jvvg wrote:
On your wiki article, you said it's not open source.
However, according to the Scratch Source Code License, "you must make the source code for derivative works available".
Here, I fixed it. (I have a wiki account)
powerpoint56 wrote:
Devloper123 wrote:
I have created a wiki page for it
But I do want some more info because it needs to be expanded.P.S Can I be a dev?
Want it on Mod Share PS Have to submit approval on forum what type it saves in and download and tell Mod Share when it is updated No need to create its forum I'll create it myself (if yes)
Devloper123 wrote:
powerpoint56 wrote:
Devloper123 wrote:
I have created a wiki page for it
But I do want some more info because it needs to be expanded.P.S Can I be a dev?
Sure! That is your username, isn't it?
I've finished a program that launches Branch from a web browser. Sharing branch projects on the internet will be really easy with this. Here's a preview. Is there any chance of this becoming an official feature?
djdolphin wrote:
I've finished a program that launches Branch from a web browser. Sharing branch projects on the internet will be really easy with this. Here's a preview. Is there any chance of this becoming an official feature?
I like this! We should make a Projects Page on the website where people can upload their
projects and can view them with your launcher.
Why is it that I'm not doing anything?
Last edited by Interest (2013-02-20 23:58:44)
powerpoint56 wrote:
Devloper123 wrote:
powerpoint56 wrote:
Thanks!But I do want some more info because it needs to be expanded.P.S Can I be a dev?
Sure! That is your username, isn't it?
For Branch,I mean PS I could give you the running Windows reporter I made
jvvg wrote:
jvvg wrote:
On your wiki article, you said it's not open source.
However, according to the Scratch Source Code License, "you must make the source code for derivative works available".Here, I fixed it. (I have a wiki account)
Couldn't find if open source or not
Interest wrote:
Why is it that I'm not doing anything?
I don't know. You could submit ideas and their code, or code other things.
djdolphin wrote:
I've finished a program that launches Branch from a web browser. Sharing branch projects on the internet will be really easy with this. Here's a preview. Is there any chance of this becoming an official feature?
But does the user need branch downloaded? If not, this is a great idea!
FanMarioPL wrote:
djdolphin wrote:
I've finished a program that launches Branch from a web browser. Sharing branch projects on the internet will be really easy with this. Here's a preview. Is there any chance of this becoming an official feature?
But does the user need branch downloaded? If not, this is a great idea!
Yeah, because if they need Branch, it's practically useless.
Still waiting for:
- new block codes
- help with compiler
powerpoint56 wrote:
FanMarioPL wrote:
djdolphin wrote:
I've finished a program that launches Branch from a web browser. Sharing branch projects on the internet will be really easy with this. Here's a preview. Is there any chance of this becoming an official feature?
But does the user need branch downloaded? If not, this is a great idea!
Yeah, because if they need Branch, it's practically useless.
You won't need Branch, but you'll need to download the launcher application.
djdolphin wrote:
powerpoint56 wrote:
FanMarioPL wrote:
But does the user need branch downloaded? If not, this is a great idea!Yeah, because if they need Branch, it's practically useless.
You won't need Branch, but you'll need to download the launcher application.
Oh.Well, that's good.
usingVersion: t1
t1 = 1.2 ifTrue: [^ true].
^ false
('using version %n of branch' #b #usingVersion: '1.2')
This block will tell you if you are running a certain version. Edit all 1.2 to match version.
('what version of branch is running?' #r #versionRunning)
^ 1.0
<last said is [hello]?>
first goto: Scratch-Objects >> ScratchSpriteMorph >> lookOps >> say:
Then add
Said _ t1.
WARNING: Saying must be a global variable! to do that. Just accept with that, then declare as global variable.
Also add the above code to
Then goto class, blockspecs, blockspecs.
('last said was %s?' #b #lastSaid:'Hello!')
Then goto instance, look ops and add:
lastSaid: t1
t1 = Said ifTrue: [^ true].
^ false
Now THAT is a block i did without ANY parts of blocks made from the library
SFollis wrote:
usingVersion: t1
t1 = 1.2 ifTrue: [^ true].
('using version %n of branch' #b #usingVersion: '1.2')
This block will tell you if you are running a certain version. Edit all 1.2 to match version.
('what version of branch is running?' #r #versionRunning)
^ 1.0
make an instance variable instead. this will make it so people not running branch will receive false.
so add branchversion or something like that to the instance variables, and initialize it in
initialize … branchversion _ 1.2
so usingVersion: and versionRunning become:
usingVersion: t1 ^ t1 = branchversion
versionRunning ^ branchversion