I'm trying to make it so every second 10 will be added to the variable score. What's wrong?
When the player is dead, the variable dead will equal 0
when player clicked forever if <(dead) = [1]> wait [1] secs change [score] by [10] else stop scriptPlease help
also, clicking the player sets dead to be 1. (brings them to life)
Never mind. I saved closed and reopened the project and now it is working fine. If you have any idea why it wasn't working, I would appreciate them info. I didn't change anything.
I can answer your first question.
when gf clicked set score to 0
when gf clicked forever if <(score) < [100]> wait [1] secs change (score) by [10] endWhat this script means is that:
Teleport wrote:
I can answer your first question.
when gf clicked set score to 0when gf clicked forever if <(score) < [100]> wait [1] secs change (score) by [10] endWhat this script means is that:
When the flag is clicked, the score will be set to 0.
If the score is less than 100(100 is the maximum amount), it will follow this routine UNTIL it reaches 100:
wait 1 sec
add score by 10
If you're using this for a game, credit would be appreciated. ;D
I don't want a maximum amount though. and I figured it out. All i had to do was remove the "stop script" block.