Could you do a toad, looking at a mushroom ('Save the mushrooms' style mushroom)? And across it is written Save the mushrooms?
It would be a signature
EDIT: Oh, here's the link to my project: Save The Mushrooms
Last edited by PlasticToad (2012-12-26 07:48:49)
Are you able to make a trophy that says:
'Pastel Dreams Bonus Level 2 design WINNER' or something that I can give to the winner of my contest. If you want to check out the constest here's the link: … 05/3011592
I would really appreciated it. I don't mind what it is so long as if someone looks at it, they know they have won a contest.
Can u make me a chat background like Facebook ? I mean a big background covering half screen, big enough to hold at least 3 lists . and a empty space at left side or bottom saying 'account' . With a logo some where, saying "(cloud image) talk"
And a
seperate logo
of"(cloud image) talk"
Can you make a white background with binary numbers that are black all across the background. Then, on top of that, in green, do NUMBERONEGAMERS, THE NUMBER ONE GAMES!!!!!
Mileaz wrote:
Can I have a signature with yellow stars and my name 'Mileaz' in rainbowy colours please?
You will get the sig. but u will have no use of it till u become a complete scratcher, but u will have this usefull in future.
Mmmkay, sorry for the inactivity, but I'll try to go on Scratch more often. The shop will be open every weekend, but you could still request during the week. Thank you guys.
(Oh, and if you requested and I haven't gotten to it, please re-request)