mythbusteranimator wrote:
You guys never permanent ban anyone, correct?
If a scratcher breaks a rule, he recieves a warning from the Scratch Team. But if the scratcher does not listen, despite continous efferts from the Scratch Team to stop that scratcher, a permanent ban will be used. Few scratchers get out of this type of ban.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
You guys never permanent ban anyone, correct?
Well, when we block a user, the block remains in place until the user comes in to contact us; in other words, it's pretty much permanent until the blocked user sends in an appeal message regarding the blocked account.
The length of time the block will last after the user contacts us depends on a number of factors, such as the nature of the offense that resulted in the block and past history on the Scratch website. Some blocks last longer than others.
cheddargirl wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
You guys never permanent ban anyone, correct?
Well, when we block a user, the block remains in place until the user comes in to contact us; in other words, it's pretty much permanent until the blocked user sends in an appeal message regarding the blocked account.
The length of time the block will last after the user contacts us depends on a number of factors, such as the nature of the offense that resulted in the block and past history on the Scratch website. Some blocks last longer than others.