this new block would have the same format as repeat or forever but instead of having them done repeditivly have them done simletainiously hears an example
(when green flag clicked)
(do together)
(move 10 steps)
(turn 15 degrees)
(end together)
this way he would move 10 steps as he turns 15 degrees as opposed to one after the other this way more posobilaties for scratch could be born
supporters (1)
that works to but a do together button would be handy
As instantaneous as some things seem on the computer, there is an order to scripts. No matter how Scratch threads multiple scripts, ultimately, one block has to be executed before another. Scratch can't just make two blocks execute at the exact same time; one has to come before the other.
And kayybee, the point actually is the same with your solution. Even though Scratch threads different scripts together, that's achieved by switching between scripts. One still has to happen before the other.
well that is true if its done by having many scripts start at the same time to seem instentainious why cant it be done in blocks
What if there was a block like that (or maybe called "run simultaneously") that has 2 c inputs like with the if/else block that ran the blocks in the first input at the same time as it ran the blocks in the second input.
how about (do together with [sprite 1]) and it automatically copies that script to the other sprite
Your example is actually a bit complex. However, Scratch 2.0 will have "atomic" procedures - custom blocks run all at once.
iTweak0r wrote:
Scratch 2.0 has it! Its called "run without screen update"