Tip: Use a PNG/GIF instead, so you can edit it again.
Oh. OK. Thanks for the future reference!
I may have shouted this to the world, but the computer I put that file on died anyway. As in the monitor and the Internet connection. It's pretty much busted, and I barely get the chance to use this one.
Are you still doing this? If so, could I have a white kitty with black patches (including one black ear) and light blue eyes? With golden spit trail (sparkles would be great, but if not thats fine). And a blue background.
Last edited by Waffle27 (2013-02-28 19:41:35)
Body Color: Mintfang, the cat in my sig.
Hair Color (optional): Can you do a light blue mohawk? If not, a really short light blue.
Eye Color: Again, look at my sig for her eye color. Her other eye is light blue.
Background color: Hmmm... How about light mint?
Spit-Trails: Electric blue
Any special styles: Can you do spit trails shaped like paw-prints? If not, no special styles.