No trolling is tolerated. Respect everyone's opinion on this thread. Thanks!
Alright guys! I'm not putting this in the TF: Prime topic because a) not many visit it, really, b) it's quite a different story, and 3) it's easier to have a separate topic for this.
First Order of Business
After every episode, I will have a post with a link here. Read the post, and discuss your opinion on te episode!
TFP Beast Hunters Episode 2
Second Order of Business
Okay, so Hasbro has this voting thing on where you pick you side for the Battle of Earth. Current standings are:
Decepticons - 32%
Autobots - 68%
Naturally, I'm very dismayed by these standings, so I'm trying to flip the numbers around-- I'm campaigning for the Decepticons! Now, for this to be a fair Scratch related thing, Imma help both sides. I'll be seeing if I can get signatures for both sides and put the codes here for you to use. Discuss who you'll vote for here, but bear in mind the Community Guidelines and respect everyone's opinion:
Decepticon Supporter wrote:
Autobot Supporter wrote:
I'm voting Autobot!
Really? Autobot? I thought you were my friend! angry_face angry_face Angry_face
This sort of thing will be reported. You may, however:
Decepticon Supporter wrote:
Autobot Supporter wrote:
I'm voting Autobot!
Imma voting Decepticon; they just appeal to me more. Why are you voting Autobot?
Okay, these are exaggerated, but you get the idea. Respect opinions, but that doesn't mean you can't have an opposing opinion and ask why they think the other thing.
Decepticon Signatures
By Blazingwave
By TailsKirbyYoshiFan
By TailsKirbyYoshiFan
Alright, guys! Let's bring the Transformers Universe back to Scratch, and make a dent in those standings, be you Autobot or Decepticon!
Peace (through tyranny)!
~ StarscreamClone ~
Last edited by StarscreamClone (2013-03-30 08:05:49)
Decepticons will never win because they are the bad team. You can't change that. I still am not on either side though.
ImagineIt wrote:
Decepticons will never win because they are the bad team. You can't change that. I still am not on either side though.
Yeah, I know. EVERY show, movie, videogame, etc. does that.
BUT, this is the one time I get to change that around. Unfortunately, Prime and Bumblebee have millions of fans...
Then again, Knockout's popularity shot up faster than Prime's did in G1, Starscream has MILLIONS of fans, Soundwave has a ton of followers as well, I seem to have a few fans on Scratch (and a bunch of friends)...
The 'Cons have a chance!
Autobots will win, naturally.
It's 1:2 in favor of the autobots (for every person for the decepticons, 2 are for the autobots), so they'll win.
Firedrake969 wrote:
Autobots will win, naturally.
It's 1:2 in favor of the autobots (for every person for the decepticons, 2 are for the autobots), so they'll win.
Why such a bleak outlook? We can change this! I know we can! Decepticons are strong!
"United we stand, divided they fall!"
Also, every 1% the Decepticons rise, the Autobots fall 1%. If I work hard enough, I bet they will be at least tied!
StarscreamClone wrote:
Also, every 1% the Decepticons rise, the Autobots fall 1%. If I work hard enough, I bet they will be at least tied!
You can't get a few scratchers to change a whole survey of tons more people.
Autoboats FTW.
NeilWest wrote:
Autoboats FTW.
A morph of cars and boats.
-Voting Decipticon because starscream.-
ImagineIt wrote:
StarscreamClone wrote:
Also, every 1% the Decepticons rise, the Autobots fall 1%. If I work hard enough, I bet they will be at least tied!
You can't get a few scratchers to change a whole survey of tons more people.
We have thousands of members, tough.
Luigitailsdoll45 wrote:
NeilWest wrote:
Autoboats FTW.
A morph of cars and boats.
-Voting Decipticon because starscream.-
Awexomesauce! Thank you!
StarscreamClone wrote:
ImagineIt wrote:
StarscreamClone wrote:
Also, every 1% the Decepticons rise, the Autobots fall 1%. If I work hard enough, I bet they will be at least tied!
You can't get a few scratchers to change a whole survey of tons more people.
We have thousands of members, tough.
On the main site. We have a lot less on the forums, and still, only like 2% will view this probably.
ImagineIt wrote:
StarscreamClone wrote:
ImagineIt wrote:
You can't get a few scratchers to change a whole survey of tons more people.We have thousands of members, tough.
On the main site. We have a lot less on the forums, and still, only like 2% will view this probably.
I gots projects on the main site as well as 2.0.
For the glory of Lord Megatron, I command this topic to bump!
StarscreamClone wrote:
For the glory of Lord Megatron, I command this topic to bump!
StarscreamClone wrote:
For the glory of Lord Megatron, I command this topic to bump!
StarscreamClone wrote:
For the glory of Lord Megatron, I command this topic to bump!
blarg decepticons ftw
used to obsess over blackarachnia from transformers animated
Decepticon Signature
Autobot Signature
Luigitailsdoll45 wrote:
Decepticon Signature … pticon.jpg
Autobot Signature … utobot.gif
EPICNESS!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!
Alrighty! Codes for the other two are in the main post, and if you would like to contribute, just post 'em here! Thanks!