To Paddle2See:
I have a problem—I need a thread closed.
You see, I made this "Become Scratch President" Game on The Scratch Forums.
It was going great until people started getting mad.
I tried to make peace, but I don't think it's working.
At the moment, I think it is really getting out-of hand.
Could you please close-it? I really don't want it to, but I do, if you know what I mean.
wait till after I become prez
were not really mad at each other
well except google at me maybe
Well, anyhow, it was getting WAY to chaotic.
I have made a new thread: Become Scratch President 2.
The Tally is exactly the same as the old one.
iab97 wrote:
To Paddle2See:
I have a problem—I need a thread closed.
You see, I made this "Become Scratch President" Game on The Scratch Forums.
It was going great until people started getting mad.
I tried to make peace, but I don't think it's working.
At the moment, I think it is really getting out-of hand.
Could you please close-it? I really don't want it to, but I do, if you know what I mean.
I can close that for you...sorry it didn't work for you. Did you know that if you delete your own post...and it's the first post of the will delete the entire topic?