This is not a scientific poll, as it is for referencing sources on the Scratch Wiki. Please answer in a way that abides to these guidelines. Thanks.
THE PAGE: Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor
THE QUESTION: What are some pros and cons of the 2.0 vector editor? Why do you like it or not like it?
I'm not using this to add sources, I'm using it to add more information.
Thanks to mathfreak321 for the idea.
Last edited by Firedrake969 (2013-03-09 09:40:35)
HD graphics which is always a +
I Redraw over my 1.4 projects to make them HD, and then with the ghost effect in place, you can still see the original drawing.
For someone who has a bad graphics card (me), it can be incredibly slow.
Over all, the vector editor is good, but needs lots of improvement. I still prefer the bitmap editor.
Last edited by LeDerpy123 (2013-03-08 12:35:52)
I personally do not like the vector editor. Although yes, it is still missing a lot of features, and although yes, it leads to HD graphics, I love being able to go into my graphics and change them pixel by pixel, the problem being that the vector editor doesn't let me do that at all.
Now, for my list of Pro's and Con's since you've asked:
1). HD Graphics (Or better zooming-in quality)
2). Smooth Feeling
3). Lower File Sizes (Or at least I predict)
4). Allows for more then 1 text-box per costume (As I've heard)
1). Doesn't allow for bitmap editing
2). Doesn't allow the import of some graphic file types
There are undoubtedly more, though this is what I can think of right now.
With regards,