In "Farming Simulator: Scratch", the goal is to create a farm big enough to get you $1,000,000, or one million dollars. You can plant and sell various crops and animals, and you can bake and sell different goods. Each item you can make or plant has requirements. For planting, you have to have a seed packet or in the case of carrots, potatoes, onions, etc. the actual plant itself. For making, you have to have a certain amount of harvested crop, and possibly money or fuel. You may or may not have a time limit to get the one million dollars required to win.
To Do:
Create the Selling system
Create the Shop
Create AnimalsDone:
In Progress:
Create the farming system. (Prototype complete)
Create the baking system. ("Bread" created)
Create Plants. (Corn added)
I would like to help, but I think this would require the use of cloud variables
Cloud variables aren't really needed, I've created a prototype already. But if you mean for it to be persistent or have a save function, then yes.
This sounds really cool! I would looooove to join!