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#26 2012-10-26 05:43:00

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Welcome to Scratch!

Thanks for making this!  I've added it to the Important and Helpful Topics list, which is stickied at the top of the New Scratcher's forum section  smile



#27 2012-10-26 14:48:59

Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Welcome to Scratch!

Awesome!  Thanks Paddle!



#28 2012-10-26 14:50:14

Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Welcome to Scratch!

ahirbhairav wrote:

StarscreamClone wrote:

Welcome to Scratch!  Scratch is a website meant for people of all ages to share projects, music, ideas, and everything else in between!  It is one of the safest sites around, and below are some things you should know.

Creating Projects
To create a project, you need to download Scratch (this goes for 1.4 and below.  Scratch 2.0 will have an online version).  For scripting, a handy thing to have is flash cards.  Up at the support tab, there is a pdf you can print called "Scratch Cards".  They can be very helpful for basic scripting for animation, movement, and those kind of things.  Don't worry.  You will get the hang of it after a while.

Scratch is meant to be a safe site for all ages.  If you ever see a project that is innapropriate, mean, etc., flag it.  This also goes for hurtful comments.  Do NOT reply to innapropriate comments.  Scratch Team discourages this for many reasons, including you can anger the person or get banned yourself.  Flag it, don't fight it. 

As with all sites, trolling is not allowed, and trolling can get you banned.  If someone is trolling you, add them to your ignore list, report / flag their comments and tell Scratch Team.  Trolling is not tolerated, and so be polite in all of your comments.  If you have nothing nice to post, don't post anything at all.

Making Friends
Scratch is a great way to make new friends!  It is best you get to know the person before clicking "add to friends list".  It is an important rule of internet safety to be careful who you chat with. 

As a Scratcher, you have the ability to create galleries.  Galleries are used for many things, and the two most popular are for putting in projects that have something in common (the intended purpose for a gallery), and creating RPGs (role playing games).

On the forums (where you are now), you can talk about new updates about Scratch, make suggestions, talk about the projects you are making, and things like that.  When you make a post or create a topic, make sure it is in the right category. 

Never be afraid to ask questions!  The forums have some topics where you can ask questions (Questions About Scratch), and you can also ask questions on the projects of Scratch Team (also, feel free to ask questions on any of my projects).

There are two main types of spam on Scratch.  The first kind is when a company advertises on Scratch (which is not allowed, and if you suspect something to be commercial spam, flag it right away).  Usually, tHeY cOmMeNt LiKe ThIs.  The second type is when people post links to their projects on other people's projects or just post random comments.  People don't like that, so please don't do it.

Suggested by Gravitation.  Necroposting is posting on topics that are older and most likely forgotten about.  Scratchers can get annoyed by this, because sometimes the person who created the topic may have forgotten it, is inactive, or doesn't use Scratch anymore.  It can also be about something outdated, etc.  Don't post on those topics.

I hope you find this guide helpful, and you can post your questions or just say hello here.  I am always willing to lend a hand.

To experienced Scratchers:  If there is something I missed, or something you think I should add, tell me.

Have fun and Scratch on!


Is it OK if I make a project from this?

Yeah, no prob!



#29 2012-10-26 14:52:19

Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Welcome to Scratch!

PerpetualEver wrote:

hey ppl.. techincally i'm NOT new.. but whtever..

Welcome to the forums, PerpetualEver!



#30 2012-10-26 14:54:17

Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Welcome to Scratch!

To all "veteran" users: if you think something should be added, please say so here, and I'll add it.  Thanks!



#31 2013-02-24 15:33:39

New Scratcher
Registered: 2013-02-24
Posts: 1

Re: Welcome to Scratch!

Thanks for the link! It helps!



#32 2013-02-26 19:00:47

Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Welcome to Scratch!

LavenderSky wrote:

Thanks for the link! It helps!

No problema!  big_smile



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