on Noggin!
Can't understand what I’m saying? Well, I'll give you the answer! Happy Appy Appy App!
Appy App, Appy App! Happy Appy Appy Ap, he helps kids all day!
Now, where do I begin with this gift?
Today, I have given you a nice badge, right from the old playground! How did I get these, you ask?
Running across the playground, I tripped on a rock. I fell down, but I noticed the ground was uneven!
Undoubtely, something was buried, so I dug the ground and I found a crate filled with these badges!
Now, it's time to be off! Watch Nick Jr. at 8:30 CST to see my new adventures!
Happy Appy
I checked the back for anything interesting. What I found instead were these 2 lines of gibberish.
I don't even know what they mean!
March 5th, 2011
Today, I got an email from a man who claimed to be a user on WikiLeaks. He heard about my research on Happy Appy, so he tried to find any documents related to it. He did find one, which told employees never to air certain TV shows or movies. After browsing through a massive description of Cry Baby Lane and other shows, I found this block of text.
"One show, originally named 'Happy Appy' was cancelled due to blood and gore. The original show depicted a personified apple named "Happy Appy" that taught kids how to handle certain injuries and even had an episode based on teamwork, called “Hurt Happy”. On their final and only 8th episode, it was only an hour when Noggin began to remove all traces of the show. Kids who watched the show's final episode were reported to obtain symptoms of nausea and sleep deprivation. A 2003 report says the episode seemed to depict explicit imagery of the September 11th terrorist attacks, even though the episode was aired in 1999."
I'm getting much more suspicious about this show.
Why don't you put a link to a full, edited version on GoogleDocs or something.
If the parts are that small - there are going to be alot.
NeilWest wrote:
Why don't you put a link to a full, edited version on GoogleDocs or something.
If the parts are that small - there are going to be alot.
Well there is swearing and some scenes that may need editing.
sonicdv wrote:
Hello there, Please read this story alone in your room, at night, with the lights off (which is actually how I read every story). It helps to give you, "the effect" of the story.
long story
Forgive me for stupidity, but I don't get it.
Lights- wrote:
sonicdv wrote:
Hello there, Please read this story alone in your room, at night, with the lights off (which is actually how I read every story). It helps to give you, "the effect" of the story.
long story
Forgive me for stupidity, but I don't get it.
You have to pay attention to it. Try to read it and think about it.
well PLEASE DONT MAKE A CREEPY PASTA SCRATCH sonic.exe is good...ish
Happy Appy: Part 3: June 2011
Edited for language and one gory description.
June 1st, 2011
Hello, it's me again. Today, I will tell you the reason why I was gone so long. When they found Kevin Costo's body, they thought I was the murderer, so the police took me to court. On May 29th, I was found innocent, due to lack of evidence, because the body disappeared one day. I bet that shadow man took his body away. Also, I definitely know what Happy was predicting with the Japanese thing. I was looking up “Happy Appy” on YouTube when I found a video that said “Kevin Costo Interview – Audio Only”, so I watched it. Here's a transcript.
Interviewer: Are you Kevin Costo?
KC: Yes.
Interviewer: The one who worked on Happy Appy?
KC: Yes.
Interviewer: How did you get the job for Happy Appy?
KC: I had just graduated from an art college in late 1998. I heard about Nickelodeon Studios, who were making cartoons. So I sent a resume, and a few weeks later, I got the job, and I was happy. Well, until it all hit the fan.
Interviewer: What happened on the day you made the Happy Appy model?
KC: Okay, so basically, we had to design a cute-looking puppet for the show. We started with a rusty stick that was lying around on the floor of the studio, made an apple out of clay, and stuck it on the stick. We added baby-blue eyes, as well as pupils so he would look cuter and less frightening for children, huge green lips, and clay arms. Finally, we added a stem and a leaf. We thought it was perfect for the show.
Interviewer: Who voiced Happy Appy?
KC: I don't remember his name, but I do remember who he was from. It was a show called Fright House Screamers, where four teenagers would spend the night at haunted places.
Interviewer: What happened to Fright House Screamers?
KC: When they were filming the fourth episode, one of the teenagers was found dead in the location they were doing. Besides, the show was terrible.
Interviewer: Was the voice of Happy the teenager who got killed?
KC: I'm pretty sure not.
Interviewer: Back to Happy Appy, why aren't there any surviving copies of Happy Appy?
KC: That's a good point. See, Nickelodeon owns the tapes somewhere, but they're not going to release them for a long time. There have been bootlegs, of course, but none show the episodes after episode 10, which is weird.
Interviewer: How many episodes of Happy Appy were there going to be?
KC: 2 full 13 episode seasons. They only showed 8 or 10 of the first season before Happy was canceled. However, my friend Jim says there's actually two seasons, but he was very drunk when he said that. Besides, I don't trust him at all.
Interviewer: Do you know any of the other crew who worked on Happy Appy?
KC: I only know Jim.
June 6th, 2011
Oh gosh. I've been having nightmares of Happy since I saw those last episodes. The dreams range from Happy's death smile to Happy trying to capture a kid. Not only that, but I’m become quite paranoid of apples. If I see one in my house, I eat it as quick as I can, or if it’s in a store, I watch it very closely. Also, about the mysterious figure, I've been seeing him more, whether he's sitting on a mountain, or standing in a forest. The figure never seems to leave me. Also, I've seen more of him to tell you more about his physical features.
First off, he can’t be made of shadow, because he has some sort of a face with a mouth. However, the thing is, the mouth seems to be locked on one expression, which happens to be Happy's death smile. I’m gonna sound weird for this, but…I wonder if he's Happy. No, he can’t be! There’s a fine difference between this tall shadow man and Happy Appy, a child-sized apple! Agh, but more about his body… he looks to be slightly taller than me (for reference, I’m around 1.87 meters) and seems to be about mid-weight for his height.
I've boarded up my house because he obviously wants to kill me.
June 11th, 2011
Darn it! Okay, okay, how do I put this in a short, non-awkward way? Right now, I'm at the library, which could be the only place in town that has a computer that I can access for free. It's been five days since I last encountered the figure, and he did something awful. He decided to burn my house down! Yeah, he burnt it to a little crisp. And that’s not even the worst part! The worst part is that no one seems to notice that my house was burned down. It was like the fire never happened, or worse, like the house never existed at all. I’m going to kill that jerk for what he did!
But, I will admit that I’m at least safer in the library. Right now, I see Harold Kleiner walking in the bushes. …I don’t know why, but I don’t really mind, since he is the first friend I made over here in the United States. Hold on, hold on… wait a minute... Why the heck is there blood on his face? Oh gosh, if it’s the figure again... All right, I'm going to check it out. Wish me luck.
June 28th, 2011
Today, I finally got to buy a new house. Unlike my old house, which was made of wood, the new house I got is made out of brick. On the down side, it’s a little smaller and less fancy than my original house, but oh well, at least he can’t burn it down as easily. On Happy Appy, however, one of my friends, Jim Forester, actually remembered Happy Appy, and is most likely the one mentioned in Kevin’s interview. He said that there were more episodes I didn’t have on the DVD. It turns out that the most violent episodes were actually at the end of the season. The entire first and second seasons was supposed to have 25 episodes, plus a TV movie. No one mentioned it, because Jim and Nickelodeon had the only known high-quality tapes until I found the DVD. It’s also worth mentioning that the series slowly got more violent as the series progressed. Jim sent me a disc with fragments of Happy Appy episodes. Here are the contents of the disc.
The first clip starts out with a close up of a school bell ringing. It cuts to Happy Appy, who is standing next to a kid sitting at a desk. The kid is trying to answer a math problem, but gives up and says "I don't know how to do my homework!” The teacher said "Class is dismissed". The kid is ashamed that he didn’t know how to do his homework, but Happy says "That's all right! I’ll sing you the math song and you’ll understand!" and sings a song about math. It was distorted in both audio and video, but I could thankfully make out all of the lyrics:
I'm gonna show you how to do your homework!
7 plus 4 is 11, and 9 minus 2 is 7,
But math's not a chore, because 15 minus 11 equal 4!
6 plus 2 is eight, and you're doing great,
Now, here's the last 3! You're on a spree!
66 minus 55 is 11, and -5 plus 12 is 7,
Two minus one, and now your homework is done!
After that, the kid says "Wow! Thanks, Happy Appy!"
The next fragment was one of the violent episodes. Even though the clips looked like they were separate and from different episodes, they actually seemed to be in order.
It started with three kids crying so loud, it was almost painful to see. Happy Appy and two other kids were trying to calm the kids down. The reason the kids were crying was because their families were gone. The two kids eventually comforted the three other kids, and the five left. But Happy had this weird and greedy expression. He said "Come with me." The five kids followed Happy into a building. Two minutes later, he left the building, dragging several money bags with him. The five were screaming for help again. It didn’t end there. There was one fragment of a somewhat violent episode. Happy was putting a bandage on a kid's arm. Oddly enough, he was wearing a long coat in this episode, and in the far corner of his pocket, a needle with green fluids can be seen. Happy gave the kid a shot with the needle, which knocked the kid out. He dragged the kid into his van, and a chainsaw was heard. The DVD stopped after that.
Oh, you want to know more about that encounter with the figure? First, it turns out he was at the library, so I got out of there. However, about Kleiner, though, what I thought was Harold was actually someone else that looked like him. Secondly, I gave him a nickname. It's Forenzik, which is better than calling him "the figure". I didn’t come up with the name, though. I found a scrap of paper on my desk that said “Forenzik". Obviously, since I have to call the figure something, I shall call him Forenzik from now on. When I saw him 17 days ago, he seemed to have fingers with claws. I don't mean like he had retractable claws in his fingers. His fingers looked like they were very sharp. I also got a good look at how he ran. He seems to be hunchbacked, which means he would be taller when he would be standing up straight. I say about 6'9, although you could speculate that, because I don't have a picture of him yet.
Last edited by PonyoPenguin (2013-03-30 20:25:19)
Here, have a cupcake! -hands everyone a rainbow-bread cupcake with blue frosting that has an icing picture of Dashie's cutie mark on it-
I hate the Regular Show theory. I didn't ruin the show for me, it was just dumb. I don't like the Rugrats Theory, even though I have never seen the show. It also seems dumb. It just does not seem Creepy at all. It does not seem very much like a Creepypasta. I they do not seem close to being as Creepy as "Go to Sleep". If you are going to make a Creepypasta, actually make it CREEPY. If you don't like creepy Creepypastas, Then Creepypastas aren't for you. I am not necessarily referring to any Scratchers, just people in General.
ollowing example. More information is available on this page. To try out scratchblocks, go here.
repeat untiltimer>10go tomouse-pointer ▼thinkCreepypastas should actually be creepyfor3secs
Happy Appy: Part 4: July 2011
Edited for language and violent descriptions.
July 14th, 2011
Today, Jim Forester called me, telling me that Trestan Yae, the man who voiced Happy Appy, and a star on Fright House Screamers, had been killed today. The body had 3 long and deep cut marks on his chest, with one of them slashing open his heart. Even though the police marked it as a murder by a bladed weapon, I thought that Forenzik would have clawed him. However, in response, Jim said that they would need to be extremely sharp claws, because whatever the weapon was managed to put a deep cut on one of his ribs. Also, I need to research Fright House Screamers after I'm done with Happy Appy. It sounds quite interesting
July 15th, 2011
Today, Jim Forester gave me a DVD with three new episodes. The first one could be the episode with the green fluids needle, the second is the full Happy Goes to School, and the third might be part 2 of the Happy Appy TV movie. Unfortunately, the disk is corrupt as all heck, because it needs a lot of cleaning.
July 17th, 2011
I've managed to get a lot of the cleaning done. It's not perfect, as it still freezes a bit, but it's good enough to watch. Here's what happens.
The first one was the episode I mentioned that had Happy and the needle. It started out with that scene, and after Happy had killed the kid, he drove off, and went to a crashed plane, where the money bags scene happened. After that, he was playing with some kids at the playground. All of a sudden, his skin peeled off, like an orange peeler was being used on him, revealing a rotten apple core. The peeled skin lands on a kid like a blanket. The weird part was that the kids had no reaction to Happy’s skin being peeled, almost like it never happened. The episode ended after that.
The next one was the full School episode. The math scene and song happens, but in much better quality. After that, Happy goes into a science class, where a kid is messing around with a Bunsen burner, and accidentally gets his finger burned. Happy says “Never play with a Bunsen burner, kids, or you’ll get hurt!” puts an ice pack on the kid's burn, and the kid thanks him. Happy notices some kid getting bullied on by an older kid because the older kid thinks his art project is dumb. Happy tells the kid to never give up at what he likes doing. The kid runs into a classroom, probably to tell a teacher what happened.
Finally, I saw part 2 of the Happy Appy movie. It started out with Happy Appy driving his van on a road. A kid accidentally throws a rock onto the road. Not a small pebble, no. I'm talking about a big, foot long rock. Happy's van rolls over the rock, and the van tumbles and crashes, and when I mean crash, I mean 'actual footage of a car crash' crash. After that, some kids run over to the burning wreckage of Happy's Van, where Happy Appy is shouting "GET ME OUT!” When this happens, the happy-go-lucky music that plays normally is replaced by parts of Revolution 9, reversed. One of the kids says "There, his hat! His hat!” and it cuts to Happy's dead stem. The stem screamed, which was loud enough to make someone's ear bleed. The mouth had some bloodied teeth on it. Another kid says "His body, his body!" Happy was frozen stiff, with his mouth open, smiling, with a deep cut down the middle.
He tried to crawl out of the wreck with his only intact arm. After a minute, he finally collapsed and died, while screaming to weird sci-fi noises. After that scene, it just showed the road, with the mashed up van next to his body. After that, it cut to a funeral, where kids were crying over Happy's dead body. One kid said "Why, Happy, why?” The next shot was the dead Happy, his teeth broken, still showing his death smile. It cut to a 10 years later scene. The kid was talking to his mother, and the mother replied, but her speech was reversed. I got an audio program and reversed it, and it turned out that she was saying "Don't worry, my child. Happy is coming to take you away, ha-haaa!" The father came in, and talked about how bad Happy was, yet in a sarcastic tone. He brings out a knife and, off-screen, screaming is heard from the mother, implying she has died. The child screams and cries to the mother's side. The father's fake suit peels off, kinda like the scene with Happy and the orange peeler, revealing Happy with his injuries from the car crash.
Happy takes the kid offscreen, and lots of screaming is heard. Instead of the theme song playing, dark carnival music played, with pieces of the reversed Revolution 9 and Napoleon XIV's "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!” A narrator said "His stomach was in two today", "There were two, and there is none now", "He's there, he's getting next to his sister with all he knows", and finally "He ceased to work in the underworld" Guess what the narrator was talking over? He was talking over Happy Appy, with a Xacto in one hand for some reason. It slowly panned down to the disguise Happy was under, like the magic trick episode, and stopped at the hand of the skin, which had cut marks on it. The episode ended.
July 24th, 2011
It's been 7 days since I watched part 2 of the TV Movie. I still can't get that body of Happy Appy out of my head. Well, guess what? Someone claimed to have the first part, so I asked him to mail it to me. It turns out he was right. Here’s what happens in the first half.
It starts with the same carnival theme, with distorted voices. The intro was spotted with giant flashes. After when the original intro would play, it went straight to Happy on a medical bed dying from an unknown disease. When he talked, his lips perfectly synched with "THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY!" It cut to one of the 5-year-olds. He was trying to cry because Happy was dying, but he didn't cry tears. He cried, but it just didn't look like tears. It looked a lot like red-tinted tears.
It played a sad piano after another kid with a high-pitched voice said "They're coming to take ME away!" It showed Happy Appy coughing loudly, and a few seconds later, his bed went into a surgery room. What followed was an hour of stop-motion surgery. It was so horrifying, but yet so compelling. How did they make a decent surgery scene with puppets? After that, Happy was seen on a wheelchair, and the children said "Are you better?" Happy said "Yes, my nice friends!" and gave them a big hug. After that, it faded to a title that said "3 months later" and started to fade in on the second part of the TV movie, but it was cut.
July 26th, 2011
Today, I went to a yard sale, and I saw a VHS called HA Bonus Features. I bought it for the very cheap price of a cent. After that, I put the VHS in the player and hoped that it would work. Unfortunately, it didn’t work at all, because the video was basically static, and it made 5 swooshes and a weird noise. I tried to decode the weird noise, and after half an hour of playing with various audio tools, the weird noise turned out to be a kid talking to the listener.
Don't trust Happy Appy.
He will murder you, he's a killer.
Never trust him.
July 28th, 2011
Jim told me about the fire that ravaged through the studio that made Happy Appy. When I heard about this, I had to go to visit the ruins of the studio. After going on a plane ride that took a couple of hours, I bought a rental car and drove to the studios, in case I find anything that could help me investigate the mystery of Happy Appy. It was completely abandoned, but even stranger was that there was no one trying to demolish it. So I snuck in, because I thought that could help my search for Happy Appy.
When I went inside, I saw two rooms that weren't burnt or crushed by debris. They were a sound set and a storage room. The storage room had a lock on it, so I ignored it for the sound set. It was massive! I mean, I’m talking the size of a football field. Despite the sound set being massive, there were a few remains of some green screen stages, and even a burnt studio camera, but what was rather interesting was that some of the remains of the cloth had what looked like blood stains on it. Most of the lights were on, which was strange, considering that the studio got damaged by a fire except for the back. Since the lights near the back were off, I wondered what would be back there. I heard movement, and saw Forenzik again with his red eyes. I got the heck out of there and slammed the remnants of the doors to the set.
After that, I went over to look at the storage room. The lock, although made of steel, was rusted and brittle, so I broke it off using a hammer I found in a desk. After opening it, I noticed it was some sort of vault. It had some tape sets that had labels on them, so I took them. However, most of the stuff just burned, except for a safe, which I took. Unfortunately, a specific someone made the building unstable, presumably by destroying some beams that held up the place, so I ran out as fast as I could, just before the entire thing collapsed, killing whatever moved back there. I hope that it was Forenzik.
Darn it Pico! You're messing up these pasta!!! >=U (pico rules) Oh crud, its him. Oh my Go-sa;lfj;aslkhdg;alkh;sdfljas;lfj
Last edited by sonicdv (2013-04-01 12:53:05)